Levaquin Side Effects
Serious Tendon Damage

Levaquin Side Effects are quickly proving the Levaquin medication to be a dangerous choice of antibiotic.

All across the country, complaints about increased pain and tendon damage and tendon rupture have been coming in from people that have been prescribed Levaquin.

Levaquin has a significant side effect of tendon degradation (Tendonosis) and tendon rupture, even in people that had no tendon issue before taking the drug.

While people have been getting damaged by floroquinolone antibiotics, people are starting to wonder "What is Levaquin?" and 'Why did it hurt me so drastically?". It's been hitting the medical news and even main stream news.

Of course, lawyers are jumping all over it and looking forward to class action lawsuits. As they should be. Doctors and the medical field, for the most part seems unaware and unconcerned.

Updated Program Is In The Works!
Coming Soon!

** Levaquin Damage is NOT a repetitive strain injury!

What is Levaquin?

Levaquin belongs to a group of medications known as fluoroquinolones or Quinolone Antibiotics (opens in new page), sometimes known just as "quinolones" for short, that also includes the antibiotics Cipro, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Norfloxacin, and Avelox. 

Cousins that have been removed from the market due to 'unacceptable' damage statistics include (but are not limited to):

  • grepafloxacin (was withdrawn from the worldwide market by the manufacturer in 1999 because of adverse cardiac events.)
  • sparfloxacin
  • trovafloxacin (was withdrawn worldwide between 1999 and 2000 because of the risk of hepatic toxicity.)
  • gatafloxacin
  • Omniflox/temafloxacin was removed from the market in 1982 after three people died (Yet Levaquin killed minimally 924 people between 1996-2008 and is still on the market.)

Statistically, Levaquin harms more people than Cipro.  Depending on who you walk to, of course.

FUN FACT - As of February 2014, about 45,000 individual cases of fluoroquinolone damage has been reported to the FDA.  

The FDA states that only 1%-5% of the actual number of adverse reactions that occur are reported.

So that could read, 'As of February 2014, there have been 900,000 to 4,500,000 cases of adverse reactions to Fluoroquinolones. 

Each one of the fluoroquinolone antibiotics has horror stories.  Here's one from one you don't hear about quite as much; Norfloxacin.  See:  Norfloxacin Nightmare  

You'll notice that Norfloxacin side effects are the same as Levaquin side effects.

which of these are levaquin side effects?

Levaquin is a 'broad-based antibiotic', so it is used with the shotgun approach, as it is not targeted to a specific bacteria. Ideally a doctor will test and identify what bacteria seem to be the problem and pick the best antibiotic, instead of just seeing an infection and Levaquin dosing and hoping that that will do the job.

The use of Levaquin as an anti-biotic seems like a good idea until you start to notice that large numbers of people are experiencing severe unexplained Levaquin tendon damage and pain, sometimes require extensive surgery, and even end up with unrepairable damage.

What is Levaquin used for?

Levaquin medication is used to treat a variety of different infections in adults (only from certain kinds of bacteria) including:

* Sinus infections
* Bronchitis
* Pneumonia
* Skin infections
* Urinary tract infections (UTI)
* Kidney infections
* Prostate infections.

Interestingly enough, Levaquin is also 'approved' to prevent infection after exposure to inhaled anthrax in adults and children. I wonder how they discovered that.....

Plus, Levaquin is approved for the use with children only in cases of Anthrax poisoning. Makes me wonder how often that happens that that made it into the approval process.   Hopefully the Antrax is more a threat than the Levaquin Side Effects.

How Does Levaquin Work?

Levaquin works by interfering with two important bacterial enzymes (topoisomerase IV and DNA gyrase). These enzymes are necessary for bacteria to be able to copy and repair DNA (important steps required in order for bacteria to multiply).

Whether delivered in pill form, by injection, or by IV Levaquin targets certain kinds of bacteria and disrupts their ability to replicate.

Levaquin Side Effects, at least tendon tissue related side effects, may or may not have anything to do with that enzyme targeting process. Doctors and researches don't seem to know how exactly Levaquin damages tendon tissue.

But basically it goes like this:

  1. Your body is out of health.
  2. Doctors give you Levaquin instead of fixing the cause of the dis-health.
  3. Levaquin massively depletes your body of vital nutrition, which can kill off the mitochondria that keep your cells alive.  For some reason, Levaquin targets connective tissue (of muscle, organs, nervous system, etc).  
  4. Levaquin is out of your system in three days, but the tailspin your body's systems are in keeps you in a dive into pain and problem.
  5. Some people do, but most people's body's CAN'T recover because of the factors of this tailspin.
  6. Doctors don't know how to get you out of this tailspin (for some mind-boggling reason).
  7. Your body fails to recover and can continue to quickly or slowly get worse until you correct the factors causing the tailspin.

