Still Having Problems From Plantar Fasciitis Surgery 1.5 Months Ago
by Teresa
I had my planter fasciotomy surgery a 1 1/2 months ago and my feet hurt more now than before.
The Dr. said that he cut 2/3 across. Now the right side of my foot hurts and I get shooting pains in my heel.
Did something go wrong or is this part of the healing process?
Joshua Answers:
Teresa, let's hope it's part of the healing process.
The fact is, the doctor cut 2/3rds of a very important, and not small, structure of connective tissue in your feet.
This is not necessarily a minor wound.
There's a few possibilities:
1. It is part of your unique healing process, and it will all turn out hunky dory.
2. It didn't make anything worse, and pain levels will even out but still hurt like they did before.
3. The surgery messed up your foot.
Most people end up somewhere in the middle of the bell curve between 1-3.
I could suggest a lot of things, but my primary suggestion is to deal with the major Process of Inflammation you have going on in your feet.
You not only still have foot Tendonitis, you have the repercussions of getting your tissue sliced.
Get a 5 gallon bucket, and learn How To Reduce Inflammation.
Do that intensely for 7 days, dipping as many times as possible. The results of that will give us good clues as to what is next for you.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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