Succesful Plantar Fasciitis Surgery in Austrailia


I had initially hurt both feet whilst serving in the RAN. I could hardly walk in the mornings and to get any where i had to walk on the sides of my feet.

After several doctor appointments, physio etc no one could identify my pain as plantar fasciitis.

8 years on, and pain on and off for that period of time my GP diagnosed my right foot with plantar fasciitis, my left foot had completely healed.

Stretches and exercises did not work, and i opted for surgery. The pain was minimal and found that after my second follow up appointment i had no more pain, from surgery or the fasciitis.

I since lost 20kg, have attended gym on a daily basis running minimum of 3k/m a day whilst also playing sport twice a week.

Wouldnt change a thing and would do it all again, my foot has been great with no pain 17months on.


Joshua Comments:

Great! I always love it when surgery is effective.

8 years of foot pain, ouch.

Out of curiousity, how long would you say the 'recovery' was?

And I'm always interested in long term post-surgery studies. Keep us updated as time goes by.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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