Failed Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy, reattached itself; scheduled for Open PF
by Chris R
(Pittsburgh, Pa)
I had Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy, as well as having the HyProCure Titanium Implant in sinus tarsi ?? in Left foot, after having had years of troubles and pretty much trying every conservative treatment out there!
I had some "overpronation" and podiatrist and I thought I would be a good candidate for the HyProCure. (they did X-rays). I also have a heel spur, which I've had for a long time (previous X-ray).
EPF surgery and implant was done at the same time in June 2011. I was not given crutches, as I was told I could walk on it the next day. I had much difficulty walking. So I borrowed some crutches, which helped me get around. Was using one crutch when I went back for follow-up. Didn't use crutch long.
By Nov 2011, I had excrutiating pain in left foot/leg. Podiatrist suggested removing the HyProCure Implant. I suggested we try Physical Therapy first, which I started Dec. 2011.
My hamstrings, as well as the ligaments in foot/ankle were very tight (probably from years of walking differently because "favoring" where the pain was??). PT consisted of whirlpool, deep tissue massage, which loosened up the hamstring and calf muscles, ultrasound on foot, and of course, more foot exercises. In Dec of 2011, I had a few weeks of NO PAIN!!!
Late Jan/Feb. 2012 noticed pain coming back; went for more PT. Insurance only paid for 20 Therapy sessions; I used those up. I had to wait until the "new insurance year" started in July.
Anyway, I liked this Podiatrist and kept following up with him. He gave me a few Cortizone shots where the Implant was (and I think one at the Plantar Fascia). He just kept saying all I needed was some "time". My husband was getting mad, thinking I would only need maybe 10 more years to get healed. So we sought a 2nd opinion.
This Podiatrist had an MRI done. The MRI showed a thickened Plantar Fascia, as well as some edema (and of course the heel spur). He said it like reattached itself and also said the words "Chronic Plantar Fasciitis". Great! I am only 44 years old and have been dealing with this off and on for 18 years! I didn't realize how much pain I was having and how much I was hobbling around, until my husband pointed it out to me last month.
Here is some of my foot history:
I believe my problems started in 1994, when my job required standing for 16 hours a day. Tried over-the-counter orthotics. They worked for awhile. Plantar Fasciitis sneaks up on you, at least in my case; you have a little pain, starts as an annoyance, then it gradually gets excrutiating!
Anyway, this has been off and on for years. At one point, saw a Podiatrist, he prescribed custom orthotics. Those worked for awhile.
Pain came back, Primary Care Physician prescribed Physical Therapy; ultrasound, massage, whirlpool and the exercises. I have been doing exercises for probably 17 years now; calf stretches against wall, stretching foot with towel before getting out of bed every morning, rolling balls, iced water bottles under foot/archs, curling toes around towel on floor, toe raises, etc. Had some relief for a few more years.
Oh, I always buy good, expensive shoes, just can't wear cheapo $25.00 shoes...rarely walk bare-footed.
A few more years went by; custom orthotics just got worn out, I think. So I started back with good Over-the-Counter orthotics. Kept up stretches, good shoes, etc.
Finally went to a 2nd Podiatrist. He took X-rays and we discovered the heel spur. He prescribed a custom "sports" orthotic. He said if those didn't help, I should have surgery. That scared me...that was probably around 2006/2007.
The custom "sports" orthotics never really seemed to
help much; they hurt my feet. I only wore them a few weeks. Got a 2nd opinon about those orthotics (so, that was a 3rd Podiatrist). 3rd Podiatrist thought the orthotics were a little ill-fitting for my foot, but he didn't think it was Podiatrist #2's fault.
So, I bought more Over-the-counter orthotics, Spenco brand. They helped a while.
I finally went to the 4th Podiatrist, who performed the 1st EPF and HyProCure Implant. I started seeing him in about the Fall 0f 2010. He took X-rays. Of course, the heel spur showed up. He gave me
Corticosteroid Injections...can't remember how many and how often. They only helped a little bit. I would end up back at his office in a month or so with pain. I really liked him and his office staff. He took more "specific" X-rays. Found out about the overpronation. As stated earlier, we both decided I was a good candidate and HyProCure may help me. (See further up regarding everything we did in 2011/2012).
Now that I've had the Physical Therapy to help with the Implant, I do not believe the Implant is causing me problems anymore. Right now, it is definitely the Plantar Fasciitis that is giving me trouble.
About the only thing I have not tried is: Night Splints, ESWT. I have a sensitive stomach and am allergic to Aspirin, so I've never done well with trying to take anti-inflammatory meds.
My current Podiatrist (I think he is Podiatrist # 5) is doing a partial release Open Plantar Fasciotomy. I wasn't thrilled about having another surgery, since I feel that it didn't work the first time. However, I think at least it's a good idea to have someone cut me open and actually see what's going on in there! But I really don't know what other choice there is! I am way too young to be this immobile! I have 4 kids; 2 adults and 2 still at home. I used to be very fit and active. I hope I get my life back!
Sorry; I can make any short story long! Thank you so much for letting me share my experience with you. I will sure be posting back here after the surgery to let anyone who is interested on this 2nd surgery turns out!
Chris R
Western Pennsylvania
Joshua Answers:Hi Chris.
Your story is why I have almost nothing nice to say about doctors and surgeons that deal with
Tendonitis related issues.
What Is Tendonitis5 podiatrists and no fix to the problem....Why? Because
Plantar Fasciitis is really a problem of the lower leg, not the foot.
The massage of the hamstrings and calves is the best thing you've done so far, for that reason.
Plantar Fasciitis Surgery, release or otherwise, causes injury to the foot, and cuts important support structures. Release surgery doesn't 'fix' a problem, it totally ignores the problem and injures your foot.
I say it's a GOOD thing that the plantar fascia reattached itself? Why did it do that? Because the body wants it that way! Healing severed tissue can cause it's own problems, good news/bad news.
Let me know if you have or haven't already done your second surgery, and we'll go from there.
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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