Burning Pain From New Running Injury at the Foot and Ankle.
by Gary
(Houston, Texas)
Thank you for reviewing this.
I have injured the top of my foot where it meets my ankle. Actually, a bit more on the top of my foot rather than my ankle. This is a burning type of pain. I think that there is a band that spans across.
Anyhow, the pain is a burning type of pain rather than something like an aching tendonitis pain.
Although, it could be, I'm no doctor.
My questions.....
1) Does a burning type of pain indicate a tear rather than inflamation?
2) When ultrasound is applied it actually makes it worse. Could there be some sort of tear?
There is no swelling or redness. I think that I injured it during a trail run. Back in mid-February, I rolled my ankle a couple of times.
Another thing to mention is that the shoes that I was wearing were fairly tight. Tighter than my normal running shoes. Normally rolling my ankle doesn't bother me. I have done it before.
I continued to run afterward and within a few days the pain started. I've tried the traditional; ice, anti-inflammatories and some ultrasound. Nothing is helping at this point
Any advice would be appreciated.
Joshua Answers:Hi Gary.
You've given me a tough one. Great!
So let's see here.....
I need more info before I can answer your questions.
1. How long has this burning pain been there on the top of your foot near the ankle?
2. This is a new pain yes? Not where it hurt when you turned your ankle.
3. I'm not clear from your description. This happened when you turned your ankle in Feb?
4. How much do you usually run? What kind of runner are you, as far as casual or competitive?
5. How exactly did you ice the ankle? The traditional ice pack for 20 minutes 3x/day?
6. The ultrasound vibration hurts, or it hurts to rub the thing over/on the area?
7. Does the spot constantly burn and hurt, or just when you walk/run on it or touch it, or?
Quick answers to your questions:
A. Burning doesn't necessarily mean tear over anything else. There is a burn associated with fascia stretch and tear, and there is burn associated with
a huge amount of Pain Enhancing Chemical that gets dumped from the Inflammation Process.
No redness or swelling, interesting. Hmmm.
B. Yes, there could be some sort of tear. I rather doubt it, being on the top of the foot, unless you turned your ankle in such a way that that line of force could get tugged on enough.
Would ultrasound vibration make a tear hurt and not anything else hurt? (I'm doing an I-don't-know-shrug.) I've never heard of that, but it makes sense. Let's at this point just say that it could if the spot is in a very acute state, which it is.
I'm guessing you have either a very specific spot of tendonitis micro-tear and intense inflammation from repeated use from the running action plus whatever compensation from structural weakness from earlier turns of the ankle, or...
Or it's possible that your shoes were too tight and you might have given yourself a tiny stress fracture.
I would expect at least some swelling with the tendonitis theory. A stress fracture wouldn't necessarily have swelling, but I'm not sure about the burning feel.
I've never had a stress fracture in the foot, so I don't have first hand knowledge of how that feels.
Poke around the area. See if you can see if there is pain in soft tissue, or pain deeper on bone. If the bone is hurt, it's likely soft tissue will hurt too, so spend some time and see if you can get a feel for what exactly is the source of the pain.
Also, describe in greater detail the pain you feel, the burning and what not, and what your are doing when you feel it.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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