Don't wait for a 'cure' from the western medical community.  There is no 'cure' possible in pill or surgery form.  That will never be possible, because it just doesn't work that way.

How Long Do Levaquin
Side Effects Last?

If you don't do anything about it, side effects can last for months, years, decades, or the rest of your life

If you don't do anything in particular other than wait it out, MAYBE symptoms will fade away within a year, but if they don't....they won't.  So you need to get to work doing the right things.

How long does levaquin last in your system?

Side effects can last the rest of your life.

But Levaquin is only in your system for a few days, let's call it a week.  

So how can that be?

Great question.  And knowing the answer is the avenue to knowing how to get better/recover.

Levaquin Side Effects

Levaquin Side Effects - What are the Side Effects of Levaquin?

Like all antibiotics and drugs, the medication Levaquin has side effects.

Levaquin Side Effects like:

  • Yeast infections
  • C Difficile Infection
  • Shortness of breath
  • Abdominal pain (stomach pain)
  • Vomiting
  • Indigestion or heartburn
  • Water retention
  • Chest pain
  • Pain at the injection site (when the medication is given by IV)
  • Vaginal irritation or infection.  Of course you are at risk of yeast infection and Intestinal Candida Symptoms if you kill all the good bacteria in your digestive tract.
  • Muscle ache and pain
  • Joint pain
  • Tendon pain
  • Tendon falling apart, literally
  • Anxiety, claustrophobia, panic, brain fog, psychosis, dementia, etc
  • Detached retina
  • Phototoxicity (skin sensitive to sunlight)
  • Kidney failure

There are many other side effects that I'm not going to list because every drug has a huge list of side effects, which normally aren't a problem.

But the tendon related side effects of Levaquin are much more significant. This is the first drug I've heard of that specifically targets tendon tissue and damages it.

People have reported tendon ruptures in the week or two after first taking Levaquin. That is fast and significant damage. For the most part, Levaquin side effects and dangers aren't any worse than other antibiotics'...except for the tendon damage.

Irreversible Tendonosis from the antibiotic you were give for a cold?? Oops. (BTW, antibiotics don't work for colds, doctors give them just to make people think something beneficial is being given to them.)

Cipro and Floxin and Floxacin are also bad guys from the same quinolone family that cause joint pain, burning nerve pain, and possible tissue damage.

www.Levaquin.com says this: "Fluoroquinolones, including LEVAQUIN™, are associated with an increased risk of tendinitis and tendon rupture in all ages. This risk is further increased in older patients usually over 60 years of age, in patients taking corticosteroid drugs, and in patients with kidney, heart, or lung transplants."

They don't, unfortunately, tell you the rest of the potentially permanently disabling side effects, nor offer any alternatives or cures.

Levaquin Tendonitis

Levaquin Side Effects - Levaquin Tendonitis and Tendonosis

Tendonitis is inflammation and possibly microscopic wear and tear damage to the tendon.  

But really it's multiple factors all working together to cause pain, problem, and decrease in function.   See:  What Is Tendonitis?

Growing knowledge of tendonitis is pointing to a particular issue of 'Tendonosis', which basically means that due to lack of blood, the outer layers of a tendon begin to die and deteriorate.

Then the dying areas get pulled apart due to the stresses placed on the tendon from muscle contraction.

Levaquin Tendonitis, however, is an entirely different animal.  It can quickly cause tendonitis and tendonosis AND connective tissue (tendon) cell death and structure damage.

Somehow, Levaquin causes targeted degeneration of the tendon and other connective tissue.

This can happen quickly, like in a week or two, even as soon as 2 hours after delivery to the body. Or due to extended Levaquin use, it can slowly do damage over time. It just depends on the person, their body's reaction to Levaquin, and the Levaquin dosage they take.

A common Levaquin dosage is 250mg to 500mg. I just spoke to a woman yesterday whose doctor gave her 1 gram dosage of Levaquin. Looking around the internet I also see that a 'common' dose of Levaquin 750 mg.

So depending on how much Levaquin a person takes, and how their body reacts to it, and a host of other factors that haven't yet been identified, a person on Levaquin may or may not experience tendon damage.

Levaquin Side Effects are a serious consideration if you are thinking of taking that particular antibiotic, no matter how young or healthy you are. The woman who was prescribed 1g is 25 years old, and suddenly has severe Achilles Tendonitis pain and limitation- possibly permanently.

Do You Know What To Do If
You Have Levaquin Damage?

Levaquin Side Effects - What to do about them

  1. Educate yourself! (Which includes getting on the free 7 Day E-Course with the form below.)
  2. Educate others! Help me spread the word so people can get relief from their Levaquin induced pain and damage, and even better, avoid getting Fluoroquinolone cytotoxicity in the first place.
  3. Please share a link to this page on the forums and blogs you visit.  So many people out there suffering from Levaquin Side Effects don't have the first clue what to do.  Nor do they know the very FIRST thing they should immediately be focusing on (hint:  it's magnesium).
  4. Please take a moment and click on the 'like' button above this section. The more people know about this, the less pain there will be in the world.
  5. It can't hurt to be aware of legal options, here's a start:  Levaquin Class Action Suit

Share your story below, and read other people's experience with Levaquin Side Effects at the bottom fo the page.



Now, What Specifically To Do If You Have Side Effects
From Levaquin?

Now, what specifically to do if you have side effects from Levaquin?

Doctors don't have anything to offer to reverse these disabling side effects and damage that is being done. But some common sense and some understanding of how the body works is a good place to start.

But there IS hope if you have experienced ANY of the multitude of tendon and toxicity problems caused by Levaquin, you can read more about the 'Levaquin Tendonitis Solution' on the Healing Levaquin Tendonitis page. While there are many doctors and people suffering from this problem that claim that the damage can't be healed, there are certainly people who HAVE healed from this and so there ARE solutions. In any case, supporting the body's healing processes, stopping any further damage and keeping pain levels down is the number one priority.

For a more in depth and technical description of some of the problems caused by Levaquin and what one of the 'worst case scenarios' is for what could happen to you if you take these antibiotics and end up with Levaquin Tendonitis and toxicity, see my conversation with David Fuller, Director of the Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Research Foundation (website has been shut down). Side Effects Of Levaquin Conversation.

Don't get discouraged after reading his site though. There is hope, and there are specific activities to take to help your body heal.

Have You Taken Levaquin and Had A Bad Experience?

Do you have a story about you or a loved one taking the Levaquin antibiotic? What were the Levaquin side effects? Levaquin Tendonitis or tendon rupture?

1. What did you have going on that you took Levaquin (or Cipro, Avelox, Ciprofloxacin, etc) for?
2. How much did you take?
3. How soon after did you first experience side effects?
4. Progression of side effects (who what how where when)?
5. What the doctors said about it.
6. What you've tried so far to reverse the affect on your body.
7. What helped, what didn't.
8. How long have you had side effects?
9. Any questions you might have.

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Questions And What Other Visitors Have Said About Levaquin

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this Levaquin medication page...

Cipro, It just keeps on giving. . . 
In October 2014 I was given a 10 day course of cipro for a bladder infection. No problems. I thought. Infection gone, I celebrated my 64th birthday, life …

Could posterior tibial tendonitis and rupture be from Levaquin taken years ago? 
I am a 55 year old male. For the past 3 years or so I have been dealing with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction that has really gotten bad in the past …

Levaquin and cipro nightmare 
I have been prescribed levaquin and cipro for years for frequent uti's and respiratory infections. Every time I was given the drug I was prescribed 500 …

A nightmare end to my work here in Cambodia... 
I am a 55yr old Yoga teacher, Originaly born in the UK. I an now living and was working here in Cambodia. I took a 10 day course of 500 mg of Levoflaxin....on …

Not Taking Levofloxacin Would be my #1 Redo 
I returned from an out-of-state trip in Aug. of 2013 with the feeling of an allergy/sinus bout coming on. With my ENT unavailable I sought treatment from …

A mix of Ciprofloxacin Clonazepam Corticosteroids and NSAIDS 
June 28th 2013 I had a gastrointestinal problem with diarrhea and vomiting. which didnt throw bacterial infection. It could have been a virus, but an emergency …

Cipro caused tendon/nerve damage 
I'm 43 years old and was in great health and my career was going strong. I had a reaction after my 3rd pill of Cipro. 9/15/13: Woke up 3 times during …

Levofloxacin for sinus infection lead to weird side effects 
My doctor prescribed levofloxacin for a sinus infection prior to leaving for my honeymoon. I took the first dose the first night and experienced terrible …

Norfloxacin nightmare 
I was prescribed norfloxacin to tackle a bad case of food poisoning. The initial 2 pills bought about no side effects, but within 3 hours of taking the …

Coconut Oil Provided Relief For This Woman's Levaquin Side Effects 
I was walking in the park one day and for no apparent reason, I felt a terrible pain in my foot. I began limping. My foot began to pronate outward. I developed …

Frustrated! Wound not closed & infection 7 weeks after bone spur and achilles tendon surgery, and now prescribed Cipro 
First off I am a 49 yr old female in good health, I participate in 5K's & 10K's yearly. I started having Achilles problems early 2011. I had bumped …

Only three cipro pills, i caught it early, what's going to happen? 
I am 23, took 3 cipro pills (500mg) for suspected urinary infection. Weird things started to happen, on the 1st day I had no energy at all. The next night …

Doctors are reckless with Levaquin 
I went to the hospital on July 13th 2012, and was diagnosed with a kidney infection. I was hospitalized for 4 days and given 1500mg daily of Levofloxin …

Can't Belive this has happened from Levaquin for diverticulitis 
I was placed on Levaquin three weeks ago for diverticulitis. I am not able to take an Sulfa drugs so the drug of choice was Levaquin 500 mg. q.d. by the …

My Doctor Said Cipro Didn't Cause Muscle Pain and Weakness, and No Long Term Side Effects 
I had a potential UTI, doctor gave me cipro for 2 weeks 500mg 2x daily. I've never been on antibiotics but almost everyone I know has, so I didn't think …

Cipro Saga, anxiety, overwhelmed, muscle pain, burning, ringing in the ears, etc, all the classic Cipro side effects 
Hi, I am writing for a relative who took Cipro and has been unable to work for four and a half months. It was originally for a UTI but no bacteria …

Levaquin Side Effects from taking Levaquin for a sinus infection May 12th 
So I took Levaquin for a sinus infection on May 12th. May 13th, May 14th started feeling some joint pain, May 15th I took my last one as after that the …

Foot pain from taking Levaquin for an upper respiratory infection 
Took Levaquin for an upper respiratory infection. This was my 3rd round of antibiotics. Started out with Amoxicillin for sinus infection. It moved …

Runner Athlete to Couch Potato after Cipro caused Achilles and Hip pain 
January 10th of 2012 I had a kidney stone attack which left me in the emergency room. The attending physician gave me a seven day dosage of Cipro (500mg …

Cipro A cure worse than the ailment 
Hi, I was prescribed 500 mg of CIPRO twice a day for 7 days. I only took it for 5 days, because I was getting symptomatic with back and elbow pain from …

Can Cipro cause bulging discs? 
Hi, can Cipro cause bulging discs? I am 33 year old female and I took cipro for two days and discontinued it due to pain in my right ankle. Since …

Levaquin Antibiotic gastric side effects and yeast infections 
In the mid 1990's I was administered a strong antibiotic to deal with influenza symptoms. It could very well have been Levaquin, but I don't have any …

Unexplained Pain From Levaquin and Dementia 
Just before I was due to have surgery (unrelated), I was referred to a pulmonary specialist because of breathing problems. Prior to this, about a month …

who knew 5 days on Levaquin for sinus and ear infection would cause so much pain 
I started taking Levaquin seven days ago, about 5 days into taking it I was noticing pain in my shoulder, then in my elbow and at base of my thumb. Was …

Click here to write your own.

Levaquin caused knee pain, aches, pains, insomnia, lightheadedness 
I got the most relief from the side effects of Levaquin from the ice treatments followed by heat described here. I took Levaquin for 7 days for a persistent …

Multiple tendon ruptures after both Levaquin and Cipro taken in a couple months 
I was administered Levaquin and Cipro within a couple of months late in the year of 2010 for cellulitis. The levaquin was administered mostly by IV …

Poisoned from Levaquin, Would A Fluoride Detox Help? 
I took levaquin on April 17, 2009-by the 20th I was so ill I could not stand, open eyes, chronic/screaming pain, muscle twitches, insomnia, hearing sensitivity, …

Horrible Effects of Levaquin-warning to the unaware! 
My 47 yr old previously healthy husband had abdominal surgery, got post-op pneumonia 2 days later, even though he did immediately use the breathing exercise …

Severe Joint pain after 4 days of Levaquin 500 mg. for bronchitis 
I am a 56 yr. healthy white female and in April, 2011, was prescribed Levaquin for bronchitis. After 4 days of taking it, I had SEVERE joint pain in my …

Bedridden for 10 years from 500mg Levaquin bad drug reaction 
I had a bad drug reaction after receiving Levaquin 500mg IV with surgery. General muscle weakness and low stamina ensued. Two years later, I tore at my …

Military Gave Me Levaquin Antibiotic for Fungal Infection from Ruptured Ear Drum 
I damaged my ear drum in the Persian Gulf, and returned to my home station with a severe fungal infection which led the (ear nose and throat) ENT clinic …

Took levofloxacin (brand new generic) for Levaquin 
I took Levaquin in the form of the new generic Levofloxacin. Within 3 days, knees were in such pain it felt they were both on fire. It was the most …

Levaquin Nightmare, 120,000mg of Ciprofloxacin for a prostate infection 
My husband has in the last 4 years been prescribed over 120,000 mg of Ciprofloxacin Antibiotics for a prostate infection. 1000 mg a day for a month at …

Been suffering for two years post levaquin therapy  
Hi Joshua, I really appreciate your site offering help to fluoroquinolone victims. I too am suffering tremendously every day. I'm 23 yrs old. I took …

