Andy's Endoscopic Plantar Fasciotomy seems to be working

by Andy

10 years of intermittent plantar fasciitis.

Last three episodes in right foot only, becoming increasingly persistent.

Used yoga, deer tendon supplements, acupuncture, massage, ice, orthotics, steroid injections, and stopped running for over a year.

I literally could not firmly touch the inside of my heel for the past 18 months due to the pain.

Began to affect my knee and hip due to compensation for the heel pain. Had endoscopic surgery under general anesthesia 3 weeks ago.

Don't remember anything from surgery, but before and after was very smooth. I took 1 dose of narcotic, then stayed on Aleve for one week.

I walked gingerly the first week on the dressing. One week after the surgery I turned quickly and felt a dramatic pop in my foot which resulted in the most postoperative discomfort for approximately 2 days.

I was a little worried, but suspect that it was just scar. I was in a shoe 2 days later and walked with minimal pain. Now have no pain, dramatic improvement since surgery. The incisions are barely visible. First bike ride today. Used elliptical yesterday.

Gradually, but rapidly, getting my life back. I'm not sorry I didn't do the surgery sooner, because it should be used as a last resort, but wow!


Joshua Answers:

Hi Andy.

That's great you're feeling better.

Keep us updated!

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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Apr 22, 2013
After PT and podiatrist and surgery, feet still hurt
by: Anonymous

Well, since I had the 1st surgery July of 2012 and the 2nd December 2012; I am really no better off. The Pod sent me to PT for 6 weeks to include ultra sound and iontophoresis...this seemed to help in the short term...unfortunately, I have severe heel pain upon rising in the morning and after resting (sitting for a while) even though I stretch before standing. I also have instep pain and pain on the side of my foot that really gets me down.

The PT gave me inserts to help correct supination; things have not gotten better and I told the Pod that I think this is probably as good as it gets.
I have read what to do for inflamation...icing, stretching; I have increased magnesium supplements and my diet is a good one. I am not over weight weiging about 108/ 5'3/4 " tall and am 55 years old. I am active and depressed about all this pain. The other day my feet hurt so bad that I ate a Percocet and it did NOT even help. EEGADS! The Pod is willing to keep working at the problem but at this point I'm not sure he even knows what the problem is let alone how to fix it.

Everyone out there should try everything they can before submitting to surgery...a lot of time and money was wasted on my feet.

So sad but what else can I do?


Joshua Comments:

Good news, bad news, all there is to do is to continue to try to find a 'fix'.

Ice dipping should reduce pain levels if you do it enough as you still have a big inflammation process in place.

Nutrition is vital, and you must take enough to make a difference.

Go after the ORIGINAL cause of the foot pain, which is tightness of muscle and connective tissue in the lower leg.

Let's hope the surgery didn't mess your structures up so bad that there's no recovery. All there is to get to work and keep at it until you get the results you want.

Granted, some work has a chance of helping, some doesn't (rest, immobilization, corticosteroid shots, etc).

Sep 26, 2012
9 weeks out
by: Anonymous

up date for anonymous: the foot that had the EPF surgery is doing much better. It still feels really stiff and tight but I am able to run on it without pain so I am thankful for that. My doctor did a good job. I am now having a lot of pf pain in the other foot and have received one steroid injection which lasted less than 2 weeks. I think Joshua said something about a bandaid affect? This happened with the other foot; the shot was very short term relief.
Hoping for the best and icing like crazy!
Hang in there everyone.....

Aug 14, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thanks..been icing...seems to help. Took the Strutz inserts back as they hurt my feet. I never thought about the "bandaid" aspect...interesting.

Except for the bottom/side of my foot hurting when I walk I'm feeling pretty good. Been stretching too...thanks for the advice! Looked at your "reduce inflamation" info....thanks again! :)

Hope others in my situation find this site and do so before surgery becomes an option!!


Joshua Comments:

You're welcome!

Help them find the site, I'd love that. Tell them, email them, post a link on a forum somewhere, and/or 'like' the facebook thing at the top of the homepage

Everybody wins!

Aug 11, 2012
Day 2
by: Anonymous

No self help strategies were given to me only wear tennis shoes for 3 weeks and visit in 1 month if needed.

The burning in the Achilles Tendon has gotten better; the calf muscle is tight and stiff though that is probably to be expected.

The only problem I am having is every step I take caused intense pain in the lateral sole of my foot; kind of along the line directly behind my baby toe on the bottom. I am wearing good tennis shoes with built in arch supports along with heel lifts but this is ridiculous!

Using Calendual ointment on incision sites but just purchased vitamin E...also taking vitamin C.

Just bout some Strutz arch supports to wear with my Birkenstocks when the time comes....what do you know about those?

My podiatrist is against Birkenstocks but I love them and have many pairs so I needed to find something to use in them that is relatively inexpensive....If this lateral pain doesn't go away I will be very grumpy! :(


Joshua Comments:

The calves etc ARE expected to be tight. Unfortunately, podiatrists and surgeons somehow think that there's no connection between the lower leg and the foot. Which is really weird to me.

Most foot problems are caused by muscular issues in the lower leg.

I would do what you can to loosen and soften those too tight lower leg structures (because they cross the joint to connect to the foot and affect your every step).

I would also learn How To Reduce Inflammation and start ice dipping the heck out of your foot/feet and lower leg.

I don't know much about inserts and orthotics, as I don't deal with them because they don't help/fix any foot problems (other than for Morton's Neuroma as they work like a charm for that). If you wear/try them and they help, definitely use them, but they're more a band aid than a fix.

Aug 10, 2012
self care
by: Anonymous

I don't know if I'm supposed to do anything particularly for "self care". My podiatrist said I could "exercise" walk in one week and go back to see him in one month if I need to; other than that I am putting Callendula Ointment on the incision sites and continuing to wear the night splint.

The orthotic is too hard and makes my shoe too tight at this point so I have abandoned it for now though my tennies have built in arch support.

Thanks for your comments; it helps to put my mind at ease to be able to ask questions. I'm sure a lot of people go through this. Everyone heals at different rates so I know just reading other stories won't always give me the info I am looking for. :)

Aug 09, 2012
Thanks Joshua
by: Anonymous

I began wearing tennis shoes about 2 hours ago and I am taking it slow, however; just sitting here typing, my foot feels weird. The Achilles tendon ( the spot you can pinch just above the heal in the back of the foot) has been burning like crazy ever since I took the boot off.

Is that normal because my foot is getting used to walking again? I have been "walking" on it to shower for a week now but I don't care for this burning feeling. Why is this happening? I so want this to be a success story that I am paying very close attention to this foot! :)


Joshua Comments:

It's probably normal, yes.

Your foot has been cut on, injured, and immobilized for a certain amount of time. So now all of a sudden you're putting force/load/strain/etc on the structures.

A bit of burning is to be expected, yes. Is it normal. Basically, yes.

Is it good? It's certainly not ideal.

You may have said it in the original post, but what self care are you doing to rehab your foot now that it's out of the boot? Aside from staying off it?

See: How To Reduce Inflammation

Aug 08, 2012
me too
by: Anonymous

I had heel pain for over a year and tried everything until my doc did a 2/3 endoscopic plantar fasciotomy 3 weeks ago. He put me into a walking cast and in 2 days I go into tennis shoes for another 3 weeks. He says I can't ride my bike yet but I have been doing it since 4 days after surgery (with the boot on) he palpated the foot and the only pain I felt was from the tenderness from the surgery so I think this is going to work. This doc is very conservative in his treatment and I totally trust him though I am somewhat impatient.
I was wondering if anyone had anything go "bad" after a good start to recovery? I'm afraid that I'll do something that will cause damage....??


Joshua Comments:

Curious what others will say, and....Go slow, build up to more activity. Don't just jump right into it. Sometimes slow and frustrating is not a bad idea.

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