Ask the Tendonitis Expert!
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wanted to.....

Now is your chance to ask the Tendonitis Expert anything you want. It doesn't even have to be about Tendonitis :)

Lower down the page are HUNDREDS of questions and answers!

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Do you have questions about your Carpal Tunnel, Wrist Tendonitis, Tennis Elbow, Golfer's Elbow, Shoulder Cuff Tendonitis and/or injury, Whiplash, Shin Splints, Tenosynovitis, Plantar Fasciitis, etc?

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If you have read through the website and still have questions, ask away! But please do read around, and use the 'search' box up to the right as it's likely someone has already asked your question (or it may not be your exact situation but may be very close).

If you have an issue going on that hasn't been helped by doctors and everything else out there, AND that is not answered or helped on this site, then ask away!

I will do my best to respond promptly.

Please keep in mind that I do a lot of traveling, and creating self-help pain-elimination products so thousands of people can be helped at once. There may be some delay responding to your message.

And, I am thrilled to be able to answer your questions as I may, and if it takes me a little while, please be understanding:)


Ask The Tendonitis Expert!

Ok, well, RIGHT NOW isn't your chance......

Questions are piling up faster than I can answer (62 questions submitted in the last two weeks), I'm swamped so I'm turning off the 'ask a question' option for at least a few weeks.

I'll be open for questions again soon enough, so come on back or take the 'Quick Response' option below.


The following Q&A is free!

Having said that, I generally do get more questions than I can keep up with. If you want a 4-36 hour turnaround on your question use the Paypal button below to purchase a Quick Response (then come back and submit your question with lots of details in the form below).

If you order a Quick Response, you'll get one. I'll email you back with a question format to fill out and then I'll post your submission for you with an answer (and likely more questions to clarify your situation).

If you don't, I will answer your question (if it's a good question with enough details, and if you leave your email address for notification), but it may take me days, weeks, or months, to get to.

$20 for a Quick Response

Please look/read through the HUNDREDS OF ANSWERED QUESTIONS below and I bet you'll find something relevant to your situation.

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Other visitors added additional questions/comments about this topic.

Click below to see questions from other visitors about this conversation.

Hip Osteoarthritis can be cured even if it's bone on bone you write! :-) 
Hi. I read your very interesting site: You write: "I will create a Reversing Hip Osteoarthritis …

I'm 20 and I'm getting tendinitis everywhere 
A few of months ago I started developing what I thought was carpal tunnel in my dominant hand. It started with pain in just one finger, then spread …

Flare up of widespread tendonitis, saw Rheumatologist today 
I have a very demanding job as a lab tech, processing and transporting lab specimens, walking up to approximately 8 miles per day. I have moved furniture …

Achilles rupture- recovery and now tendonitis (w/ cyst & scar tissue ) 
Hello. My name is Aaron, 24 y/o male, active, fit and weight training my whole life- was a competitive swimmer and water polo player and 1 year of Olympic …

Why is my finger tenosynovitis spreading & I now have another possible tendon issue? 
Why is my finger tenosynovitis spreading and I now have other possible tendon issue? I was diagnosed with tenosynovitis in my right finger and it has …

Broken fibula, low vitamin D 
I have been suffering with knee pain for the past year. Each time I went to an ortho, he suggested i do physio and that my muscles were weak. Now last …

Posterior Tibial Tendonitis, Left Foot, 2nd Month, Need Help 
Good morning. I purchased a quick response from you. I have been diagnosed by two specialists with posterior tibia tendonitis, left ankle. The current …

Recurring pectoral/chest strain/tear  
Hello Joshua. I got a bad strain/minor tear(not sure what to call it) in my pec a few years ago during a chest workout, i took it easy for a while while …

Tendonitis In Foot Started With Pain Like A Deep Muscle Bruise. 
A dull gradual pain (almost like a deep muscle bruise) started in my left foot about a year and a half ago. I suspected from the change in my sneakers. …

Tendons muscles and tissue making noise all of a sudden 
I am 41 years old and am a moderately active female. I eat healthy and am of good body weight. About 4 months ago, out of nowhere, my body started …

Long-time Whiplash Injury ...still reversible?  
Hi, I'm asking this for my fiance who lives with me and has a severe whiplash injury that's currently a 1.5 years old and has only gotten worse, not better. …

Help needed for shoulder impingement and acromion bone spur 
Hi Joshua,I’ve just gotten the Reversing Shoulder Tendonitis ebook, as advised. I’m a 37 year old female who was recently diagnosed with shoulder impingement …

Olympic Medal Family With Tendon Pain and Tendonitis Injuries 
Hello Josh, This is a strange one that has been making us sad. I hope you can help. I am 44 and was an Olympic cross country skier. I took levaquin …

shin bruise from kickboxing, now unable to move ankle 
I kickbox regularly and shin bruises and knots are not uncommon at all. However, this time I landed a kick on the front of my shin that I felt immediately …

Ankle, knee and thigh tendonitis after bad climbing accident 
Joshua, I found your website about a couple weeks ago. I was in a crisis, a tendinitis crisis. I studied around for a few days and decided to try your …

Strained tendons in left wrist Recurring injury for 6 months Struggling to make any progress! 
Hi, My injury first came about after doing a couple of days work. I was lifting hundreds of office chairs, desktops & filing cabinets & after the first …

chronic jaw tension, dizziness, and possible sinus infection 
I've been suffering from extreme jaw tightness and dizziness for 5 months now. I am at the point where I feel completely hopeless. So many of the …

Professional classical pianist with De quervains syndrome in left thumb 
Hello Joshua! I'm a 22 year old professional classical pianist. The doctors told me that I had De quervain's syndrome in my left thumb. At first they …

Is it possible that I have a genetic disorder which has caused my tendonitis?  
I am aware that this is an odd question, but it is one I have considered since my first diagnosis almost 4 years ago. As a child I had problems with …

44 Year Old Runner having pain in flexor hallucis longus 
Hi Joshua, I'm a runner having a problem with my flexor hallucis longus (and perhaps posterior tibialis). I've sent you 20$ on paypal for Quick Response, …

Severed Achilles Tendon - no pain and can still walk with a limp - can I just not treat ? 
I severed my Achilles tendon 6 weeks ago. An MRI only just revealed a 2cm gap between the two ends of my Achilles tendon There is no sign of any fibrous …

extensor tenosynvitis and carpal tunnel from a twisting injury to right wrist and forearm 
I had an arm injury back in 2008 in which my right arm was caught in wire racking twisting my wrist & forearm. At the time they only found that it was …

After falling hard on my straight arm, I can't straighten the elbow 
During a wrestling match, I was lifted up and fell hard on the mat, with most of the other guy's weight on me. I landed most of the weight on my left arm, …

Loss of strength in left arm after heavy lifting 
Hi, I started going seriously to the Gym and eating healthy on Jan 2 of this year, after 4 weeks of training i decided to go real heavy for 4 weeks, working …

Not sure what I'm dealing with, wrist tendonitis and/or neck tendonitis and/or shoulder tendonitis 
About a year ago I started having pain in the front of my shoulder on the part closer to my neck. It would hurt when i held my arm up out to the side …

I have shooting pain into my forearm when trying to give the "thumbs up".  
I just read one thread, which touched a bit on my issue, but hasn't hit the nail on the head, as it were. I'm now 55. I'm disabled from a lower back …

Is burning tendon pain below the ankle bone on the outside planter fasciitis? 
A lot of my symptoms are similar to planter fasciitis except that I also have a burning pain below my right ankle bone on the outside. Sometimes it …

Is it safe for me to continue working at my job with my wrist tendonitis? 
Symptoms/Causes: I am a gamer. Gaming has been my primary hobby for a number of years. This winter, I was unemployed, and naturally, I spent a lot of …

Pain around elbow for about 5 months now 
Hey Joshua, I've been having pain around both my elbows for about 5 months now. I'm a 20 year old guy. It all started rite after new years I wanted to …

Age 29, Chronic Tendonitis Pain in Multiple Locations 
Hi there, I have always been very active. I ran and snowboarded competitively for many years, rode my bike, hiked, rollerbladed, practiced and became …

Peroneal Tendonitis and now hip pain, want to get back to marathon running 
Hi Joshua- I am a once very active male, now 47 having difficulty with my left peroneal tendon(s). I say once because I have had a few injuries over …

Protocol for torn ACL in 58 year old woman 
I am a 58 year old woman with no health insurance. I care for my 1 year old grandson three days each week. I began to have pain in my left knee when squatting …

Ice massage for chronic wrist pain question 
Hi Joshua, I've been trying your ice massage technique on my right wrist (I've had chronic wrist pain for over ten years). I can't find a specific …

deQuervain's problem in a new mother 
Hi, I wish you could help me on my thumb & wrist pain problem. I am a new mummy to my 3 months plus baby. I am sufferring wrist pain for my both hands …

Chronic fatigue and pelvic/hip/lumbar pain when walking (but not cycling) 
Hi there, I'm at my wit's end and am just wondering if you'd be able to point me in the right direction! First up, a quick caveat - my joint

Unable to flex and straighten left hypermobile elbow 
Hello Joshua, im a 21 yr old female. im a student. after sleeping over my left hand and waking up i felt slightly uncomfortable and thought of it as a …

Tricep and forearm tendonitis pain in both arms from overtraining 
I have had tendonitis in my triceps and forearms for a little over a year now. From overtraining. They have gotten better but both arms still have pain …

Peroneal Tendonitis and lump on tendon Division 1 Cross country runner 
Hi Joshua, I've been suffering from chronic pain in my foot and was diagnosed with peroneal tendonitis and possible partial tendon tears (in the peroneus …

Bilateral Knee Tendonitis in 38 year old soccer player - What to do? 
I'm 38 years old, and like to play soccer (Football in Europe) My field position is Goalkeeper, which requires a lot of the knees. I believe my problem …

Chronic Tendonitis Multiple Joints In Triathlete 
Thank you for taking the time to answer questions. I've struggled with tendonitis for the last 4 years and was hoping you could help. I know you get a …

Tendonitis in my semitendinosus, want to get back to triathlon training 
I am a personal trainer and triathlete and 2010 was a disastrous year for me, i have tendonitis of my semitendinosus (the tendon to back of the knee (medial), …

How Much magnesium is too much?? 
Hi there Joshua, Don here from Australia. I have a question, which hopefully you have a quick answer for... for the last six months I have been …

Why Only "5 to 10 second" Ice baths for "Tennis Elbow"? 
Hi I have what I assume is tennis elbow, had it on and off for 10 years. Was a bit lazy in treating it, and now it has reappeared. (I also have pain from …

Wrist tendonitis (guitar player, fretting hand) 
Hi, Thanks for all this useful information, the best I could find anywhere on the net!! -- Joshua Comments: You're welcome! -- I have a …

4 years of tendinitis and I'm only 20... 
I was diagnosed with tendinitis in my right elbow at 16, and spent a short while in physical therapy until the insurance company said I was done. I'm …

Connection between pain and tightness in wrist and forearm and 60 pounds of weight gain in 2 months 
hi i am a student(age 19) currently doing animation and i have been experiencing pain in my wrist and forearm since the last three months. initially …

Wrist Tendonitis Carpal Tunnel Suspicion From Video Games or Piano 
Hello, My name is Nick I'm 22 years old and I've been suffering from chronic pain in my left wrist. I don't know how to upload pics but, i don't …

Wrist Pain In Guitar Player - Wrist Tendonitis and or Intersection Syndrome?? 
Hi Joshua I have had a chronic low grade pain in my left wrist for about 8-12months. I play guitar also but not excessively. I never noticed the …

Peroneal Tendonitis from Walking and Hiking 
For the past 10 years I have walked / hiked 500 to 725 miles per year. I am 64 years of age. 5'5". 120 lbs. In good condition, generally. Excellent …

Torn and cut forearm tendon surgery and repair 
I recently cut my forearm resulting in cut tendons that were completely cut through and partially cut tendons. I had surgery 9 days ago. What can …

Carpal Tunnel and Hypermobility Problems 
Hi Joshua, I wanted to know your opinion about my treatment and if I should be doing anything different. For the past few months I been experiencing …

Tendonitis from a 5th metatarsal head fracture 
Hi, Joshua. I'm from China, and I got this pain on my right foot for so long (17months) which really makes frustrated. So I came to the internet searching …

FHL Tendonitis Pain for 1.5 Years??? 
Three years ago I was running and I felt like I pulled something on the outside of my right foot. It ended up healing 95% within two months. The pain …

Knee Problem in 63 year old runner! 
Joshua, I'm the 63 year old sprinter you helped last year when I had an Achilles problem, that has cleared up. This past summer I entered 8 track meets …

Peroneal Tendonitis in high level female soccer player 
Hi There I am a 30 year old female. I play soccer at a really high level/training every day etc. I highly supinate and have had a few ankle sprains …

Forearm and wrist tendonitis from gardening and playing piano 
Hi, I started playing piano 4 months ago and 4 weeks ago I developed pain in my right wrist from the middle of the wrist going toward the outside or …

Carpal Tunnel both wrists, Cubital Tunnel one elbow..HELP 
Hello. Neurologist did Nerve torture test(NVC) to confirm diagnosis. I am currently wearing wrist splints at night and doing some stretching exercises. …

Strong Sharp Pain and Tingle. Do I have Wrist Tendonitis? 
I'm 17 years old. I do cooking, cleaning, and lift heavy objects daily. I've be doing the same things for years. Just recently I have been getting …

Does tendonitis include snapping and clicking at the elbow? 
I have been an office manager for 18 years. Due to having a desk job, I suffer with pain in my elbow, shoulder, rotator cuff & shoulder blade. With …

Aching and painful wrists since age 14 
I have been suffering with wrist pain since I was around 14 years old. I have been to the doctors on and off about this and they have tested me for various …

At the end of my tether with Plantar Fasciitis symptoms!! 
I have suffered from p.f. for 7 years now, i have had laser treatment, utrasound, cortizone injection, acupuncture. I have been taking anti-inflamatory …

Patellar Tendonitis in 17 year old basketball player 
Hi. I am a 17 year old basketball player who has patellar tendonitis in both of my knees. It all started about 4 months ago. However, I didn't think …

My name is nicole and i have had Plantar Fasciitis for about 20 months now. I feel like im going insane i am just bashing my head up against a wall …

Can Tendonitis Radiate To The Shoulder Blades? 
Hi! I'm a 50 year old moderately active stay-at-home mom of 10. I first started developing tendonitis symptoms during pregnancies about 20 years ago, …

Is Muscle Fatigue From Statins Permanent? 
I am suffering from muscle ache and muscle fatigue and some muscle pain from taking Statin drugs. Lipitor, specifically. I took statins 2 yrs ago for …

Persistant, abundunt, unhealing tendonitis in 17 year old female!? 
Hello! I'm 17 years old and have been suffering with tendinitis for 1 1/2 years, but already it's lost me an athletic scholarship, limited my mobility …

Is trigger toe the same as trigger finger? 
My PA that I saw for a very painful bump at the base of my toe thinks its trigger toe but wasn't sure and didnt know what to do about it. I work 12 …

Sudden pain, bruising, and numbness in my thumb 
About a week ago, my left thumb started hurting a little bit. since then, the bottom of my thumb has became bruised. my thumb is cold to the touch, with …

Tendons in toe pull it down and causes pain 
I had surgery on my foot and the second toe was broken to repair a hammer toe. The tendons in that toe are stiff and are pulling the toe downward …

Unbearable pain after carpal tunnel surgery and trigger thumb surgery, what could it be? 
I had carpal tunnel release and trigger thumb surgery 11 days ago. I was taken to emergency after 7 days because of the pain. I saw the surgeon on …

hand and finger pain maybe tendonitis 
I have searched the internet and have not found the for sure answer . I crochet day and night. Now I have developed pain and swelling in the back …

Weakness in Biceps after chest workout 
About a month ago, as i was lifting weights I started to notice a tightness in my left elbow. It went away for about a week or so until I lifted chest …

Cracking and popping inner left ankle above foot. Severe achilles pain that comes and goes in left posterior ankle. 
For about 6 months I have experienced constant cracking/popping in my left inner ankle area at times causeing pain. In the past two months have been experiencing …

Knots and crunch sound in quad tendons and knees 
My knees make crunching sounds. As well you can hold your finger on the quad tendons and when you flex knees you can feel snapping knot like bumps …

Veteran With 40 Years of Achilles Tendon injury and resulting downsides 
I hurt my ankles in basic training in 1975. I was hospitalized for 2 days and released with a diagnose of torn achilles. I finish basic training in …

How Do I Break The Pain Cycle Of TMJ? 
How do I break the pain cycle of tmj? I drink powdered magnesium in water every night. That helps. My tmj is due to trauma 4 months ago. …

Exercising When Suffering From Tendonitis, in the foot area 
hi joshua as you know I have tendonitis problems in my ankle and side of foot ( the peroneals ) is it really wise to continue exercising ( in …

Indifferent results and burning pain after icing for guitar tendonitis? 
Hello Joshua, After battling tendinitis for seven years, (ex-guitarist, and truck driver, both careers lost) I purchased your e-book on guitarist tendinitis. …

Cervical degenerative disc disease without compression 
I just ordered your DVD on carpal tunnel and have another issue. Diagnosed with cervical degenerative disc disease without compression. Pain, mostly …

They say I've got tennis elbow/tendonitis, with burning shooting pain in my upper arm, forearm, and hand 
But why does my upper arm hurt dreadfully as well as my forearm and hand. I get terrible sudden shooting pains in my hand, forearm and upper arm, almost …

Hi Joshua ! can you give an explanation of what this is ? there seems to be a lot of support for massage alongside ice therapy for tendon pain …

Should tendonitis come and go in short time periods? 
I have recently experienced tendonitis in the back of my knee, my plantar fascia, and maybe the side/back of my neck(?). It showed up in different …

Disabling Achilles Problems Including Bone Spur and Small Tear 
I've been suffering from Achilles Pains for 12 weeks now, with most of the time on crutches. I started out with a biking injury in Sept 09', resulting …

Acutely painful small lump on Achilles tendon 
I am a Podiatrist in the UK who has seen a patient referred by an Orthopaedic Foot Surgeon for an acutely painful lump on his left Achilles tendon. The …

Chronic tendonitis in thumb and elbows, and plantar fasciitis 
I am a letter carrier for 20 years and I have been suffering with tenosynovitis in my right thumb and tendonitis in both my elbows and plantar faciitis …

After Whiplash, Could a combination of all of the symptoms mentioned be nerve entrapment? 
Hi, I was wondering if you could offer an opinion on my symptoms. I was involved in a car crash 13 years ago which resulted in whiplash. I hope …

Dr. says Forearm Tendonitis, what now? 
I'm a 37 year in otherwise healthy condition. At the end of a long day, my right forearm (I'm right-handed) was swollen and tender just south of my wrist. …

Stabbing Pains Around Shoulder Blade, Traps Etc  
have had these for some time...been to see doctor and says its nothing serious...full range of nerve tests etc carried out shoulder generally feels …

Bicep or Rotator Cuff Tendonitis, what should i do to get back to boxing?? 
hey, i'm 16 and i've had pain and loud clicking and grinding in both my shoulders for about three months now. i went to an ortho after a month and …

Tendonitis pain around thumbs when grasping objects 
Dear Joshua, Your site is amazingly informative. I am having a bit of pain in both hands, around the thumb (in the basal joint area from what I …

Inflammatory Comments about Tendonitis, Tendon, and Blood Supply 
I read most of your website and was impressed by the detailed explanation of tendonitis. Apparently you've done your homework. I have a few unresolved …

Ice dipping question after ice dipping and getting pain from it 
When I started ice dipping I had a great deal of constant pain in both my hands. About a week later my pain ice very minimal in comparison and has been …

Ultrasound Exam Results Show Thickening of Achilles Tendon 
Ultrasound exam results showed up " thickening " of Achilles tendon sheath ? Is this tenosynovitis And is the treatment the same ? ---- …

The Use Of Acupuncture For Tendonitis and Inflammation 
Hi again Joshua.....paul from wales near london I've been working on peroneal tendonitis for a good long while. Is the use of acupuncture (alongside …

TMJ.....What's the best way to get rid of the problem once and for all? 
My daughter, 17 has been experiencing TMJ for several months in her left jaw. Her jaw is semi-locked in the morning, barely opens big enough to eat …

Pain in left arm and shoulder 1 month after receiving the H1N1 flu shot 
When i received the H1N1 flue shot instantly my neck and arm hurt very much, they said it would go away and its normal, which it did after 2 weeks, i took …

Ankle Tendonitis and Retro-calcaneal Bursitis in a nurse on my feet for 30 years 
I have been a nurse, on my feet, for 12 hour shifts for nearly 30 years. That said, I developed tendonitis and probable retro-calcaneal bursitis over …

Long term hand injury from punching a wall, hand tendonitis and knuckle pain 
Hi Joshua, A year ago I hurt my right hand during a incident where I punched a stone wall. I remember immediately feeling sharp pains in my knuckles …

I Have Sunken Spots On My Swollen Leg 

How long does it take to heal whiplash and cervical fusion surgery? 
I had surgery on my neck last April...C3-C4 fusion. I have been in pain on and off since then but it got very severe at the beginning of Dec. …

Achilles tendonitis from driving and running 
Hi Joshua I changed my job 4 months ago. My new job involves an increased amount of driving and running. I have done plenty of walking the last …

Trigger Thumb in Left Hand. Could It Be From Carpal Tunnel Surgery? 
I have recently developed trigger thumb in my left hand, I am right handed. My family doctor thinks it may be a flare up of gout. I have taken …

Finger Stiffness Tendonitis Without Pain, worried it will get worse and affect my job 
I am a court reporter, and I have developed what has been diagnosed as tendonitis in the middle joint of my right ring finger. I have been doing daily …

Finger Tendonitis Joint Pain in Computer Analyst 
I have for a long time had problems in my finger joints. It seems to be related to my work as a computer analyst, where I type a lot on a keyboard. …

Chronic Shoulder Tendonitis, Wrist Tendonitis, All Over Tendonitis In Active Outdoorsman 
Hi I found your page and am desperate for help. I suffer from tendonitis in both shoulders, left wrist, left knee, right ankle . I'm very active, …

Jujitsu practitioner takes a punch, legs won't work, hand and finger pain for days. Neck injury? 
I train in jujistu and Mau Tai and I can take a punch. BUT when I get hit by a good jab a strong jab, not a fantastic jab. My neck seems to go back …

Entire Left Leg Tendonitis? Haven't been able to run for a year 
I have taken a year out of running in an attempt to treat my my left leg. Initially I just rested from running for 4 months and cycled or windsurfed. …

Tendonitis pain in wrist after Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Workers Comp hassle 
I had carpal tunnel surgery over a year ago and it took care of the pain I was having. Now I have pain in my wrist. It limits range of motion as far …

Tendonitis pain in fingers, wrist, arm and neck with a 6 months old baby 
I have a six month old baby and 5 months ago started to feel light painful sensations in my left shoulder, near the armpit. Didn't pay much attention. …

My 12 year old daughter has tendonitis in her writst and got a cortisone shot and is in pain is this normal? 
My 12 year old daughter was in horrible pain in her thumb and wrist. The orthopedic surgeon put her in a cast after 4 weeks they removed it and she was …

Chilblains and then multiple joint pains 
I am 41 year old female previously very fit (doing regular runs, weights and step classes). I developed chillblains on my toes 10 months ago. A month …

Am I The Only One To HaveTendonitis Of The Upper Hamstring? 
Hello, I had tendonitis of the upper left hamstring, where it attaches to the pelvis over a year ago and was under a doctor's care. It healed and …

Knee Pain Above and Inside the Knee Caps in a 16 year old softball pitcher 
Hi, I am a 16 year old female and, within the past year or so, been having knee pains. I get aching pains within my knees and above the kneecap whenever …

Behind the knee pain like I hyperexteded it 
as i said i finish concrete although i've been laid off for a couple months already. i woke up 3 days ago and had a pain in my left knee like i had …

Ibuprofen Questions and Exertional Compartment Syndrome Symptoms in a College Basketball Player 
My daughter has had pain for several weeks now. She is a college basketball player and is receiving care via trainer and her symptoms resemble Exertional …

23 year old Production Artist with Tendonitis in the wrist and forearm 
I have been dealing with tendonitis for 8-9 months now. I am a production artist and have to redraw logos/set art, etc. I am 23 years old. When it started, …

Bilateral Peroneal Tendonitis For 5 Months In A 21 Year Old 
Hi Joshua, I have been dealing with severe peroneal tendonitis (MRI diagnosis) in both feet for the past 5 months. I began PT 2-3 weeks after the …

Elbow Tendonitis, 24 year old male and never been able to straighten elbows 
I'm a 24 year old male who has never been injured but have always wondered my arms don't full extend(they never have since i can remember). For example …

Guitar Players Tendonitis and is Tendonopolos right? 
Hi there. I'd like to start by saying, i've addressed my wrist issues in what seems like every way conceivable and am still having issues. I'm 19 …

Left Shoulder Surgery And Pain After Car Accident, Trying To Stay Active 
I need some help. May 2007, I was struck head-on by another vehicle while being on-duty at 90 mph (mine was 12 mph, his was 78 mph. I have a tremendously …

Suspected Foot Tendonitis - 5 weeks of pain & doctor no help! 
Hi, I've had pain in my right foot for the last 5 weeks. It started spontaneously with no trip, fall or known injury. The pain varies in intensity; going …

Tendonitis gluteus - can't stop using my glutes - so what to do? 
Hi Joshua, After my usual disappointment about the mainstream medicine websites (educated ignorance, treating symptoms instead of adressing causes) …

H1N1 Shot Immediately Followed By Pain And Muscle Weakness 
Hi there, I have been researching a lot and came across Rebecca's post to you . I also got the H1N1 shot too high in my shoulder and have rotator …

Hand and Wrist Pain from Weight Lifting, Playing Guitar, and Computer Use 
Hi, My pain started roughly 9 months ago, beginning with a sharp pain in my inner elbow. (I was weight lifting at the time and stopped after some time …

A Knitter with Pain at base of thumb and bone on back of hand 
I have your dvd for Knitters and did the exercises daily for about 10 days and then occasionally after that. I had relief from pain in my shoulder …

Tendonitis Under The Ribs 
I have had pain under my right ribs for 8 wks. now. The pain at time will go up my back and at times feels like a "rubber band" around my upper abdomen. …

Used to have Carpal Tunnel, now have Tendontiis, hands with no pain 
I use to have CTS and it went away now i have tendinitis. But there is no pain all it feels when i move my fingers is tiny strings on top of my hands. …

Wrist Tendonitis, hand tendonitis, elbow tendonitis... video games and computer and trombone... 
Hello Joshua, I recently emailed you but decided to move over here to ask questions for everyone to see! Let me start by saying the story. So one day …

Chemical Tendotitis From The H1N1 Flu Shot 
Recently I received the H1N1 vaccine, and the nurse inserted the needle in my shoulder not my muscle. For the first week I could not lift my shoulder above …

Is it possible to correct Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendonitis and if so how? 
I joined the military with no foot problem that I was aware of. I was required to run many times every day for 6 weeks. I not only ran "accidently" …

Tenosynovitis and Tendonitis in multiple joints, what can cause this? 
In the last few years I have been diagnosed with tendonitis, tenosynovitis, and tendonopathy in my feet, wrists, thumbs, shoulders, and also as having …

Hand and Wrist Pain That Only Hurts When Touched, Also Have Trigger Finger 
I am having a problem with my wrist on my left hand, I have already been diagnosed with Trigger finger on my left hand ring finger but only suffer …

My Husband's Constant Pain After Shoulder Surgery on Bursa and pinched nerves 
This is actually not about a tendon surgery problem. My husband had surgery on his right shoulder in September for a bursa and pinched nerves that …

Right Shoulder Impingement and pain, facing surgery, nothing has helped 
Hi Joshua, Can you please help me out of this pain? Myself Ajit Singh from India, I came to know about you from Internet. I will explain you …

Acute Episodes of Tenosynovitis Involving Multiple Joint Pain 
I am a 48 year old female who has been experiencing the following symptoms for about 6 years now. The onset is usually quite sudden, the time between …

Pins and Needles in Hands & Feet, shocks in hand joints, cold hands and feet 
Hi, I have been suffering from pins and needles in my feet for over a year now. It started after I gave birth to my second child. The doctors …

Years of Wrist Tendonitis, Ice Dipping Really Helps 
Hi there, I've had pains in my wrist for years and it is aggravated from long sessions of being on the computer and doing repetitive or constant tasks …

Knee Pain And Hematoma In Vastus Lateralis After Trauma. Tendon Injury? 
Hi 7 weeks ago I hit the area above my left kneecap on a metal box. I thought it was the knee at first but seems it was slightly above this on the …

Chronic Tibialis Posterior pain that has stopped a runner from running 
I have been a runner most of my life. I am 40. About two years ago my tibialis posterior started hurting and I have not been able to run since. …

What's Wrong With My Wrist? 
I have very small wrists that have always been weak and have always made crunching and cracking noises when I move them. I get on and off again pain that …

Tendonitis Pain In Right Hand, Wrist, Top Of Hand, Knuckles, Fingers, and Forearm 
I have had the electro tests on my nerves and they do not believe I have carpal tunnel. The doctor there told me it is more likely to be tendonitis. Does …

Any risk of Tendonitis with amoxicillin? 
Hi, Joshua. I've had tendonitis for a long time now, and it's starting to improve. Just today I was prescribed amoxicillin for an unrelated dental infection, …

20 Year Old Suffering Non Recovering Left Shoulder Cuff Tendonitus 
I have a very painful shoulder tendonitus. I was examined by a qualified GP and told me I had suprascapular (rotator cuff)tendonitus. It has been with …

Snapped Right Achilles Tendon Playing Squash 
Hi Mr Tucker, Thank you for a great site. It has given me more insight into my injury. I snapped my right achilles about 18 days ago playing in …

Wrist Tendonitis Since I Was 7 
First of all, thank you Mr. Tucker for taking my message. I have had recurring what I think to be tendonitis since I was about 7 years old. …

Wrist Tendonitis, Which Of Your DVDs Would Be Most Appropriate? 
I have wrist tendonitis (with or w/out injury I don't know). Other than the ice dipping which I intend to start tonite, which of your dvd's would …

Help identifying inner elbow pain, can't straighten arm  
I am a 39 year old male and live in Maryland. I am in good physical health. Average weight. Average height. No medical history. Pretty much problem free …

Early Right Hand Wrist Tendonitis From Fast Guitar Playing, fast finger movement causing tightness and stiffness 
Hi Joshua-I have had a problem in my right hand and wrist for a long time that I would like to discuss. I am a 26 year old musician. My problem is with …

Fall that broke humerous, implant rod surgery, now have pain on top outside of forearm and inside of elbow 
I broke my humerus in the first and second third of it. They did implant rod surgey on it. I now have trouble with pain on the inside of the elbow …

Post-Surgery Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Symptoms Remain with muscle atrophy, no relief 
Had carpal tunnel synrdome bilateral hands. Post-surgery cts symptoms remain and right hand has began to atrophy on palm side @ thumb area. Actually …

*TONY* An Adductor Magnus Tendon Injury Problem In A Professional Rugby Player 
Hi, I'm a 31 year old professional rugby player with a long history of adductor tendonitis and tears. I have struggled with this since my late …

Whats your view of various tendonitis creams and gels and sprays ? 
Over here in england we have available through health and fitness stores... glucosamine rubbing / massage gel magnesium oil / spray for massage …

Pelvic Pain Connected To Back Pain After Car Crash 
I was in a car accident one month and a half ago but started having pelvic hip pain and lower back pain. Is this connected with my car accident is it …

Fell On Wrist Playing Basketball, 3 months later still bothers me. Wrist Tendonitis? 
I fell on my right wrist playing basketball and I went to the doctors and they thought I sprained it or fractured the small bone in the thumb. …

Ehlers Danlos and Tendonitis, shedding some light on the situation 
I am a 37 year old mother of 2 who has Ehlers Danlos which is a connective tissue disorder. From what I understand, I have faulty collagin which makes …

Pain Behind Knee At Bend With Swelling In The Fold Of Knee 
Out of the blue my left knee felt tight behind the knee at fold (bend). i felt behind my knee and it feels like a muscle is bulging out (swelling). when …

I Believe I Have Rotator Cuff Tendonitis but mostly referred pain in the arm. Where do I put the ice? 
I believe that I have rotator cuff tendonitis. Most of the pain I feel is in the arm, in various places but mainly near the bottom of the bicep. …

Pain in the neck when up and awake but not when sleeping 
Hi Joshua, My problem sounds a lot like Amy's. I woke up with a stiff neck towards the end of July and have had one every day since then (almost …

Calcific Quadriceps Tendonitis in a soccer player 
Hi! I am from Croatia, so I am sorry if my English is not to good. My doctor said I have calcific quadriceps tendonitis. I am trying to heal …

Can Tendonitis Show Up On An MRI? 
*Somebody who is considering an MRI on the shoulder for severe pain wants to know: Can tendonitis show up on an MRI? ---- Joshua Answers: …

Biceps Tendonitis in the Netherlands 
Hi, I have been suffering from tendon pain in both elbows for more then 4 months. To be more precise the pain gets worse when lifting something …

Orbital Tendonitis or Trochleitis? 
Can you get tendonitis in the muscles around the eyes? I read there is a trochlea tendon above the eye. I have read of conditions called "Trochleitis" …

Pianist Tendonitis, a hard formation at the wrist, but without pain 
Hello, I am a young pianist, my problem is on the under the second and third fingers tendons of my hand there is a formation (a solid thing) i can feel …

Peroneal dipping ? 
hi joshua as you know I have had this for some time , it's chronic, but have only just found out about your methods after being told about your …

Shin Splints From A Hard Landing Playing Basketball 
My "Shin Splints" appeared almost 4 years ago as a result of a single incident. I was playing basketball, with a 5 foot brick wall behind the goal. The …

Knee Tendonitis or Medial Meniscus problem in a professional mountain guide 
Hello, I am a professional mountain guide and avalanche forecaster. I am very active and fit...and my job depends on me being healthy. Recently …

Old Whiplash Injury, Hip Arthritis, electric jolts in the neck, could these be connected? 
I have suffered Whiplash injury twice. Once 10 yrs ago and another just over 2 years ago. I started with a unrelenting headache for about …

I can hardly hold anything in my left hand due to weakness and pain in my wrist!! 
Hello..well first of all I should start with saying that my name is Maria and I am 21 years old.. I just had a baby 2 and a half months ago. About …

Cracking sound and pain in wrist in 15 year old basketball player 
Hi, I am a 15 year old basketball player. I have been getting wrist pain constantly for 2 months already. I believe this is due to me shooting too …

Quad Tendonosis options a year after acl surgery 
I was diagnosed with quad tendonosis in june. A year previous to this i had acl surgery on the same leg. Before I could pinpoint my extreme …

Hip Flexor Tendinitis In A Runner With Questions 
I would like some information on of hip flexor tendinitis. First about symptoms... Is it likely to be sore first thing in the morning and lessen …

Basal joint arthritis versus tendonitis of the thumb in a computer user 
Joshua, I am a 39 year old male with no history of pain in my hands and very little family history of arthritis. I am a programmer and spend between 8 …

Classical Pianist with Finger Pain Nervous About Upcoming Audition 
Hi! I am a 43 female and a classical pianist, just getting ready to a big audition in February. Besides the natural nervousness caused by the challenge, …

General stiffness and soreness in the morning, doctor says it's common to wake up with stiff ankles 
hi again from over the pond have seen my physical therapist and the diagnosis seems to be tendonitis....yes that word again....of both my peroneal …

Achilles Tendonitis and How Much Protein Should I Be Eating? 
I have a bad case of achilles tendonitis, It's been hurting for about 6 months. I just discovered your web site and now feel very entusiastic. Today …

Ongoing wrist tendonitis for over a year from playing Guitar (and drums) 
Hello, I have been playing drums for almost eight years and I have never had problems with my wrists. I started playing guitar about one and a …

Tendinitis vs Tendinosis? Long Time Athlete Who Can't Train Anymore 
I am a 45 year old female, very active for most of my adult life, a dance and fitness instructor, runner and triathlete, but am now at the point where …

Knee pain above the kneecap especially with volleyball and jumping 
Joshua, I am a 34 yr. old male that has been very active. I am a martial artist and participate in other sports as well. I put myself through …

I have Been Dealing With Whiplash for 13 years 
After reading your page about whiplash injury I started crying. I have been dealing with a whiplash injury for thirteen years. Until now …

Sesamoiditis in both feet and Inflammation 
Hello! Thanks for all your tendonitis advice! It’s greatly appreciated. I’ve had Sesamoiditis in both feet for about 8 months now. I’ve started doing …

Trigger Thumbs? Thoracic Outlet Syndrome? Pain Returning After Corticosteroid Injection. 
Hello Joshua, I linked to your site from Ravelry and I'm very interested in getting your opinion on a couple of issues. I'll do my best to summarize. …

Carpal Tunnel Diagnosis in Right Wrist from Guitar Playing and Computer Work 
Hi, I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome in my right wrist a couple of years ago and have avoided surgery by using a night splint, some icing (not …

Wrist Tendonitis and Ice Dipping, long term questions 
From your writeups, it sounds like I have tendonitus in my right wrist, in the tendon that is on top of my wrist, the one towards the pinky side. I think …

Bilateral Medial Elbow Pain That Started A Week Ago After A Chiropractic Adjustment 
Right medial elbow pain started one week ago, including numbness, tingling down arm to ring/pinky finger. Now the left elbow and hand are following …

Wrist Tendonitis, sore neck and rib, much pain all up the arm 
Hey there, First, thanks for the site. My wife has a lot of pain in her wrist all the way up into her shoulder. A rib was sore too as well as …

All The Symptoms of Wrist Tendonitis and a lump, what do you think it is? 
i think i might have wrist tendonitis. im showing all the symptoms plus there is a little hump on top of my wrist which causes great pain... i …

swelling in finger joints & wrist, carpal tunnel surgeries, constant chronic pain 
i have swelling in my finger joints & wrist, both hands. for 7 yrs now. have had 2 carpal tunel surgery on rt hand 1 on left. still the same, sometimes …

I have foot tendonitis and have to wear a boot for support 
I found out I have tendonitis in my right heel and foot. I have to wear a boot for a week is the boot for ankle tendonitis the right thing for tendonitis …

Is My Tendon Damage Pain Caused From Cipro? 
I have severe non-stop neck and shoulder pain that started 2 weeks after starting cipro. The pain is located only on the left side from the bottom …

Pain and heat sensation at top of patella during and after running 
First off, I have always been a very active and athletic person. I enjoy lifting and running to stay fit. I am actually a certified fitness trainer. …

Achilles Tendonitis, what am I doing wrong that I am still feeling pain? 
I am 40 years old and have been a runner since high school (low mileage, 3-4 miles at a time). Have also been teaching all types of aerobics classes …

Thumb Tendonitis or Thumb Tenosynovitis? Shooting Pain In The Thumb 
I have a shooting pain in my thumb when I do certain activities involving grabbing something. There is no swelling or pain under normal movement but when …

New Plantar Fasciitis, Bunions, Severe Pain and Swelling. Are my doctors full of it?  
For four years I have had right foot & ankle swelling. Bad enough that in the evenings I couldn't get a shoe on that foot, but went away with rest. Recently …

Guitar player that misses playing 
Hello, I have just discovered this site after fighting what my doctor diagnosed as tendinitis for about 2 months now. The originally started as …

Pain in thighs just above the knee from wall squats 
Mr. Tucker, I'm glad I stumbled across your site; you are doing great work here, thanks. I'm a male, 190 pounds, six-two. I have been fairly …

Runner's MRI showed extensor digitorum tendinopathy 
Hi, I have been dealing with pain in my left ankle, which has spread to the top of my foot now, since mid february of 2009. I was training for …

Fractured Fibula, Healing But Pain Won't Go Away 
On 7/28 I fractured my fibula. On 7/30 I was put in an air cast by a nurse practioner and the orthopedist office. I kept the cast on except for showering …

Constant Pain from Tendonitis or Carpal Tunnel, Travel Consultant, off work since June 
I have been off work since June now. The problem started probably a few months before that, but was ignored as it was only an ache. I am a travel …

Bone Spur causing Achilles Tendonitis or Plantar Fasciitis? 
Could I have Achilles Tendonitis or Plantar Fasciitis? I have been suffering from pain that is on the back of my heel on the inside. I was …

My 16 year old son has pain in his wrists, possibly tendonitis, from rock climbing? 
Hi Joshua, My 16 year old son is an avid rock climber. He has been climbing for over a year, and is in love with the sport. The past few months …

Bruised Shin From Dropping Table 
I was having a party and had tables (seat 8-10) delivered to my house. The guy was supposed to set them up but just stacked them on top of each other. …

Misdiagnosed Achilles Tendonitis? Really A Nerve Pain Problem? 
I have had heel pain, in the back of the heel for over 6 months now. I am on the 2nd orthopedic surgeon who stated the mri showed minimal scarring of …

Knee Tendonitis from mountain biking and plyometrics 
Hi Joshua, before anything, thanks for this site. I'm a 26 years old man (height 6,15 foot, weight 211 pounds) I start doing sports four times a …

Playing clarinet with wrist tendonitis or thumb tendonitis 
I am a senior in highschool and play clarinet in the band. I've been playing it for, well... a really long time. I believe I have wrist tendonitis …

Discouraged after shoulder surgery and bursitis surgery 
I had shoulder tendonitis and bursitis surgery two weeks ago and I am still have pain. I have been told this could be the nerve endings. Is this true? …

Carpal Tunnel, Chilblains, Perniosis, Tried icing for 10 days 
I have tried repeated icing of hands and forearms for the past 10 days in dealing with a carpal tunnel problem (hands going numb in bed) caused by …

Tendonitis of the butt???? 
I have pain in my buttocks. The pain is in two places. Across the widest part of the buttocks down the middle, and then in the lower part, about …

Ballerina with Achilles Tendonitis 
Dear Mr. Tucker, My 16 year-old daughter is a serious ballet student and is hoping to try her RAD Advanced 2 ballet exam this spring. She has been …

Tendonitis in both my achilles & right arm - could this be dietary related? 
Hi I've been suffering from achilles tendonitis for over a year now (approx 15 months) and have also got tendonitis in my right arm, which started about …

Pain in ball of foot from bad shoes 
I am a 42-year old female. About a week ago I wore a pair of flat shoes (I've worn them several times before without problem) and after taking them …

In my 4th bout of wrist tendonitis in the past 3 months. Why does it keep coming back? 
Hello Joshua, I hope you can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Usually after ice dipping for 1 week it is mostly cleared up but within 10 days to …

Patellar Tendonitis with lump aggravating college footbal player 
I have had tendonitis at the bottom of my patellar tendon for a few months now. I take an anti-inflammatory pill twice a day and work out four …

Knee Pain, bone on bone, can't straighten the knee 
I have suffered knee pain for about 7 months now, it started as a dull ache and now is very painful across the back of the knee joint and down the back …

Myositis Ossificans and Anterior Compartment Syndrome symptoms, Kicked in the side of the calf and shin twice while playing soccer 
A couple of weeks ago I was kicked in the side of the calf and a little on the shin in a soccer game... I got a huge goose egg immediately... The area …

10 year old gymnast with worsening foot pain over 3 months 
Hello. I have a ten year old daughter who started having pain in the base of her foot 3 months ago, She is a gymnast and trains about 13 hours a week. …

Neck Pain from bulging discs with Shoulder/Arm Radiculopathy 
A recent MRI showed that I have an annular tear at C-6 with bulging discs at C-4, C-5 and C-7 with no recent injuries. However have had 3 Auto Accidents …

Wrist pain from overuse turned into elbow, forarm, and hand/finger pain. 
Last December is when the whole issue started. Prior to it, I was playing guitar and hour a day, playing video games regularly, lifting weights a few …

Sudden wrist pain from playing guitar and lifting weights, I'm 26 and worried 
My right wrist hurts dead center in the middle, the left wrist hurts on the left side where it meets my hand under the pinky. The tendons on my left …

Can my wrist tendonitis from an old fall be getting worse? 
Hi Joshua, my name is Melanie and I am 17. 2 years ago I fell off my trampoline onto my left wrist. I got up and I couldn't move it at first …

Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis, can I run if it hurts? 
Hi. I have been getting in shape for a half marathon, and I believe I have a posterior tibialis tendonitis. The pain I get when I run is in the …

Bilateral Elbow Pain Question, holding a child and working out 
Hi, I began noticing pain in both my elbows about 4 weeks ago. It hurt the most while holding my 1 year old son, (arms bent "cradling" him toward …

Shoulder Inpingement Along With Cervical Radiculopathy 
I have been diagnosed with a right shoulder inpingement and cervical radiculopathy. I have been off work for 4 months now. I have had 4 cortosteroid …

Pitching arm elbow tendonitis. 
My son is an incoming college freshman. He experienced tendonitis in the elbow area of the pitching arm during the summer. He discontinued pitching for …

Ankle Tendonitis? Flat Feet? My 11 year old son has so much pain in his ankles he can't run 
My 11 year old son started to complain about ankle pain (in 1 ankle) in July. He was going to a camp beach program where he was running barefoot in the …

I got Whiplash at work and my neck has not been the same 
I GOT WHIPLASH AT WORK! AND MY NECK HAS NOT BEEN THE SAME. I HAD A (MRI) but they are saying everything is normal? I still have great pain and it …

Confused If I have Tendonitis or Carpel Tunnel 
Hi, Years ago I used to get pain in my wrist and hand due to over use continual hair cutting and the docs told me I could have carpel tunnel, after …

Achilles Tendon injury and now Dr. says tendon is too short 
I have been fighting an achilles tendon injury for around 7 months now. I have done ibuprofen treatment, physical therapy, rest, ice, casting and stretching …

Drumming Injury After 6 Years, Not Tendonitis,  
I've been drumming for about five to six years now and a few months ago I began developing inflammation in my forearms. At first, I just thought …

Wrist Tendonitis and Tennis Elbow from typing essays and playing guitar 
Hello. Two months ago I developed tennis elbow and wrist tendonitis from doing an excessive amount of typing for essays and also playing guitar …

Cipro Antibiotics and tendons, sites for latest research? 
I have had tendon issues for months now and I have been reading about Cipro and the disgusting side effects it can trigger. I have been taking cipro …

Tennis Elbow, Will Wearing A Tennis Elbow Brace At Night Heal It? 
I have had tennis elbow for about two-three weeks. I was warned by my dr to not where a brace too often as it may cause additional problems. I have also …

Does Physiotherapy Help Biceps Tendonitis? It's not helping mine. 
Can physiotherapy for tendonitis actually prolong or inflame it? I have been seeing someone for about two weeks for bicep tendonitis and possibly a …

Shin Splints to Plantar Fasciitis, why, from avid Ultimate Frisbee player 
Joshua, I love your site and am icing as I write to you in a big trashcan of ice water! I have many questions but will not ask them all at once. …

MRI Shows Common Extensor Tendon Tear Will DVD Help? 
I received your DVD in the mail the other day - thankyou - sure makes sense. I have recently had an MRI to my right elbow as the so called tennis …

Severe and debilitating pain in left elbow, doctors no help 
Hi, I'm very excited about finding your page as it explains SO much that even the doctors haven't been able to explain. THANK YOU!!!Over a year ago my …

Wrist hurts while trying to play guitar 
I've recently started playing guitar and I've noticed that my left wrist (the one I am fretting the guitar with) gets sore while trying to play or …

Ice For Chronic Tendonitis? 
I wrote a few days ago about my bilateral wrist tendonitis that began 1-1/2 yrs ago. Would icing it at this point help? I've been told to apply …

Should I get plantar fasciitis surgery on both feet at the same time? 
Hello, I have been suffering with plantar fasciitis in both feet for over 8 months now. I've tried physical therapy, orthotics, and cortisone but the pain …

Is A Swollen Calf After Foot Surgery Normal? 
I had foot surgery on June 18, 2009. Started walking in the big boot (up to my knee) on July 31, 2009 when my pins were taken out. On August 8th …

Shin splints treatment - to run or not run? 
Hello! I am dealing with a moderate case of shin splints (I have all the symptoms you outline) - had my 5th child in April and started running again …

Severe Tendonitis, how to prove it is from work? 
My husband has been on vacation for 2 weeks and at the end of it told me that his arm hurt. He then went to the clinic and got x-rays and was told …

Shin splints tendonitis, ice baths/dipping after excersie or when? 
This has been great advice. Thank you. I already take ice baths for my legs after I go for a run. But my understanding is that instead of …

Update on my wrist tendonitis 
Hey Joshua, I've been applying your ice-dipping routines to my left arm since I heard about it on your page about 2 months ago. Thus far it has given …

Jaw pain after steroid injections in!! 
I have degenerative disc disease in my C5 disc in my upper neck. About 4 years ago, I was advised to get epidural steroid injections to relieve …

Tricep Tendonitus in both arms, best way to ice 
Hello, I have Tricep Tendonitis is both arms (too many overhead extentions in the past I think). The pain presents itself in the back of the …

Swollen Leg Calf Pain, What am I supposed to do now? 
My leg started hurting about a year ago. It's the outside of my calf in the middle. Went to the er because pain was so bad. Doctor said it was tendonitis …

Guitar Player, Tendonitis on the triceps side of the arm 
Hi, First of all thanks so much for the information on this site. It's been really helpful. I have tendonitis in several places on both arms, but …

Quad Injury from Biking 
I am a 51 year old male and fairly active cyclist in otherwise pretty good health who injured my quad tendons through over exerting on a training bike …

Forearm and Biceps Pain When Lifting 
Hi Joshua, I keep getting pain on the inside of my forearm about 2 inches from the elbow joint. I started to get some relief so I attempted to build …

Do Ligaments Also Get Inflamed? 
I have peroneal tendon problems. But could the ligaments that are involved in the same area also get tendonitis? And....will the ice "attack" also …

Tendonitis? I'm unsure. Elbow pain, wrist pain, and numbness 
Hello, I am not sure what I have but these are the symptoms: my right arm forearm muscles becomes tight and aches sometimes. This has been happening for …

17 year old baseball pitcher, finger pain in middle and ring finger 
I experience pain at the base of my right middle and ring finger sometimes going up to the next joint on each finger. I am 17 years old, this has been …

Trigger Thumb, Now Getting Trigger Finger Too Despite Corticosteroid Injections 
I had trigger thumb a while back and my doctor put shots in it. Well that was painful and now I have it again in the middle finger and the opposite …

A Classical Guitarist with DeQuervains and Trigger Finger, Pain Relief and Playing Again 
Hey Joshua....a report and a few questions. I'm a professional classical guitarist and a few months ago I developed wrist tendonitis (de quervain's …

Peroneal Tendonitis From Too Much Road Walking 
I have Peroneal Tendonitis from too much road walking. See specialist in 2 months, long wait for healthcare in england, uk. Apart from icing …

Pain in my neck. How can I tell if it is tendonitis? 
Does tendonitis show up on MRI's? I haven't had one yet. Not sure why I have neck pain. I have been to a Chiro and physical therapist. A neurologist …

Is my knee problem tendonitis or something else? 
For years now, both knees would get sore occasionally, but nothing very bad. About a year ago, I played basketball after not having played in …

How is Golfer's Elbow different from Tennis Elbow? 
Hi. I am active in various sports and just finished my senior year of high school. I was a quarterback in football and wrestled too. My dad is …

Toe tendonitis in both feet 
Hi, I am a 25-year-old female and I have developed tendonitis in the toes of both feet after a pedicure (mostly both big toes). It has been going …

My All Over Tendonitis problem 
I have tendonitis in my wrists, carpal, shoulders, knees, achillies and the foot. I have seen tonnes of different types of healthcare people (eg, naturapath, …

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome For The Past 6 Weeks 
For the past six weeks I've had numbness in my left pinky finger and ring finger - probably from cubital tunnel syndrome. Think it's from leaning …

What's your opinion on my shoulder impingement, neck pain, and bone spur? 
I'm curious about your opinion on my shoulder impingement. New Dr. points out something to me on my mri...calls it a bonespur and says he is convinced …

Failed Plantar Fasciitis Release Surgery 
6 years ago I agreed to Plantar Fasciitis Release surgery on my right foot because a Podiatrist insisted that I had no other choice. I had already had …

Tennis Elbow in both arms plus surgery and shots please help 
Hi Joshua. I have tennis elbow in both elbows. It all started in January 2007 when I got a frozen shoulder/stiff neck in my right shoulder. This cleared …

Achilles Tendonitis and high protein diets 
I started a high protein/low carb diet in late January this year. By the end of Feb, I had lost about 6 kg. At that time, (late Feb) I also got Achilies …

Remaining inflammation and forearms and pain in fingers occurs even with a very little bit of typing 
Hello, the Tendinitis Carpal Tunnel Syndrome DVD has helped me tremendously. I ignored the pain in my arms and kept typing and so I have had this …

Knee Tendonitis Pain from jumping and squatting 
I first had some pain in my knee from (squatting, or jumping etc) so I took ibuprofen and took a day off. The pain was gone, I didn't think anything …

Tendonitis In Pelvic Region, Male High School Track Athlete 
My son competes on the high school track team. All season he has struggled with pain in the pubic bone region. Sprinting was the aggravating activity. …

Jumpers Knee Solutions? 
Hi, it's Durome. * The knee pain I endure is shooting pain mixed with aching and limited movement. This is just on normal days but mostly after …

Relief from Carpel Tunnel (Post Distal Radius Fracture) 
Just prior to cast removal discomfort with pins/needles mostly at night which has never diminished. Good healing confirmed by orthopaedic and did course …

Possible Achilles Tendonitis, 25yrs old 
Hi, my name is Sandra. I'm 25 yrs old and currently live in east Texas. One day I noticed my right ankle was making a popping sound when i walked …

Carpal Tunnel and Cubital Tunnel From Power Yoga. Will Your DVD Help? 
I developed EXTREME pain in my fingers, hands, wrists and forearms this winter after practicing power yoga 5 to 6 days a week. My doctor says it's …

Rotator cuff injury, 67 years old and nothing is working 
I have had pain in my shoulder and forearm for the last nine months and in spite of physio, rest, homeopathy, painkillers, anti inflammatories it is …

Achilles Tendonitis problem! Spring is here and just started running. 
Hi! Now that warmer weather has arrived, I started running again last week. Going against my better judgment, I really pushed it hard right out …

Is Mild Long Term Tendonitis Curable? 
Hi Joshua, You helped me a few months back with a muscle tightness and loss of strength in my right arm with a possible tendonitis in the forearm …

New pain in the wrist and thumb. Carpal Tunnel? Wrist Tendonitis? What should I do? 
My pain started in my left wrist and is now also in my thumb I need to know what to do my husband is unemployed and we are without insurance and I …

Can Carpal Tunnel or Wrist Tendonitis aggravate arthritis? 
I am a 56 years old female who was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome about 6 years ago. My job requires a lot of computer work. Since February …

Burning Pain From New Running Injury at the Foot and Ankle. 
Hello! Thank you for reviewing this. I have injured the top of my foot where it meets my ankle. Actually, a bit more on the top of my foot rather …

Achilles Tendonitis, and Want To Be Running Again 
I am a runner, last year I averaged 35 miles a week, did multiple races and the 2008 Chicago Marathon. Since around the end of Oct. 2008 I have had achilles …

Post-surgery Trigger Finger, And Shooting Pain On The Thumb Side Of The Wrist 
Hi Joshua. I have osteoarthritis in both hands. I have also had surgery on both thumbs for trigger finger. The problem is my wrist and thumb. …

Achilles Tendinitis in a 62 Year Old Competitive Sprinter! 
I'm a 62 year old master's sprinter, I've been plagued with achilles tendonitis (on and off) for a while now, it is only in my left tendon, one small hot …

What about knees? 
Now that I've had bilateral unicompartmental knee replacements, I am aware of tendonitis all around my knees! Anserine bursitis has been diagnosed …

Is This Calf Pain Tendonitis? 
Approximately two weeks ago my mother began having pain in her lower back leg between the ankle and the calf. Her leg is tender to the touch if …

Basketball Player WithTendonitis In Both Knees 
I am a 20 year old college basketball player that has had to take a season off due to my tendonitis pain in my knees and the pain is not going away …

Finger Injury from climbing, Tendonosis, and Carpal Tunnel flare ups. 
Hello! I'm a Massage Therapist and have been rock climbing since I was 5 (26 now). For the most part my hands are doing great but i do deal with …

Post Carpal Tunnel Surgery Problems 
Hello, its been about 3 months since my open surgery on my left hand I'm left handed and for about 3 weeks now I've been having pain in my thumb …

Can I get 'The Tennis Elbow Treatment That Works' in Belgium, and will it play there? 
Dear Sir, I have been suffering from a tennis elbow for about 5 months now. I live in Belgium, Europe and I was wondering if I could order your …

Musician and tendonitis questions for a paper I'm writing. 
] Hi Joshua. How are you? Let me introduce myself. My name is Jelle Van Giel and I study Jazz at the conservatory of Antwerp (Belgium). I'm …

I need HELP with my Chronic Wrist and Elbow Tendonitis. 
I am a respiratory therapist and have been for 31 yrs. I do the motions day in-day out with my hands, wrists,fingers and arms. If it helps to say …

Wrist Pain from Bodybuilding and Playing Guitar. 
Hi Joshua, its Marius again (the South African bodybuilder and guitarist) you emailed me a couple of weeks before, I replied on the email but figured you …

neck aches and headaches 
I am awakened in the middle of the night with one side of the neck muscle tight and a headache. Should I use a special pillow? I can't seem to find …

Im a football player and i have jumper's knee or tendonitis in my knee!!! 
I will do anything to get rid of this knee tendonitis problem. I'm going off to play college football in July and i need this gone by then. I've been …

Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendonitis in both feet pain won't go away after some time 
Hello. My name is Jess and I was first misdiagnosed by 2 doctors saying I had achilles tendonitis and calf strain, for 2 weeks I did the RICE protocol …

How do I heal my 12 year old gymnast daughter's tendonitis FOREVER!? 
My 12-year-old daughter is a gymnast and injured her wrist doing a skill on balance beam. That was 3 months ago and her condition has not improved at …

Will this wrist and arm pain get better or will I have a disability? 
My manager injured me at work by puling me backward and forward to get a piece of paper from me. Since Nov 07 this has not gotten better, and …

Question about your Healthy Wrist Protocol 
I have used your wrist protocol from 'The Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works' for the 2nd day, taking care to dip my arms every 10 minutes and then …

Tried ice, seems to make my wrist tendonitis worse. 
Hello. I have a mild case of tendonitis in my wrist. It seems to be about 3 inches below the hand on the thumb side of the wrist where the muscle/tendons …

Synflex (Naproxen sodium) Tendinitus of Achilles Tendon. 
Am experiencing pain whilst on a week long course of Synflex. I have received No advice other than to continue with my medication, What should I do …

Wrist Pain From Motorcycle Riding and pulling on the Clutch 
Hi Joshua....I love your website and have read just about every word on it...THANKS. I am currently suffering from what I "think" to be wrist tendonitis. …

Tendonitis of the Jaw 
I believe I am suffering from TMJ and have been for a while now. My dentist fitted me with a night guard and so far that has helped with grinding/clenching …

Can a FOOSH Cause Tendinitis? 
Hello, I am a 52 year old male in good health. On December 15th I suffered a FOOSH in a bike crash. My wrist felt somewhat bruised and sprained but …

Ice Dipping - When? 
With the ice dip procedure for wrist tendonitis, is the dipping supposed to be done once a day, dipping the wrist at least 10 times in a 2 hour span? Or, …

Pinching, sharp pain after blood drawn 
About two weeks ago I had a routine blood draw. Now, whenever I straighten my arm or attempt to lift something slightly heavy (i.e. gallon of milk) …

Thank you!! Ice for Tendonitis and Thumb Pain 
I went to see one of the best hand surgeons in SF who diagnosed me with deQuervain's. He was a good doctor and was frank enough to tell me that he did …

Calcific bursitis and peritendinitis in shoulder? 
I am a 50 year old female and for many years (7 or so) I had a nagging, on-again, off-again, pain in my left shoulder with the pain towards the front and …

Had a hip replacement now can't walk anymore 
I had a hip replacement and did the ususal post op therapy. I was ok for a while, but as time passed I have had difficulty walking for periods of time. …

Advice On Time Between Ice Dips For Tendonitis ? 
Lets say a patient is ice dipping, using your super icing in a bucket method. What is the time you suggest between dipping? Is it best to let foot …

Can Tendonitis spread? 
I have Tendonitis in my left forearm from playing bass, and it seems to have spread to my left forearm, is this possible? Also would you be able …

have golfers elbow 16 almost 17 years old (very critical) 
i am a 16 year old competitive tennis player at a national level with golfers elbow, i play 5-6 days a week or more(did before tendonitis). i played …

I have had pain in my ankle and outer leg, the paroneal tendon I'm guessing 
I have been having this pain in my ankle and outer left leg for a little over three months. I have done just about everything I could do. It is definitely …

What is the most effective treatment for my wrist? 
I fell off a horse playing polo almost 2 years ago and injured my right wrist. Doctor first said my ligament was probably torn. Several x-rays were …

Small dose of Cipro...still dangerous? 
I'm so glad I found your website. I can't seem to find anyone who will even try to answer my questions. I'm a female in my 30's, and my Doctor recently …

Six Months of Wrist Tendonitis, don't want to have it the rest of my life 
Hi, It's been 6 months and I still have wrist tendonitis... at least I think thats what it is.. first off when I first noticed it hurting I went to …

Tendonitis - Peroneus Longus/Brevis with swelling all year 
Hi, My name is Khalai. I have this tendonitis on my left ankle (outer) since 2007. I feel the pain when I walk, and it gets worse when I try …

Pain in the ball of my foot  Not rated yet
Hi, I had Achilles tendon surgery with the removal of haglund's deformity on January 26, 2017. I am now in a boot in week #8. I have a soreness in …

Yes, I have taken Fluoroquinolone Ciprofloxacin. What now? Not rated yet
Hi Joshua. (Years after taking Ciprofloxacin) I am 45 and have been struggling with recurring joint pain in a number of joints for 5 years. It started …

Dislocated Shoulder last year, now TMJ syndrome Not rated yet
I'm Rebecca, a 50 year old female person in pretty good shape. 5'5", 125#, moderate 40 min exercise 4-5x/wk, decent diet. I got clobbered by a rogue …

Which book to buy? Traveling pain started in forearm Not rated yet
Please advise which book to buy: left top of forearm is fatigued despite rest and there is one tender spot on back of upper arm halfway between elbow and …

Advanced Tennis Elbow / Have done surgery already Not rated yet
Hello. I'll try and lay this out a efficiently as possible. I'm 41 years old, male, slim frame, healthy. About 3 years ago, I began feeling pain due …

Wrist pain, weakness, atrophy, twitching  Not rated yet
My name is Joseph and i'm 24 years old. About a year ago i started getting a sharp pain in my left hand right above the wrist. it only hurt when i bent …

I'm a pitcher and have pain in my elbow dont know what to do! Please help! Not rated yet
Im a baseball player and work out about ten times a week and right now im throwing about three times a week. The other day i pitched a bullpen which i …

34 year old with Levaquin Poisoning Too young to feel this old! Not rated yet
I'm a 34 yr. old female who was prescribed levaquin and had no idea or even heard of it doing this to your joints and tendons. The second day I was on …

patellofemoral pain syndrome/tendonopathy and other pains that won't go away Not rated yet
My 12 year-old daughter sprained her finger playing basketball 4 years ago. She had to quit playing because in never completely healed. Radiographs were …

Tendonitis in multiple locations, including foot and wrist, and headaches and muscle fatigue Not rated yet
About three months ago I got tendonitis in my left foot. I now have tendonitis in my left hand. I also have frequent headaches, severe fatigue and muscle …

Treating plantar peroneus longus tendon pain Not rated yet
I have had a recurrence of peroneal tendon pain, but instead of at the ankle, it is in the lateral sole of the foot, with the pain centered maybe an inch …

Battling tendonitis for 9 years at age 21 Not rated yet
This is my second time writing in. I never saw the response to my first message. I'm 21, female, petite, diagnosed with RSD at age 12, have been burdened …

When trying to rid your self of inflammation through icing is it safe to exercise? Not rated yet
I have Tennis Elbow and I am currently icing it to rid it of inflamation. During this stage is it okay to exercise? Such as a elliptical machine or …

Discomfort from wrist to forearm from playing badminton and guitar Not rated yet
Hi I played badminton for a period of 6 weeks one a week. One day i had a strange feeling in my wrist but it didn't really hurt. I think its tendonitis …

Possible Peroneal Tendon damage after rolling my left ankle Not rated yet
Mid September 2010: Rolled my left ankle outward....MRI showed cartilage damage that would require arthroscopic microsurgery. January 2011: Surgery …

Can I heal achilles tendonitis without orthotics and clunky running shoes? Not rated yet
I've had a nagging achilles tendonitis problem for the last 18 mos. It started after 4 months of running in Vibram fivefingers. I've since used some minimal …

Can foot tendonitis cause pain up the entire leg? Not rated yet
I believe that I have foot tendonitis, and I am wondering if this would cause pain in my leg? And can tendonitis pain go away and then come back? …

Calf Pain and Charlie Horse When Running More Than 10 Minutes. Not rated yet
I'm 38. 5'10" 175 lbs. I started working out again a couple of months ago. Running for more than 10 minutes is proving to be nearly impossible. After …

I have a locking pinky finger.from playing guitar Not rated yet
Hi, I got a locking pinky finger on my left hand. When I bend my fingers towards my palm of my hand, my pinky finger does not follow the rest of my …

Left hand pinky finger tendonitis in piano player Not rated yet
I play piano, 11 months ago I over practiced my hand, and due to the wrong pinky finger position my tendon started swelling and was inflammed since …

Pain after twisting and turning wrist while grouting bathroom. Is it Tendonitis? Not rated yet
I grouted some floor tile three days ago - lots of twisting and turning of the wrist. Wrist is still sore where palm and wrist connect below the little …

Pigs feet, called Trotters, are healing my Achilles Tendonitis Not rated yet
Hello Dear Friends I got a testimony about the healing process of my right Achilles tendon by eating “manitas de cerdo” or “Trotters” which are very …

Ice dipping Plantar Fasciitis for 6 days, still some shooting pain in right foot Not rated yet
Hi Joshua, I have had plantar fasciitis for several years. At first good shoes and insoles were enough. Then I had a job where I was on my feet …

Wrist Pain Possibly from Snow Boarding, Wrist Tendonitis or Wrist Injury? Not rated yet
I have been having a good amount of wrist pain and i can't pinpoint what to do to make it stop. I have no health insurance so i cant just go in and …

Hard knots above sock line on leg, and cervical disc pain Not rated yet
I wear footies in the summer, but in the winter change to socks. I'm a 45 year old male who used to workout constantly up until three years ago. …

DeQuervains Syndrome and Numbness, Orthopedic Surgeon no help, will Icing help? Not rated yet
About seven months ago, I went to an Orthopedic Surgeon with wrist pain and was diagnosed with DeQuervain's Syndrome. He gave me a cortisone injection …

Can a little fall tear a shoulder tendon and cause tendonitis? Not rated yet
I fell about 5 weeks ago had ultrasound and xray when i fell i hurt my shoulder now doctor said i have tendonitis in it and tear why would such a small …

Severe Arm Muscle Pain from 2010 Flu Shot Not rated yet
My question is similar to: Rebecca, Chattanooga, TN titled Chemical Tendotitis from The H1N1 Flu Shot . My 2010 Flu Shot was injected high in my shoulder. …

What type of knee tendonitis do I have? Not rated yet
I have had pain in both sides of my knees for over 2 months and have been diagnosed with tendonitis. I have pain when getting up from a sitting position …

I have had Plantar Fasciitis for two months, have been stretching Not rated yet
Well i have had Plantar fascitiis for about two months now and i have been doing stretches for it. I normally do 5 stretches 2 a day. I play football …

Magnesium Oil - Rash /Burning after Ice Dipping Not rated yet
Joshua, I bought a couple bottles of Magnesium oil and have been using it for a couple days. I have been experiencing a major rash (basically …

Unknown reason for torn peroneal brevis following years of chronic DeQuervains and bilat lat epicondylitis Not rated yet
the longitudinal tear along the brevis is now accompanied by additional symptoms of burning posterior to original pain, which began 1 year ago. am …

I have Ilio-Tibial Band Tendonitis on my leg and lower back. Not rated yet
Hey, My legs been hurting for 3 years almost and I'm only 17 my doctor says I have itb aka tendinitis, I've been taking naproxson. But I'm sick …

Diagnosed Achilles Tendinosis, steroids and running around caused more pain Not rated yet
My doctor took x-rays of my right foot and diagnosed achilles tendinosis. Prescribed a 6-day steroid regimen with an anti-inflammatory and gave me …

Ice Dipping for Guitarist Tendonitis, buzzing sensation Not rated yet
Joshua, I began your icing program today Feb 25th 2010. For three years I've been fighting tendonitis in my left wrist. I am a guitar player, but …

Stretches For Base Of Foot  Not rated yet
hi again Joshua as you are aware I have peroneal tendon pain aside from the ice and self massage I get a lot of lack of mobility and general stiffness …

Does whiplash injury cause anxiety problems? Not rated yet
I had a car wreck when I was 17-years-old, with no pain at the time. At 24 I started having anxiety and panic attacks with severe neck pain and muscle …

Bruising when Ice dipping / ice massaging shin splints? Not rated yet
Hi Joshua, I have been suffering from very mild shin splints form running (I believe probably caused by tight soleus). Having noticed the onset of this, …

15 yr. old with elbow pain, JV baseball pitcher Not rated yet
JV baseball pitcher. Seems to radiate from the unlnar (?) side halfway down the forearm, up the tricep side a little. Pain can be sharp in the joint. …

Peroneal Tendonitis maybe acute tear, nothing working. Not rated yet
Hi there, basically over a year ago i decided i want to join the royal marines, so as u would i started running a lot. and when i did run i got horrible …

Shoulder Tendonitis Pain is getting worse! Arm movement restriced. Help Not rated yet
Had an MRI showed mild tendonitis...mild really hurts and my arm movement is becoming restricted! Advil is not helping. Pain is from the …

Shin splints caused by drinking soda? Not rated yet
Hi, I heard from someone that carbonated drinks can cause shin splints and I was wondering if it's true. I haven't been able to find anything on it. …

