Elbow Pain Tendinitus, Naproxen didn't work, Need to feel better to clean houses
by Becky
I went to the doctor due to pain in elbow area. They said I had tendinitus and gave me naproxen for a month. It did nothing for me.
Could it be something else. What can I do it's so painful it hurts to lift coffee mug sometimes.
I clean houses and have to use arm.
Joshua AnswersHi Becky. I'm sorry to hear that you are having debilitating elbow pain.
Let's get you back to pain free house cleaning.
Pain Killers and Anti-inflammatories like Naproxen just don't work. They don't accurately target all, or even any, of the right factors that need to be addressed to reverse the Tendonitis dynamic.
I need more information! Let's figure out if you just have a sore elbow, or something more serious, or?
1. One elbow or both? Which side?
2. How long has it been hurting, from the very beginning. I bet you've been ignoring it for a good long time.
3. When you can't pick up a mug, where does it hurt?
4. Where exactly does the elbow hurt? Please describe location and type of pain.
5. Does it hurt all the time, or just when you try to use it, etc.
The more information you give me, the better idea I can have of what is going on with you.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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