Chronic tendonitis in thumb and elbows, and plantar fasciitis
by Ellen
(Calgary, Alberta)
I am a letter carrier for 20 years and I have been suffering with tenosynovitis in my right thumb and tendonitis in both my elbows and plantar faciitis as well,for the last 3 years.
My knees often ache after walking a lot. Is there a degenerative diagnosis that would cause this?
I have read through your website and it sounds like you actually know what you're talking about.
Joshua Answers:Hi Ellen.
I don't know that it's 'degenerative' so much as you've been using your body exactly the same way for the last 20 years and it's finally catching up with you.
Tendonitis and
Tenosynovitis are both the results of:
A. Repetitive motions over time
B. Muscle and connective tissue getting tighter and tighter over time.
C. Potentially not enough protein and other nutrient intake, like
Magnesium (for Tendonitis).
I'm sure some doctor out there can find a degenerative diagnosis for you, but then what? Quit your job? Get onto prescription drugs?
Will that fix anything? It might reduce pain levels, but I wouldn't put my money on your structure reversing the pain dynamic is is slowly getting more and more locked into. Notice how it's been getting worse and worse the last three years?
You've read through my site so you've seen some/most of what I have to say about this.
So if there are any specific questions I can help you with, let me know.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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