Wrist Tendonitis and 5 days of swelling in 11 year old's right hand Not rated yet
My son who is 11 and is right handed he has tendonitis in his right wrist. It has been swollen for about 5 days. I took him to the Dr. about 2 days …

Collegiate Long Jumpers Knee, last year of competing Not rated yet
Hi, I am a collegiate long jumper. I have had bad tendonitis of the knee for the past year. It is my last year of competing and I just want something …

I have had tendonitis for years, play guitar, and I am a vegetarian Not rated yet
Hi. I am a guitar player. I have developed tendonitis in the forearm, wrist, and pretty much everywhere else on my left arm and it has persisted for …

Is ice treatment effective for retrocalcaneal bursitis? Not rated yet
I have suffered for 2 years from retrocalcaneal bursitis in my right foot and, more recently, the left. I have had this diagnosed by ultrasound scan …

Supraspinatus Tendonitis shoulder pain keeps coming back Not rated yet
i had this (left)shoulder injury while lifting weight nine months ago. i went to a doctor he told me its supraspinatus tendonitis and told me to take three …

Forearm Tendonitis caused by P90X and riding a bicycle trainer? Not rated yet
I am experiencing tendonitis in the outside of my forearm near the elbow. It seems to have started at the same time I started riding my bicycle on …

Help! My feet hurt after 20 years of problems, corticosteroid shots, and foot surgeries. Not rated yet
I have had problems with my feet for nearly 20 years. I have very high arches and hyper-mobile ankles. Between 1996-1999 I had surgery 5 times to …

Cubital Tunnel and Tendonitis From Driving, and surgery to move the nerve  Not rated yet
Two years ago I took a different shift at work with a lot less lifting & unloading, for more driving. Arms were tired and ached, I thought it was …

16 year old barista having severe pain in arm, need some more Tendonitis information Not rated yet
I am 16yrs old and in April i started a new job as smoothie barrist. Around september i started developing pain in my right wrist and and it soon escalated …

Not sure whats wrong with my lower leg? Am a runner, could it be Achilles Tendonitis? Not rated yet
For the past 4 years I've run 4000 miles/year 5000 in 2007. I change very little habitwise (80-90 weekly, weekly 20+ miler around marathons). My shoes …

I'm a 17 year old pitcher, been pitching all my life, now my elbow hurts when I bend it Not rated yet
I'm 17 years old an have been pitching all my life. I recently took a break for about 6 weeks and i came out of the break and threw really good but …

Elbow Tendonitis From Knitting, hurts to grip and straighten arm Not rated yet
Found you on the knitting website Ravelry; thank you! I'm a pretty healthy 54 and developed tendonitis in my right (preferred) elbow last summer from …

Unable to flex foot after a night of ankle pain, foot is cold to the touch, can this be from being on my feet all day? Not rated yet
This started New Years Eve. I had moderate inner-ankle pain in my left foot. I didn't twist it, but over the years whenever running, this ankle would …

Marathon Runner With Sudden Onset Right Foot Pain Not rated yet
Hi! I have been training for the houston half marathon (on jan 17th)! Went to denver for 7 days and did not run due to snow :-( this past sunday …

TMJ, Dizzyness, after a car accident, mini stroke involvement as well Not rated yet
hi here gos i am 62 yrs old never really had any major health prob till aug 2008 it started when my truck got hit on the passenger side most impact …

Constant forearm tendonitis tightness in both arms, am a grocery checker Not rated yet
Hello, I've had forearm tightness in both arms for 4 months now. My job is checking people out at the grocery store, and one night after coming home …

Levaquin Tendonitis In The Knees? Will Fasting Get Cytotoxins Out? Not rated yet
Happy New Year! Back at the end of November, I had bacterial bronchitis-secondary from having the flu more then likely. Doc did test, drew blood, …

I have sharp pain in the middle of my knee from running, I'm 43 Not rated yet
Hello I am a long time runner and have not been able to run smoothly recently because of knee pain. I get this sharp poke some where in the middle …

H1n1 Side Effect: Severe Muscle/Socket Pain Not rated yet
I too had had the same problems. I took the "stupid" H1N1 vaccine and I am full to the brim with regret. December 10th was the day of the dreadful …

17 Year Old With Drummers Wrist Tendonitis  Not rated yet
Hi there :) i'm a 17 year old drummer and i've been playing for nearly 8 years, i am almost certain i have tendonitis because when i play now i tense …

Timing of ice bath question from marathon runner with shin splints Not rated yet
Hi- I'm a novice, flat footed, custom orthotic-fitted slow (12min/m easy pace) runner who's done 2 10ks and 2 half marathons in the past 2 years and …

Wrist tendonitis From Riding Motorcycle and Playing Video Games Not rated yet
The wrist pains started from right hand and then they were in the left hand too, I think it was because of the motorcycle, I bought one recently and …

I need help figuring out how to relieve my severe pain with my work situation Not rated yet
i do a lot of manual labor heavy lifting i wear a wrist brace but it hurts me more while i'm working. i don t know what to do the pain is so bad …

Methods To Relieve Tendonitis Not rated yet
i have tendonitis of the wrist,forearm and hand, not sure exactly which one because it feels like it is in all those places. dr has confirmed that …

Tendonitis in my left foot from running and training for a half-marathon? Not rated yet
I've begun to have sharp, lasting pain on the outside of my left foot. I've had x-ray's done and they came back broken bones or stress …

Tendonitis Pain In The Area Of The Thumb and Fingers In A Weightlifter In New York Not rated yet
Hi there first of all i speak spanish but i'm going to try to express my problem since im so depressed. i've read your advices for example ice, and …

Wrist tendonitis, both wrists, which DVD would be best? Not rated yet
Hi, Just found your site and am hoping it can help me. I am a writer and have been suffering from debilitating wrist pain (pinky side of hand, …

Bilateral thumb pain after wearing splints for Carpal Tunnel Symptoms Not rated yet
I had carpal tunnel symptoms so I began to wear wrist splints for several months at night. This relieved my carpal tunnel symptoms but I now am unable …

Elbow Tendonitis Surgery, where is the fluid and swelling coming from? Not rated yet
I had surgery on my elbow caused from severe tendonitis about a month ago and now developed like swelling or fluid, what could of caused this? …

Biceps Tendonitis from curls and guitar Not rated yet
I have pain in my left arm, (where the bicep meets the forearm). I used to perform curls with 35-40 pounds and have since stopped because of the …

Plantar Fasciitis in Left Heel Has Been Killing Me For 3 months, Significant Relief After 4 Days Not rated yet
Joshua, My left heel has been has been killing me for 3 months. I self diagnosed Plantar Fascitis and confirmed this with a visit to a sports …

My left shoulder hurts, could be shoulder tendonitis, doctors have no idea what is wrong Not rated yet
I have had pain in my left shoulder for 3 years but the last year of it has been very constant. I have had 2 steroid injection and an x-ray but …

Questions About Self Massage Of Lower Legs, Calfs, Shins Etc  Not rated yet
hi again joshua I am upping my ice dipping and ice massage for my peroneal tendon soreness and general ankle stiffness to be honest, I find the ice …

Elbow Tendonitis Pain and Carpal Tunnel For Years, surgery for both and no relief Not rated yet
I have been dealing with elbow tendonitis pain and carpal tunnel syndrome for years. I have had surgery for elbow tendonitis and carpal tunnel with …

Foot Pain and Possible Tendon or Ligament Tear from Foot Injury Not rated yet
I sprained my ankle-I was sitting, kneeling on my legs, feet, and someone pushed my body backwards...I ended up sitting on my foot with all my weight.......My …

Nodules under Pinkie Finger, Tenosynovitis and Precursor to Trigger Finger? Not rated yet
I have a nodule on my left palm, under my little finger, just above the crease at the palm. There is a clear swelling in the area obvious on touching …

Will my plantar fascia heal after a deep accidental cut? Not rated yet
Hi, I stepped on something very sharp in the ocean and was then told by a doctor in Thailand that I'd severed a tendon. Once I reached the hospital, …

My Father Needs Help For Fibromyalgia Not rated yet
dear sir, i am sending this mail from india. my father is suffering from fibromyalgia. a disease related to weakness and unbearable pain in tendons …

Shin Splints From A Hard Landing Playing Basketball. Not rated yet
My "Shin Splints" appeared almost 4 years ago as a result of a single incident. I was playing basketball, with a 5 foot brick wall behind the goal. …

Achilles Tendonosis and Platlet Rich Plasma Therapy Not rated yet
Hello, I just came across this most informative site about tendonosis. I have been going back and forth between, podiatrist, orthopedic surgeon, …

Chronic Tendonitis Of The Right And Left Wrists In Canada Not rated yet
My name is Jennifer and I am 27 Years old and a mother of 2 girls. My doctor has told me that i have chronic Tendonitis of my right and left wrists …

Shoulder Pain and Carpel Tunnel or something else? Not rated yet
Four months ago I woke up feeling like I had just done a weight workout with my hands; the palms of my hands were sore and hurt. Over the next weeks …

Perniosis and Tendonitis in a 71 year old (young) woman Not rated yet
I have had an x-ray and MRI on my feet. I have a small amount of swelling under my right ankle bone at times. My feet get sore at times, especially …

Rotator cuff and now hand and thumb tendonitis Not rated yet
I have had rotator cuff tendonitis for several months but that seems to be getting better. Just recently I have developed thumb and possibly hand …

Tendonitis on the top of the foot, basketball player with broken ankle Not rated yet
I broke my ankle one month and a half ago. I am an elite basektball player and really need to start my intense training again so I can get ready …

Treatment for Golfer's Elbow Tendonitis pain in most of my right arm Not rated yet
I have pain in my right arm following overdoing it when weight training a week ago. Problem has occurred before when trained arms too intensely. …

My Calf Started Hurting Out Of Nowhere Not rated yet
My calf started hurting out of no where, i don't recall injuring it anywhere. Only thing i remember doing differently is putting new shoe insulators …

Wrist Tendonitis? Mechanic and Motocross Induced Carpal Tunnel? Neck Injury? Not rated yet
hello, my name is joe. im 28 years old and ive been a mechanic for 10 years. i also race and ride ditbikes 3 hours every week without resting. …

IWrist tendonitis or tennis elbow, I don't know if mine are related Not rated yet
About 1 1/2 months ago, I was having tingling in my arm. Went to my internal medicine doc. He told me I had tendonitis in my wrist. Told me to wear …

56 year old karate instructor with Levaquin Achilles Tendonitis Not rated yet
Hi Joshua, My name is Vito and I am 56 years old. Always in very good shape, I teach karate and walk a good six miles a day. I am a men's barber …

Achilles Tendonosis Surgery, is it THAT bad? Not rated yet
I am a 49 yr old female and have achilles tendonosis dx. by MRI and physical exam. I have had PT/ice therapy/non steriodials/rest. There is …

Artist with Chronic Wrist Tendonitis and desperate to get better Not rated yet
Dear Joshua, I am a full time artist, and do rather huge paintings because of the special technique i use. Luckily I don't carry the canvasses …

I just got tendonitis last week. Do you think its possible to run a half marathon in a week? Not rated yet
I have tedonitis in my inner ankle. It started to hurt on monday of last week. I went to the doctor thursday and have gone to physical therapy …

Climber hoping that he didn't ruin his ice season with some hard paddling Not rated yet
G'day So, I love climbing and have been pushing quite hard for the past few years, moreso this past summer. Things were going quite well. I …

Plantar Fasciitis In Left Foot for the past year, nothing has helped, will your DVD help? Not rated yet
Joshua, Your plantar fasciitis dvd sounds good. I have had plantar fasciitis for over a yr in left foot. 2 shots of cortisone. Tried orthotics …

14 year old with Achilles Tendonitis can't get rid of it Not rated yet
My son is 14 years old and I can't get rid of his achilles tendonitis. He has been to every doctor, and has worn a boot for a month, has been in physical …

Had MRI Done I Have A Lateral Tear in rotary cup and shoulder tendonitis and arm tendonitis Not rated yet
Had a mri done I have tear in rotary cup plus tendonitis in arm and shoulder plus downsloping of the shoulder. Will I need surgery if the pain is …

Achilles Tendonitis For 5 Months, With Knots On The Tendons Not rated yet
Hi Joshua! I've had a problem with achilles tendonitis for about 5 months now. Even prior to that I noticed a tightness in those tendons …

Neck Pain Relief After Phone Consultation Not rated yet
Hello, this is Frank. Thanks for your advice over the phone for neck pain relief. I have been doing these exercises throughout the day and they …

Plantar Fasciitis Tendonitis For 7 Years, New Foot Injury Not rated yet
Not sure how I stumbled onto your site, but here is my story. I have the typical plantar problems for over 7 years now. I have tried countless …

Acute Shin Splints After A 5k Run, Extreme Pain Not rated yet
I have no formal running training, but enjoy a 1.5-3.5 mile run every few days. I ran a 5k on Sunday and since then have had terrible shin splints …

15 year old rock climber suffering from carpal tunnel or tendonitis? Not rated yet
I have been rock climbing for a little over four months now. After the first couple months I started to develop pain in my wrists. I thought it …

9 year old pitcher - elbow pain Not rated yet
My 9 year old is a pitcher for his baseball team. Our league has strict rules about pitch counts and he rarely pitches more than 2 innings per week …

My 12 Year Old Gymnast Has Tendontis Not rated yet
We just found out my 12 yr old gymnast has tendinitis. They did not give her any pain meds or show us any excersises. We are in the gym 5 days …

Am I always going to have to live with Tendonitis pain? Not rated yet
I was diagnosed with tendonitis on the right forearm over a year ago, and my question is why does the tendonitis go away and then as fast as it leaves …

College Running Back With Sharp Pain In The Knees. Knee Tendonitis Not rated yet
Hi, my name is Jamar and I am a football player. I'm currently in college playing football and I'm a running back. I've been having problems …

Nagging Problem In Neck And Ear Could It Be Tendonitis? Not rated yet
I have had pain in the left side of my neck under my ear and along left, right below base of skull for more than 6 mths. I thought I had an ear …

Tennis Elbow Diagnosos, Doctor said time will heal it, You're so far away, can you still help me? Not rated yet
First off, I'm 44 years old and I've been having pain in my right elbow since mid August. I thought it might be arthritis, but no amount of meds or …

What to do about Iliopsoas Tendonitis in a ballet dancer and kick boxer? Not rated yet
Hello, I am a fellow massage therapist. One of my clients has been complaining about groin pain for almost a year now. She is a ballet dancer …

Not getting anywhere with Shoulder tendinits and pain Not rated yet
I had an mri done in june and have rotary cup tendinitis and arm tendinitis. Have been off work for month and returned back to work still in pain …

Diagnose me - tendonitis? carpal tunnel? or anything else Not rated yet
I am 21 and legally blind. I have had extremely bad pain in my forearm, wrist, hand, and fingers ever since I started typing when I was 14. It …

No more pain seriously? Pianist with pain for 5 years Not rated yet
OK so I am a pianist and I was diagnosed with repetative motion injury, then tennis elbow, they thought it was carpal tunnel at first but then the test …

Is Heat Good To Put On Your Wrists For Wrist Tendinitis? Not rated yet
I have had Wrist Tendinitis for almost 2 years now. When I take long resting breaks, it helps, but I go to high school online (this is my senior …

15 year Cipro use caused multiple tendon surgeries and now plantar fascitis rupture of the right foot Not rated yet
I began being prescribed Cipro in 1991 for intestinal infections and used it regularly until late 2007 when it became ineffective for the infection. …

Tennis Elbow, And A few Questions About Tendons And Tightness Not rated yet
I have been having elbow pain for almost 6 months. I saw an orthopedic and I was given a diagnosis of bilateral tennis elbow. I had strange …

Had plantar fasciitis but now I am pain-free!!! Not rated yet
I had heel pain for five months and had tried everything including shock wave therapy. I used the treatment recommended for plantar fasciitis. …

Long term wrist pain, 3 different surgeries, looking for a solution. Not rated yet
I have had 3 procedures done on my wrist: 1) CTS release, 2) arthroscopy 3) radial bone shortening. I have had minimal benefits from these surgeries. …

Tennis Elbow and Golfers Elbow Too. Can I Keep Exercising? Not rated yet
Hi Joshua, I'm 46 self-employed contract cleaner. I have worked out 3 days a week for most of my adult life. In the past year i've …

Surface Pain in right leg moves from upper to lower leg  Not rated yet
I have had severe pain off and on for 6 weeks. The leg surface is so tender most of the time that even clothing irritates. Feels ok part of …

I have ongoing calf swelling and Achilles Tendon pain after motorscooter crash Not rated yet
Hello Joshua - I bought a motorscooter when gas prices went through the roof. I didn't know how to ride, and was learning when I guess I put my …

Left Ankle Tendonitis, high school varsity basketball player, I need helP!!!!!!!!!! Not rated yet
Hello Mr. Joshua, My name is Megan and i have a serious problem. That problem is TENDONITIS!!!!! You see i'm a high school …

Peroneal Tendonitis and Avulsion of Retinaculum on Lateral Malleolus Not rated yet
What process of cold application is best for an injury that has perhaps not yet reached the stage of being chronic, but rather has not yet healed …

Right forearm pain when riding a motorcycle or at the computer Not rated yet
I ride a motorcycle and work at a job where I am on the cpu all day. My right arm is hurting when I use it to dial, type or ride my bike. …

When should you have surgery for plantar fasciitis? Not rated yet
I severed my achilles and was off of my feet for 1 year. As a result was diagnosed with plantar fascitis in both heels. I have tried corticosteroid …

Chronic Bilateral Wrist Tendonitis: surgery vs non surgery Not rated yet
I have chronic bilateral tendonitis in both wrists. Started 1-1/2 yrs ago. Constant typing and lifting charts in hospital. Rec'd cortisone injection …

Tendonitis where the hamstring meets the hip Not rated yet
Hi I have been struggling with pain in the buttock where the hamstring meets the hip on my inner thigh for about 8 months now. Dr's think that …

Carpal Tunnel Surgery and IV Vitamin C Not rated yet
I am scheduled for Carpal Tunnel surgery next week. My husband has cancer and is currently on C-IV treatment. It took a lot of work to get the …

Wrist Tendonitis Over 7 years, Super Soaker squirtgun waterfight Not rated yet
Firstly let me tell you, you are a true blessing!! I have suffered with tendonitis for over 7 years! I developed repetitive strain injury in …

Peroneal Tendonitis, Ice Dipping Advice Please Not rated yet
now I have got the hang of the process and how it works but a bit more detail please I have a shallow bucket which I fill with plastic freezer bottles …

Is Ice Therapy Useful For General Stiffness? Not rated yet
I am 42 and get that that age brings sometimes in the mornings....shoulders, knees sometimes etc Unlike my ankle tendonitis problem, this stiffness …

The Fear That Tendonitis Is Actually More Than That ? Not rated yet
Joshua is it a regular thing for us guys to worry that what we have is more than the simple pain dynamic? Do you get a lot of folks thinking the sprain …

Encouragement For Long Term Tendonitis Sufferers Not rated yet
I have had this tendonitis problem for 5 months....some I am sure many people a lot longer. Can you give some words of support to those of us who fear …

Exercise Advice For Tendonitis Sufferers, How Much? Not rated yet
Take my example.....peroneal tendon soreness, stiffness and pain. I probably had this "issue" for some time but brought it on by walking long distances, …

Tendinitis in both hands, doorman and play guitar Not rated yet
Hi my boyfriend is suffering from tendinitis in both hands, he works with his hands and plays guitar, is there anything i can tell him to ease the pain …

Wedding Photographer with Tendonitis in my feet - must recover because I can't stop working Not rated yet
i am a 55 year old wedding photographer. I've developed painful tendonitis in my feet (right foot mostly). it is painful to work and my podiatrist has …

89 years old with carpal tunnel Not rated yet
My 89 year old husband suffers greatly from carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands/arms. The pain, numbness, and tingling are nearly decapacitating and …

wrist tendonitis & tennis elbow in left side and tendonitis in rt wrist Not rated yet
I'M SO HAPPY TO FIND THIS SITE! Have been on L&I for nearly a year diagonsed with tennis elbow & wrist tendonitis on the left and tendonitis in right …

**FRANK** Neck pain causes arm pain  Not rated yet
Hi, I got an e-mail saying that there was a new comment on my previous posting, but I didn't see it. My neck pain is still really bad on the right …

Bone Broth, Meniscus surgery, and Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplementation Not rated yet
Hello Joshua This is Aldo. I wrote to you a little while ago, I was the one with the meniscus tear that went to surgery. Today is the 5 week …

Can a Chiropractor Cure TMJ? Not rated yet
I have had tmj and jaw pain for years. It's really starting to get in the way of my life, I can't kiss my husband, and sometimes it hurts so bad …

Back Injury 1 year, Plantar Fasciitis 4 months, Is Inflammation Universal? Not rated yet
Hi. I have a back injury x1 year! All xrays/MRIs negative. Im sure it is Ligaments/Tendons. Its in my thoracic. Now, I have Plantar Faciitis …

Pianist with carpal or tendinitis Not rated yet
Hi, I'm a twenty year old music major at Holy Cross in MA, going into junior year. My doctor isn't sure but he thinks it's minor carpal tunnel. …

Is it Shoulder Tendonitis at my collar bone/shoulder connection? Not rated yet
Hi, I have a question. I think I have shoulder tendonitis, at the end of my collarbone where it joins to the shoulder maybe top of the humerous? …

Car Accident Neck and Shoulder Pain. Seems to be NO help,and the doctors are not concerned. Not rated yet
I received whiplash trauma in my neck and left shoulder after rolling over my truck. It has been over 5 months and the pain persists, very severe …

Elbow Pain Tendinitus, Naproxen didn't work, Need to feel better to clean houses  Not rated yet
I went to the doctor due to pain in elbow area. They said I had tendinitus and gave me naproxen for a month. It did nothing for me. Could it …

I Keep Getting Tendonitis. What Activities and Supplements? Not rated yet
I believe in a holistic approach because it seems that once I get over tendinitis in one area and start exercising again, I develop it somewhere else. …

Achilles Tendonitis in both legs from overtraining for a marathon Not rated yet
Hi Joshua. I just saw your webpage for the first time and read the topic on the 62-yr old sprinter as well as another one. I have similarities, …

Elbow Tendonitis Surgery Pain and 'Popping Out Of Place' Feeling!!! Not rated yet
I had surgery for Elbow Tendonitis on April 8 and my whole arm is hurting understandably, but I have had about 3 instances where I felt like something …

Chronic Forearm Pain From Playing Racquetball Not rated yet
I have been playing racquetball and have chronic pain in my forearm. Occasional pain in the elbow also. Stretching seems to help a little, but …

Severe tennis elbow pain in both elbows for 18 months Not rated yet
I have tried everything to get rid of my pain. Occupational therapy for 3 months, physical therapy for 2 months, wearing braces a lot, 4 incredibly …

I am currently a highschool football player and I have Tendonitis in my knee. Not rated yet
Ok I am a sophomore in high school right now. I would just like to know the most effective ways to treat tendonitis in my knee. About a month ago …

Back and shoulder discomfort from wrist sprain? Not rated yet
Hello. I sprained both of my wrists about 4 weeks ago. Only moderate pain and I pretty much forgot about it until one week later I woke up and …

I used The Plantar Fasciitis DVD. My feet feel beter but now.... Not rated yet
I purchased your dvd on plantar fasciitis recently and I have noticed a dramatic improvement in my pain and inflammation. But now i have another …

Are 'The Treatment That Works' DVDs available for Download or shipping overseas? Not rated yet
I'm based in London, UK - I wondered if your DVD, was available to me? Thanks in advance Jim --- Joshua answers: Hi Jim. Thanks for …

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