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Nerve Conduction Test

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The tests that use needles can be pretty darn painful, from what I hear. But some testing just requires adhesive pads.  It just all depends on what the doctors and technicians want to use to test the conductivity of your nerve pathways.

Whether it hurts or not partly depends on how capable your system is of handling the extra current.  For instance, if your nutritional status is way off, your personal electrical system may not be able to handle the exterior electrical stimulus.  Which would make sense that your nutrition -is- insufficient and/or deficient, since you're in the hospital getting tested.

If you've had an EMG (electromyogram) and/or nerve conduction test, would you recommend the test to others? Tell them to run away screaming, or that it's no bid deal?

Share Your Experience Of Your Nerve Conduction Test?

Did you get a Nerve Conduction Test with the needles? How'd that go? Was it painful? Excruciating?

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Please share why you were having the test done, your experience of the test, and the results from the test.

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What Other Visitors Have Said About Their Nerve Conducttion Test

Click below to see stories from other visitors to this page...

I have carpel tunnel so I had to get the nerve test now lump and bone spur 
I was not prepared for the pain and the shocks you get from the test. It was very painful!! But my concern is after the test my thumb started to get …

Welcome to the torture table of EMG and Nerve Conduction Tests 
I just survived the combo EMG/Nerve Conduction test, and it was both worse than I thought it would be and not as bad as I feared. Let me explain. I have …

My Nerve Conduction Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome HURT 
When I went in to get my Nerve Conduction Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I was not prepared for the pain I was about to experience. The electrical …

Nerve Conduction Test Pain from Hell 
He put the needle in my right wrist, no warning on what to expect and I felt as if I had been shot there, my hand flying up to my face. I screamed, …

Thank God If You've Never Had a Nerve Conduction Test 
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2009. One thing the rheumatologist wanted was a nerve conduction test. I was still working and had great insurance …

Convulsions Post Nerve Conduction Test 
I have undiagnosed muscle pain and weakness and was referred to a neurologists for a nerve conduction and EMG testing. That night my entire body experienced …

Nerve Conduction Test, It's not that bad 
I had to go for a nerve conduction test. So before I went I read up on how it was done and the pain level that was expected. The stories I read were …

I won't lie, my Nerve Conduction Test WAS NOT PLEASANT, I have actually had this test performed 3 times. 
Hi :) I am 38 year old female and an artist. In the early 90's I started dropping things and maybe did not even know my hand had released...they sent me …

Excruciating Nerve Conduction Test After Floxin Side Effects 
It hurt so bad after adverse reaction to Floxin, the nerves in both legs and achilles tendons were so damaged, I asked the doctor to STOP the test. …

PUZZLED by chronic wrist and elbow tendonitis after multiple surgeries Not rated yet
I'll start back 21 years ago... I woke up one morning with severe pain and heat in my right wrist. Went in to see my family doc, she sent me to a …

I've had carpal tunnel syndrome for 2 years and in July (a few months ago) I had the nerve conduction test. Yes, there were shocks and some needles, …

Once was enough with the nerve conduction test Not rated yet
It's been about 7 years since I had a nerve conduction test so I don't remember all the details. I went to the doctor complaining about a patch of numbness …

Why I am here today after a nerve test... Not rated yet
My story starts out that I have been having these things that I called spells. headaches and (high blood pressure only when I am having the spells). …

Pain from hell from the nerve conduction test!!!! Not rated yet
The overall pain was excruciating. The shocks were unbearable. The needle drew blood and my entire lower leg went into spasm. Two weeks later I have …

No needle for my nerve conduction test Not rated yet
I had this test done last week, there were no needles at all. The fingers on my right hand were going numb, and I have pain in the whole arm, wrist, …

Too Much Bleeding From Nerve Conduction Test Not rated yet
I went for a Nerve Conduction Test a few months back. I have been telling Drs I have a problem for a long time. I even went to therapy couple …

The Test Almost Made Me Throw Up Not rated yet
It was horrible! If I knew they were going to stick a needle in my nerve I never would have done it. I broke into a sweat and was nauseous, almost …

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