5 days of Agony, took Levaquin for sinus and throat infection
by Jan
I was given Levaquin 500 mg. 10 days on a tuesday for a sinsus and throat infection. I have taken it for similar conditons (3 times last year, and 2 times the year before).
I was always pleased with the result. I have had sinsus surgery and am allergic to pencillin. Other lesser antibiotics had not worked. 24 hrs after starting the levaquin I developed pain in my right upper arm. I thought it was because I'd gone mad house cleaning on Monday.
I called my Doctor and got an RX for Flexor. I have hurt like hell until Sunday. I went to Redi-Medi had an xray (showed nothing). Was referred to an Orthopedic Doctor today.
Have bursitis, got a cortisone injection and exercises to do. I quit taking the levaquin. I don't know what caused this Levaquin never caused me trouble before.
I'm not able to do anything or I start hurting. I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I have to quit it hurts so bad. Does anyone have a similar story?
Joshua Comments:Hi Jan.
Ouch. That sounds horrible.
I don't know if there's any way to tell if the Levaquin all of a sudden caused it because something changed, or you'd finally had too much of it, or.....
I too am curious if anybody has a story similar to yours.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert