Achilles Tendonitis Surgery a decade after painful Achilles tear
by Dawson McNew
(West Haven, CT)
In early 2000 I was running but there was a growing pain on the backs of both heels. Eventually, during a basketball game I suffered a partial tear to the right Achilles. An impressive pain.
I convalesced on my own for about three months before seeing the doctor. He showed me an x-ray of the right Achilles and a calcification appeared about one to two inches above where the tendon attaches to the heel and put me in a walking boot. Surgery was not recommended. I was told my running days were over. The right Achilles has remained twice the size of the left ever since.
Now, a decade later of residual pain that comes and goes but can be elevated by the slightest strain to the tendon I opted for surgery on 12/02/2010.
I was told; two weeks no weight bearing, two more weeks and some weight, two weeks removable boot and walking.
During post -op recovery the doctor reported to my girlfriend the surgery was more extensive than expected. The tendon was more frayed and they had to cut more than anticipated. Now it's five weeks no weight bearing.
I interpret this to mean they shortened the Achilles more than they would have liked and I am to expect a long recovery.
I had a lot of pain associated with my Achilles before the surgery. Not sure yet if the surgery is going to be worth it. Have my first post-op meeting with surgeon next Tuesday 12/14/2001.
Hoping to have a list of good questions to ask --so bring it.
Joshua Answers:Hello Dawson.
I highly suggest you get a copy of my
Reversing Achilles Tendonitis ebook.
It's self care you do to help yourself recover, rehab, and give your surgery a better chance of working out.
You've had
Tendonitis for a LONG time, and there's a lot going on in there, nutritionally, structurally, etc.
Surgery will help some things and irritate other things, and much of the structural changes that have been taking place for a decade
won't have changed at all. Meaning, you'll still want to change them for the better.
Your surgeon focuses only on the tendon itself, as cause -and- effect.
Here's questions for your Doctor:1. What -exactly- was done during surgery? Tissue removed, shaved down etc?
2. What did the tendon look like when you opened me up?
3. What did the tendon look like when you were done?
4. Was the surgery successful?
5. What are my chances of a full recovery?
6. What can I do to help ensure a full recovery?
7. Was the tendon itself the ONLY factor? You cut bad tissue away, so is the problem gone once the tendon heals?
8. Did you actually shorten the Achilles tendon, or just shave bad parts off? (really part of an earlier question, but I just thought of it)
9. Will I be able to run again?
10. Once this heals, will it be strong and healthy? Good as new?
I could probably come up with more questions, but those are likely the best. And I'm limiting it to post-surgery questions, as the others are relevant, but moot at this point.
Did you have surgery on one or both Achilles? Sounds like both.
More questions, more answers.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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