What Can I Do About Levaquin Side Effects? 
I was given a prescription of Levaquin 500MG consisting of 10 pills. At the end of my taking them I suddenly developed sharp pain in my achilles tendon …

77 year old took Levaquin for Pneumonia, many bad side effects 
The summer of 2001 my Mother in very good good health and physically active(77 years old)became ill with pnuemonia. Was treated with inhalers and antibiotics. …

Took one Levaquin pill and I'm in pain all over. My life is done . I'm going to be Homeless cause I can't work. 
I was told I had prostatitis after quitting Propecia. I was given Bactrim which gave me fever of 103 and a rash. The doctor gave me steroids to counter …

I took Levaquin for a lung infection about 6 months ago 
I am a very active, (Degree in Personal Training and Nutrition) 49 year old, female with sudden onset of severe joint pain (tendinitis) in both elbows, …

Tendon damage in 55 year old, post Levaquin while working out 
I am a 55 yr old male who had 3X bypass surgery July 2010. Part of my new routine was to work out 3-4x per week at a gym. I started using a trainer after …

Cipro is causing me serious pain... 
I'm a 27 y/o who leads a very physical lifestyle. I play drums for a living as a touring musician, endorsed by drum companies, touring about 5 months out …

Excruciating tendon pain from Levaquin for sinus infection 
In October 2010 I had a sinus infection and was treated with Levaquin. On the third day I noticed severe joint pain in my legs, the next day my friend …

Elbow Tendonitis 3 weeks after taking Levaquin 
My doctor prescribed me 2 weeks of Levaquin pills for a severe sinus infection. I only took one weeks worth after studying this toxic drug and realizing …

Levaquin almost paralyzed me. 
In June, 2009, I took Levaquin for a sinus problem. When I was outside at a horse show, my shoulders and legs stopped working. I was paralyzed. I since …

Complete Achilles Tendon Rupture after Levaquin for Sinus Infection 
March of 2004 I had a severe sinus infection and went through three rounds of Levaguin before it finally stopped. The last day of the prescription …

Avalox For Sinus Infection Caused Left Achilles Tendonitis 
I was prescribed Avelox for a serious sinus issue and within a week I had developed tendonitis in my left ankle. I am not an athlete and have never …

Nearly died because of Levaquin 
I was prescribed Levaquin for an acute reoccuring sinus infection, which now I was told, I should have never been prescribed this drug. It is to …

Fluorquinolones are a big mistake!!! And the effects build with usage. 
Hi,I am a 42y/o woman who now has horrendous Achilles tendonitis and cannot run anymore. Where did this come from??? Well, I have my opinion. Two years …

Took Levaquin Twice and Got Plantar Fasciitis Each Time 
I got painful plantar fasciitis over a year ago after taking Levaquin for a sinus infection. I went to a Podiatrist, who gave me inserts for my shoes …

My Quinolone Antibiotic Nightmare 
I was poisoned by a quinolone antibiotic (just 2 pills!) over 4 years ago when I was 30. I had no problems whatsoever with tendons or joints before that. …

Click here to write your own.

Can barely walk due to thigh pain after 6 days on Levaquin 500mg 
I have been on Levaquin for 6 days now and after the 3rd day noticed pain in both hips and thighs. I thought the pain was a result of having a chiropractic …

Stay away from levaquin if at all possible, severe leg and back muscle cramps 
I was prescribed levaquin for a case of early pneumonia. After the second dose of 750mg I started to have severe leg and back muscle spasms. My legs …

Shoulder Tendonitis, Levaquin 500 mg, Antioxidant is helping 
I took levaquin for 8 days started feeling pain from my neck to around my shoulder blades. I had stabbing pains, in my shoulders and ribs. Felt like …

Tendonitis from Levaquin or Hypermobile Joints or a combination of both 
I took Levaquin for a sinus infection in the Fall of 2008. I developed cramping in my calves that night and it woke me from my sleep. I had never had …

Levaquin for throat infection now pain in ankles and wrist 
Hi Joshua, I am so glad to have found your website and hope that you can help me! I had a really bad throat infection for almost a month. My …

Pneumonia + Levaquin = Knee Tendonitis? 
I was hospitalized 2 weeks ago with pneumonia and congestive heart failure. they treated me with a couple of antibiotics and when i was released, i had …

Levaquin is worse than my pneumonia and bronchitis 
In short, I had pneumonia following bronchitis. Now I have horrible ringing in my ears that wakes me up; horrible tendonitis; rigid abdomen and gas; …

Levaquin put me in a wheelchair.... 
2003-2007 - I have ulcerative colitis and can dehydrate when it flares up. I went to Dr. due to flare up, trying to prevent the dehydration. Was …

