Avalox For Sinus Infection Caused Left Achilles Tendonitis
by Susan
(New York)
I was prescribed Avelox for a serious sinus issue and within a week I had developed tendonitis in my left ankle.
I am not an athlete and have never suffered from this condition. In fact, I was researching foot anatomy on the web to self-diagnose my pain when I came across a number of references to tendonitis developing as a result of taking a certain family of antibiotics.
Six months later, I am still suffering. Some days are worse than others and I see no improvement. I caution people to be their own advocates and I caution doctors to be more aware. My dentist who prescribes antibiotics regularly had never heard of this.
I am in no doubt that my tendonitis is the result of my course of antibiotics.
Joshua Answers: Hello Susan.
Yes, Avelox is a member of the fluoroquinolone family of antibiotics, that includes
Levaquin and
It's entirely unsurprising that your dentist has never heard of this. And you said, doctors should be more aware. It's a huge problem when it's a problem.
And while doctors regularly dismiss symptoms like yours as having no possible connection to the antibiotics they prescribe, a description like yours, where you had no pain or other
Symptoms of Tendonitis, and then you suddenly did have chronic, long lasting pain that doesn't act like regular
Tendonitis, makes it pretty clear.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert