Carpal Tunnel, Chilblains, Perniosis, Tried icing for 10 days
by Anonymous
I have tried repeated icing of hands and forearms for the past 10 days in dealing with a carpal tunnel problem (hands going numb in bed) caused by frequent computer work and extreme overuse of hands & forearms in pulling up a tile floor back in the beginning of July.
The results have been temporary relief at night, but then a return to the symptoms as soon as the wrist warms up again (one to three hours).
I have also developed some small chilblains on
my hands. Also, I have used some mild stretching manuevers as outlined in Butler's book Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for fingers and wrists and tried to reduce heavy lifting. Any recommendations other than purchasing your 40(ouch) dollar dvd ??
Joshua Answers:Hi Michael.
Thanks for the details. More questions.
How exactly have you been icing? 10 second dips 10x or more a day?
That's a really good clue that the situation isn't much better.
Along with the chilblains, medically known as perniosis, it has me look towards systemic issues and nutrient deficiency.
Check out this article and see if it relates to you:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Thyroid IssuesYou might want to supplement with
Magnesium and B Vitamin comples, specifically B6 and B12.
There is a strong case that B vitamins, whether cause or effect, are at play with Carpal Tunnel symptoms.
It's is HIGHLY likely that you are also Vitamin D deficient too.
Check out my Kerri's Vitamin D pages on
www.Easy-Immune-Health.comIf part of your issue is due to nutritional deficiency, that part won't resolve until the deficiency is resolved, and can hold back healing in other variables as well.
Also, I bet you that a good amount of your symptomology is coming from constriction up at the front of the neck and shoulder/chest.
I don't know about Butler's book, but look to see what is said about that. Surely it does talk about Carpal Tunnel issues coming from higher up the structure.
Also, I'm not a fan of wrist splints and braces except for short term use of night splints, which will keep your fingers and wrist from curling and being extremely tight all night. If you haven't tried those yet, you may want to see if it helps to accelerate your healing.
How's that?
Keep me updated.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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