Shoulder Tendonitis, Levaquin 500 mg, Antioxidant is helping
by eveie
(boerne, tx, usa)
I took levaquin for 8 days started feeling pain from my neck to around my shoulder blades.
I had stabbing pains, in my shoulders and ribs. Felt like pins and needles in my chest.
I have been to 7 doctors in the last 7 months. I went to a chiropractor and he put me on a drink called sozo, and started massaging my muscles this is the frist time in a long time that i feel better.
I still have a little pain. But every time i go i feel a little better every time. This is working for me so i thought you might want to look into this and see if it might work for other people to.
Pain is hard to deal with day in and day out for people, so sometimes we have to try different things to see what works.
When it comes to levaquin try everything, do not give up. Do not let this drug beat you.
Joshua Answers:Hi Eveie.
Thanks for writing in, and sorry the Levaquin affected you toxicly.
I took a super quick look at the Sozo drink.
It says 3 oz provides 20x the antioxidant protection of 20 servings of fruits and veggies.
I don't know how much that actually is, but:
Levaquin Tendonitis and Levaquin damage is partly/mostly due to HUGE oxidative stress. High dose antioxidants may just be very very effective at reducing symptoms, it's one part of the
Levaquin Tendonitis Solution that my partner Kerri and I have developed to deal with Levaquin Tendonitis.
If it's working, keep at it!
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert