Tendonitis from Levaquin or Hypermobile Joints or a combination of both
by Faith
I took Levaquin for a sinus infection in the Fall of 2008.
I developed cramping in my calves that night and it woke me from my sleep. I had never had that happen before.
The next night it happened again but this time even worse and I couldn't sleep at all.
I looked up levaquin and cramping in a google search and I started to get scared. I called my best friend whose father is a doctor and her father told me to stop taking the levaquin.
A couple months later I developed chondromalacia patella in my knees and piriformis syndrome- both conditions caused by muscle and tendon imbalances.
To this day, I have been diagnosed with tendonitis and bursitis in my knees, shoulders, and hips.
I think the levaquin played a part in this but I wouldn't win a case in court because I also have been diagnosed with hypermobile joints that can cause all these problems.
They would say that there is no proof that the levaquin caused the problems and not the hypermobility.
All I would be able to say is that the only problem I had for the 22 years before this was ankle instability.
Joshua Answers:Hi Faith.
Sorry to hear all that. Levaquin cytotoxicity can certainly be a life changer.
I fear you may be right about the
lawsuit thing. It's going to take a major change in the system before the establisment starts admitting that possibly Levaquin might be dangerous (even though MANY fluoroquinolones have been pulled off the market and out of test trials due to their dangerous side effects.
Still, you may want to jump into a class action lawsuit anyway, if only to add to the momentum.
-Maybe- the hypermobility played a role, but when you take a drug and have pain/injury the very same/next day, to ME that's pretty clear cut.
Thanks for sharing your story, and check out the
Levaquin Tendonitis Treatment page if you haven't already.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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