Guitar Tendonitis Strain Pain in between Knuckles
by Jack Ryan
(Gardena, California)
hand position which causes pain
Boy I'm really glad I found this site.
I have pain in my left hand between the 2nd & 3rd knuckles (middle finger & ring finger) and I knew something must be wrong today when I was doing the same weight lifting routine with right and left hands, but only my left hand hurt.
I think it could be only affecting my left hand because that's my fretting hand on guitar, and my chord hand on piano, so sometimes it has to stretch quite a lot. My left hand gets in some pretty uncomfortable positions while playing guitar or piano. Sometimes it has to stay in that position and push down.
The pain is in a very specific place (see attached photo). It's the same pain when I play guitar as when I was weight lifting today. The pain occurs from the act of squeezing, or gripping a bar.
It hurts when I connect the tips of my thumb and 4th finger (ring finger), and when I rub in between the knuckles and below. It's not a shooting pain, but more of a dull, achy-soreness. What is it? Is it tendonitis?
Thanks - Jack
Joshua Answers:It
could be the beginning of
I mean, look at that awkward position the hand/wrist is in for hours while playing. Easy to get strain there.
And sometimes, the body just gets aches and pains.
Still, might as well start keeping your hands/arms in as good a shape as possible if you want to play forever.
Start with some ice dipping as described on the
How To Reduce Inflammation page and see what happens, then update me.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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