Achilles Tendonitis From Rock Climbing
by Ash
(Plymouth, England)
Sorry this isn't a story as of yet, but I promise to follow up with one! I developed Achilles tendonitis 3 years ago. I believe it was due to me starting rock climbing, cramming my feet into tiny shoes and excessive use of my calves? My surgeon says there are no major risks with the surgery but wanted a second opinion.
I am currently very active, managing to cycle and run (3miles max) with no problems. I was wondering on average how long it would take before I can be back cycling and running after the surgery/the work involved to get there? I know I need to do it but am dreading the thought of spending months unable to train! I also have a reasonably physical job working in a warehouse doing admin and picking/ packing orders.
I was also wondering how long it would be approx until I was able to return to work?
Joshua Answers:Hi Ash.
It's been a few months since you submitted this, what's happened since then? Did you get Achilles surgery?
Excessive and/or sudden excessive use of the calves can certainly start a
Pain Causing Dynamic that would kick in the tendonitis dynamic.
Regardless of the kind of
Tendonitis involved, it's a very predictable mechanism with a finite amount of causes. Overuse or use when the structures aren't ready for it or strong enough for it or even used to it is definitely one of those causes.
What Is Tendonitis to fully understand what we're talking about here.
Whether you've had surgery or not, you'll want to understand, since surgery doesn't eliminate, or even begin to reduce the CAUSE of Achilles tendonitis.
"I was wondering on average how long it would take before I can be back cycling and running after the surgery/the
work involved to get there?"It depends on how invasive the surgery is. It depends on how 'bad' your
Achilles Tendonitis currently is.
I do know it takes more work to rehab an achilles surgery that it takes to deal with it yourself without surgery.
"I know I need to do it.."I challenge that belief. For a variety of reasons you'll find across this site, including potential downsides, the injury and trauma it causes to the system, it's inability to reduce the tendonitis dynamic, etc.
I'd put effective self care over the unicorn of 'surgery fixes everything and doctors say there's no danger nor downsides' any day.
You have
Achilles Tendonitis Symptoms for a very specific set of reasons, reasons that surgery can't touch.
QUESTIONS:1. Give me an update on what's happening with your Achilles situation.
2. How bad was it/how bad is it now? Details, details, details.
3. What else did your doctor/surgeon say?
4. What if any self care have you done, and how much/how little did that help?
5. Describe your achilles tendodonitis symptoms, the more detail, broad and specific, the better.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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