Treated for pneumonia, took levaquin in 2001. Wished I never did. 
I was treated for a severe case of pneumonia with the drug Levaquin. Within a month I started to experience pain in my joints. A couple of months later …

5 days of Agony, took Levaquin for sinus and throat infection 
I was given Levaquin 500 mg. 10 days on a tuesday for a sinsus and throat infection. I have taken it for similar conditons (3 times last year, and 2 …

4 Bags Of IV Levaquin for pneumonia. Bad Drug 
I was given 4 bags of 750 mg Levaquin iv in Nov. 2009 for pneumonia. I was also given a prescription for two Levaquin capsules to take at home. On …

Levaquin 750 mg for skin on chest infection- Jan 2010 
Male, age 82, excellent health (mother lived to 104 and physician father to 91). Local Urgent Care prescribed 5 Levaquin 750 mg pills - and gave me …

Cipro damage to tendons, doctor said was making too big a deal out of it 
I am 36, male, took cipro for 8 days, 1x500mg a day for prostate infection. I was aware of the side effects and reduced a dosage to 1X500mg instead of …

I was given IV Levaquin in hospital for two days-my story 
My levaquin story. I need to vent. While a patient in the hospital for GI bleeding, my Dr. had a chest x-ray taken because I had a fever. Because …

Chance of recovering from Ciprofloxacin side effects? 
I agree with all that you have listed about Ciprofloxacin. I have taken it for 3 days 250 mg I believe. Took 2 a day for 3 days. I began to experience …

Levaquin Tendonitis, Lack of Range of Motion, Pain, Shoulder, Biceps Area 
I'm 66 yo female, horse farm owner, equestrian. Active. I had bronchitis in August. Given prednisone + levaquin 500mg. 10 days after starting Levaquin …

On-going Tendon related issues since the late '90's and my introduction to Levaquin and Intranasal Corticosteroids 
I wish I had kept a diary/resume of inexplicable tendon related injuries while battling chronic acute sinusitis. I've had 3 sinus surgeries since '95, …

Toxic Reaction From Levaquin, Am I Doomed? 
I believe I too have suffered from a toxic reaction to levaquin. Both knees are swollen and sore. I can't completely straighten one. The ENT …

Levaquin Tendonosis or Pharmaceutical Plague? 
Joshua- I've looked at your submission guidelines. I'm not sure I can write about my experience and remain both "in good taste" and non-defamatory about …

Scared with Levofloxacin and Bronchitis and Shoulder Tendonitis 
I had surgery on my arm last year for a nerve that was also associated with a tendon in my forarm. The surgery was sucessfull and I havent had a …

Levaquin Tendonitis in shoulder, Still need help 
Hi Joshua I wrote to you before about possible levaquin side effects for a sudden onset tendonitis and rotator cuff tear. I saw a surgeon in late …

How to Avoid Degradation in a Possible Levaquin Tendon Injury 
I was prescribed 500 mg/day of Levaquine for both a UTI and Upper Respiratory infection in November of 2007. By the 3rd day of taking the prescription …

Levaquin And Shoulder Tendonitis, Will Surgery Help? 
I had sudden onset of left shoulder pain following use of Levaquin antibiotic in May 2008. MRI shows tendonitis, bursitis, rotator cuff tear and frayed …

Achilles tendonitis caused by Levaquin 
My pain started early november 08 -- I didn't know why I had it. Then I saw in late November when the doctor recomended Levaquin (again)that levaquin …

Tendon Pain, Took Levaquin For Recurrent Sinus Infection  
I have taken 3 courses of the Levaquin, fluroquinlone family of antibiotics. All of the sinus infections were pretty bad so I don't blame the doctors …

Click here to write your own.

Levaquin Nightmare From A Single 750mg Dosage 
I will never forgot my experience with this poison. I never had a bad reaction or was allergic to any medications, but had only taken the occasional penicillin …

Lobster man with TMJ and shoulder injury, possibly from Levaquin 
Three years ago I had a significant (6.5mm) kidney stone and the ER physician prescribed several drugs. One of them was a 3-day regimen of Levaquin. …

Levaquin: Is there a cure? 
Hi Joshua, I am a 45 year old male who was prescribed Levaquin for a prostate infection. After 3 doses, I had a severe reaction, started with neverousness, …

Want To Return My Levaquin Prescription 
I was recently prescribed Levaquin. After reading your article I want to contact my doctor and tell her to send me a refund for the two prescriptions I …

Levaquin IV 3 Days and Two Levaquin pills and I'm down 
In hospital for minor foot infection. Different IV 3 days. Off IV. 750 mg Levaquin one evening, another dose next morning. They gave me Levaquin information …

Bleeding Bladder And Levaquin Leads To Shoulder Tendonitis Pain 
I rushed to the emergency room to find a cure for bloody urine and excruciating pain in my back. The nurse was even so kind to leave me unattended …

A Cipro story from Romania, 'possible' uti Not rated yet
well... In November I took 7 days of Cipro for a "possible" urinal infection. My story starts in December 2016 when some knee pain occurred at my left …

Tough time after Levaquin Not rated yet
I took Levaquin for the first time approx. 2 months ago. It was prescribed to me by my doctor after 2nd sinus infection (which I don't event think I had). …

I am a 66 year old female. The only medicine I take daily is lisinopriil /HCTZ 10-12.5 tablet once a day and a 81 milligram aspirin. I am very active for …

Never Had Side Effects... Until Levafloxicin! Not rated yet
Sinus infection was slow to go away with a ten day round of Augmentin, so was given a seven day prescription for Levafloxicin 500 mg. I think it affected …

I have used Cipro for over 20 years for UTIs Not rated yet
I have used Cipro for over 20 years for UTI's. No problems but depression. Works great for infection. This year, now were on all Generic brands and …

No Choice But To Take Levquin, Tendon/Joint Pain Continues to Increase after 6 years Not rated yet
After a dog bite on my finger in 2010, it quickly became infected and entered the bloodstream causing hospitalization. After having surgery on the …

Trouble walking after Levaquin Not rated yet
In Sept 2007 I took Levaquin for the 1st time for a sinus infection and it worked. In Feb 2008 I had another sinus infection, the Dr had given 1 refill …

Aimee's Tendon Tears Not rated yet
Leavaquin & cipro were antibiotics I took numerous times for sinus infections, bronchitis & UTI's. I'm in the military & went to the pharmacy today …

Levofloxacin For Anosmia From Sinus Infection Not rated yet
Levofloxacin History On 12/18/2014, I was prescribed Levofloxacin 500mg BID for anosmia, caused by a sinus infection. The physician did not tell …

Prescribed Levofloxacin WHILE BREAST FEEDING Not rated yet
I'm currently 28 as of writing this. I had bronchitis for about a month--the Biaxin didn't work--so the doc prescribed the Levaquin, of which I got the …

Torn Pectoral Tendon from Levaquin Not rated yet
About 12 years ago (2000) my doctor prescribed a prolonged dosage of levaquin because I had pnuemonia. I had been an avid weight lifter and in very good …

Pain from levaquin for spot on lung, report it to the FDA Not rated yet
I took levaquin for a spot they found on my lung. I had to takethe levaquin for about 1 week. On my last dose I started feeling like I had the flu. …

Achilles Tendonitis and Cipro ...suprise?! Not rated yet
Hello and thank you for all your help. I was at a point where my achilles tendonitis was not getting better with extensive Physical Therapy. I have …

Wish I had read this last month! Not rated yet
Joshua- What a fantastic site. I wish I read this before last month when I went in for a severe UTI. I am allergic to just about every antibiotic so …

Levaquin is a Horrible Drug, can't believe it's still on the market Not rated yet
I had a left total knee replacement and developed an infection. The first antibiotic (Kelflex) did not help so the Surgeon placed me on 750 mg. Levaquin …

Nothing Stops my Strep Throat, Levaquin Hurt My Joints Not rated yet
The beginning of November I was prescribed Amoxicillan for a sinus infection. I finished the 10 day dose and a few days after started experiencing a very …

Levoquin (generic Levaquin) and my COPD. Not rated yet
On the 27 th of jan 2012 I was prescribed Levoquin by my Pulminary Dr to combat the bronchitis I was having symptoms with. Since I had come off of …

NEVER had so much pain as I've had since taking Levaquin 750mg for 2 days Not rated yet
I was prescribed 750mg of Levaquin for 2 weeks for severe chronic sinus infections. After about 2 days, everything of me began to hurt. The doctor told …

Another Musician's Levaquin Story Not rated yet
In September 2010, I had what I thought was flu, which seemed normal. I was prescribed Amoxicillin, and took it til it was finished.Things got worse, so …

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MY LAST DAY OF NORMALCY was before taking Levaquin Not rated yet

Why was I given this Levaquin drug? Not rated yet
I am 39 have played football all my life and also worked on the farm. Physical abuse to the body was normal. I have had bronchitis off and on all my …

Currently Taking Levaquin But Won't Take The Last Two Doses Not rated yet
After a couple weeks of a swollen tonsils and feeling lousy, I went to my doctor. I was put on amoxicillin without any real explanation. It didn't …

After Levaquin IV and Cipro took a step and got excruciating pain Not rated yet
I did not injure myself doing anything to twist or fall on my knee. I just took one step up and pushed off my left foot. About 6 weeks before this …

Is Levaquin responsible for my tendon injury? Not rated yet
I took Levaquin for a "nasty kidney infection" (the ER doc's words) in February, 2011. I took the full 10 day course, and didn't seem to have any adverse …

Gyromitrin Spores Infection vs. Levaquin Toxic Reaction Not rated yet
In my situation, I now know that I became sensitized to gyromitrin spores from a black mold in the basidiospore group. The symptoms led doctors in …

Cts after Levaquin Not rated yet
Hey Joshua. Everytime I search a Levaquin symptom it takes me back to your site. I was asking questions about the Levaquin in your Tendonitis section …

Scared to work out again after 10 days of Cipro Not rated yet
I had a bad recurring sinus infection. My doctor put me on 500mg of cipro, twice a day, for 10 days, so that is 1000 mg of cipro a day for 10 days. …

I hurt all over after Cipro, Levaquin, and steroid dose pak Not rated yet
Had massive sinus infection in right side of head. Put on cipro and steroid dose Pak. Two weeks later was no better, maybe worse. Scheduled for surgery. …

Horrible Levaquin Side Effects Not rated yet
My 50 year old brother was given Levaquin for a sinus and chest infection. Within a few days, he experienced horrible cramping in his legs, arms and hands, …

9 Weeks of Cipro Pain. Up and Down.  Not rated yet
I took Cipro back in February for a possible UTI, 500mg/2x day for 2 days. The third day I started to feel the pain. It will be 9 weeks on Thursday …

forearm tendonitis a week after levaquin after 30 minutes of gardening Not rated yet
hi- i am a healthy, active 37 yr old female, recently diagnosed with forearm tendonitis. It developed right after an-half-hour long session of pulling …

Phototoxicity Side effects of Levaquin, rash and peeling Not rated yet
I started using levaquin to treat pleurisy. After 10 days of using levaquin I had severe pain in my calfs, wrists, forearms and in my elbow. I had …

Constant Downhill Since Levaquin, then Cipro Not rated yet
In 2009, I had pain in my left lumbar back - at the waist, not the kidneys. The doctor took a urine sample, but I had NO SYMPTOMS of a UTI - NOT ONE! …

4 days of levaquin 500mg Not rated yet
I took levaquin 2x for respiratory infections in March-April 2002. In July 2002, I had long returned to working out and running. One day I ran miles …

Cant use my thumbs After Taking Levaquin Not rated yet
Was on levaquin three different times for three different infections. I have tendon tearing on both my thumbs and wrists. Forty one years old and can't …

Ciproflexin for a prostate infection Not rated yet
And now I can barely walk. I was prescribed ciproflexin on 8-09-2007 for a prostate infection. The surgeon advised me not to exercise while on cipro …

Possible Levaquin and Mylopathy Interaction Not rated yet
I suffer quadriparesis and other residual damage from an attack of acute transverse mylopathy level c5/c6 that incurred in 1975. 3 weeks ago while …

End of an era, I Took Levaquin For 6 Days Not rated yet
I took Levaquin for 6 days, now I can't walk. The End ---- Joshua Answers: Hi Skeeter. Ouch. As always, there's more to …

Achilles Tendonitis from Levaquin for post-surgery infection Not rated yet
I took Levaquin (twice) for a post-surgery infection in 2005, and I remember looking up the side effects of this drug when I had a very painful stinging …

I was given IV Levaquin in hospital for two days-my story Not rated yet
My levaquin story. I need to vent. While a patient in the hospital for GI bleeding, my Dr. had a chest x-ray taken because I had a fever. Because …

Prescribed Levaquin AND Cipro, severe debilitating tendon damage Not rated yet
Hi Joshua. Thanks for making so much information available on your site. A few weeks ago I was prescribed Levaquin and Cipro and I've developed …

Cipro Related Tendon Problems- Collagen Booster without Animal Not rated yet
Hi. I am a 35 year old previously healthy female. I had reoccuring UTIs for the past two years and was given Cipro several times. The second …

Can the usage of Levaquin cause Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Not rated yet
I have had Carpal Tunnel Surgery on both wrists and was wondering if taking Levaquin could effect the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? ---- Joshua …

Anything different to do with Cipro induced tendonitis than other forms? Not rated yet
I have had tendonitis on multiple locations due to cipro. I have been in PT, and that has worked to some degree, but is taking much longer than normal …

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Horrific Experience from 750 MG of Levaquin! Not rated yet
March 17, 2006 Side effects: Levaquin 750 mg. Two days - knee function lost. Could not get out of bed on my own. Lost mobility of my hands. …

Levaquin Tendonitis getting progressively worse, in pain everyday Not rated yet
I am a 20 year old male who recently (3 months ago) became afflicted with Levaquin tendonitis. I took the medication when I was younger for acne, …

Anaphylactic Reaction From Levaquin IV For Infection Not rated yet

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