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The Tendonitis Expert Newsletter, Issue #001 -- Sunlight May Heal Your Tendonitis!
June 17, 2009

Sunshine, A Mineral, and New Stuff

Hello All!

Welcome to the latest issue of The Tendonitis Expert Newsletter!

And if you subscribed a long time ago, you haven't missed an issue, because this is the first!

It won't be the last, and I will make sure they always contain valuable and interesting information.

So let's start!

Summer is here and it's a great time to get out in the sun. Your health may depend on it!

You are all active people with your work and your play and in the spirit of keeping your bodies happy and healthy.....

....for the last couple months I've been investigating Vitamin D and Magnesium in the role of Tendonitis, Tendonitis pain, and pain that mimics Tendonitis.

Sometimes issues like Carpal Tunnel and Tennis Elbow are solely due to tight muscles and repetitive motion injury. Sometimes the symptoms result partially or totally from Vitamin D and/or Magnesium deficiencies.

Know Anything About Vitamin D?

It will blow your mind when you start looking into it. It is a precursor to hormone production, healthy thyroid function, energy levels, heart health, makes you live longer and healthier across the board, and is a key factor for avoiding the cold and flu.

Some of the symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency are random pain, muscle pain, Carpal Tunnel Symptoms, and Tendonitis symptoms.

Fellow Bay Area local (and my main squeeze) Kerri Knox is, among other things, an amazing researcher and writer. Check out her Vitamin D pages.

Fun Facts About Magnesium

* Adequate levels of Magnesium are essential for the absorption and metabolism of Calcium.

* Magnesium helps prevent obesity genes from expressing themselves.

* Magnesium prevents calcium buildup in cholesterol plaque in arteries, which leads to clogged arteries.

Basically, Magnesium relaxes muscles, reduces muscle tightness and spasm associated with injury and chronic Tendonitis, and dilates arteries for more blood flow.

Here's a page I recently created on the website about Magnesium for Tendonitis.

Curious about a Tendonitis or related health topic?

I am adding a Google search function to all the pages on my website.

It is designed to search and Kerri's site

It looks like this, and you can try it out right now if you're looking for something in particular. (You won't be able to see this if your email is set to 'plain text only'.)

I'll send out another newsletter in a couple weeks, with more new stuff and interesting Tendonitis health related tidbits.

I hope you're having a great summer, and go play in the sun!

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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