Military Gave Me Levaquin Antibiotic for Fungal Infection from Ruptured Ear Drum
by Kevin
(Colorado Springs)
I damaged my ear drum in the Persian Gulf, and returned to my home station with a severe fungal infection which led the (ear nose and throat) ENT clinic to prescribe 500 mg of Levaquin.
I have had multiple bouts of bilateral Achilles pain, and I was misdiagnosed with gout. At times, I have been unable to walk, run, or stand. This eventually led the Air Force to discharge me for not being able to run and stay in shape. The Veterans Affairs did recognize my Achilles pain as a service connected disability with a 10% rating for benefits.
The VA medical center attempted to repair my Achilles, but I became hypoxic and nearly died.
The VA continues to authorize physical therapy, but this is only temporary relief.
Joshua Answers:Hi Kevin.
Get my Kerri's and I's
The Levaquin Tendonitis Solution ebook.
Physical therapy has ZERO chance of correcting -any- problem caused by Levaquin.
If you had
Achilles Tendonitis, that'd be one thing. But you don't have Achilles Tendonitis.
You have a systemic, cytotoxic reaction that has continued to cascade (negatively) in your body.
My first reaction to you saying that you were given Levaquin for a fungal infection for a ruptured ear drum is 'HUH??!?'
Levaquin is ENTIRELY useless against anything other than bacterial infection. But Kerri says that ruptured eardrums open you up to increased risk of bacterial infection, so probably the military was just covering their bases and hoping for the best.
She knows a guy that got a ruptured ear drum in the gulf, and got a bacterial infection in
his mastoid bone (which is not an uncommon result that can come with ruptured ear drum infections). Bone infection requires surgical extraction.
Anyway....your body is suffering from severe nutritional deficiency caused by Levaquin, and by any fluoroquinolone antibiotic, like Cipro or Avelox or Floxacin. You need to do something about that to give your body the opportunity to heal.
It literally CAN'T heal, or recover from the cytotoxic effects of the Levaquin antibiotic, unless it has the building blocks it needs to operate properly.
Magnesium, for instance. See:
Magnesium for Tendonitis (the page isn't Levaquin related, but it still very much applies as Fluorquinolone antibiotics greatly strips the body of Magnesium)
And if you were also given an anti-fungal, who knows how those two interacted.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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