Tendon damage in 55 year old, post Levaquin while working out
by Dennis
(Katy, TX)
I am a 55 yr old male who had 3X bypass surgery July 2010. Part of my new routine was to work out 3-4x per week at a gym. I started using a trainer after about 4 months into my recovery. I weighed 270 before heart surgery and was down to 240.
I took Levaquin after dental implant surgery on January 21st and took Levaquin for 500 mg for 7 days. (Precautionary)
My workout routine was cardio on M + W and workout with a trainer T + Th. I think I hurt myself doing some reverse butterflys with 5 lb wts. But I did not feel it. I woke up Saturday AM with Shoulder pain.
Worked out once more with trainer and then stopped. Pain was too bad. Saw GP he prescribed muscle relaxants and pain killers. After a week I saw an Orthopedic surgeon he diagnosed me with Impingement Syndrome. I tried cortisone shot but did not improve. Completed 12 sessions of PT 3X per week over the next 5 weeks. 10% improvement.
Went for an MRI today 4/27. Waiting to make another appointment with Ortho in a few days.
I just found out about a possible Levaquin connection a few days ago. Have not discussed with a doctor yet.
NOTE: Looking back I had taken Levaquin 3 times in 2010 for sinus infection plus the dental surgery in late Jan 2011.
Any suggestions as I meet with the Ortho doc later this or next week?
Joshua Answers:Hi Dennis.
From what you've said, it's not clear whether or not your pain is from Levaquin. Sometimes there's no clear way to tell and the best one can do is take in all the factors.
Your body has a lot going on, and wasn't in the best health to begin with.
Did you have open heart surgery? Meaning the cracked the chest and
all that? That can wreak havoc on your system, and shoulder pain and pain after reverse flies is not surprising.
See: https://www.tendonitisexpert.com/does-feet-and-legs-have-to-do-with-carpaltunnel-syndrome.html
Let's hope your pain isn't from Levaquin and is just from your body taking a beating, that you don't have
Levaquin Tendonitis but do have a normal
Tendonitis dynamic.
I will say this if you have 'impingement' syndrome. Eventually they'll want to do surgery on the top of your shoulder. That's not the source of the problem.
The source of the problem is in your armpit area, all the muscle and connective tissue there is TOO TIGHT and is literally pulling your shoulder down into itself.
With your free hand reach a hand over and grab a chunk of your lats right up under the armpit, then while keeping your grip, reach your arm around through a range of motion. You'll feel it beneath you fingers.
Open that up, and your shoulder will become less and less impinged.
Did you, or did you not, have your chest opened up for the surgery?
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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