Tough time after Levaquin
by Delaware
I took Levaquin for the first time approx. 2 months ago. It was prescribed to me by my doctor after 2nd sinus infection (which I don't event think I had).
He also prescribed steroids as well since he said I had fluid in my ear.
I was prescribed a 10 day course of 500mg. Day 2, my calves began to hurt. I did not make any connection as I am an avid cycler and weight trainer.
By day three I could barely walk. My calves and Achilles were in a great deal of pain. I contacted my doctor who told me to keep taking antibiotic and stop taking steroid.
Luckily, I did not listen and stopped taking all meds. In total I took 3 pills. Symptoms progressed to both shoulders, both wrists/forearms over the next week. In addition, any old injury I had, began hurting as well: old ankle ligament tear, hamstring tear from 20 years ago. I also think I suffered from some anxiety and depression as well for about two weeks. But I'm not sure if all the pain I was in kind of confused my brain if that makes sense.
Doctor was very non responsive. He said that he has given Levaquin to people many times without issue and I basically got the impression he thought I was full of it.
My former doctor then prescribed an anti-imflammatory prescription (can't recall name) that did nothing.
I left my family doctor after this and found a new doctor. She prescribed flexeril which helped somewhat. She also prescribed Gabapentin
which has not helped a lot.
However, my new doctor has been very good: she contacted drug company, made a complaint to FDA for me. She also ran all blood work she could think of for me which came back normal.
I have tried accupunture: it did nothing for me.
Massages seem to help somewhat. It has been two months and as I write this, both of my Achilles, both of my calves, and my left shoulder hurt. I am going to start physical therapy next week. But I am starting to believe that healing is not going to come with "regular medicine".
I think the muscle relaxant is just helping with the pain, but obviously won't heal me.
I don't know if other have flare-ups as well, but that what I had last week. I was feeling a little better, and then I felt like I regressed a month: lots of pain in calves and shoulders.
I would like to start some supplements, alternative healing means, but I am apprehensive about taking anything now.
Joshua Answers:Hi Delaware.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert