I have shooting pain into my forearm when trying to give the "thumbs up".
by Buddy Walker
(Sab Diego, Ca.)
Clean Break In Trapezium bone, casted wrist, making the best of it
I just read one thread, which touched a bit on my issue, but hasn't hit the nail on the head, as it were.
I'm now 55. I'm disabled from a lower back injury at work, that required fusion, L-5,S-1. The first failed, and had to endure more surgery. I'm not sure if this history is needed, due to my current problem, but in case, I'll give you what I know..
I've also been a sad recipient of the head aches that hit me about ten years ago, called cluster head aches. (aka suicide head aches) which have finally started to subside.
The list of things seen in my record are,
I visit the 'pain clinic about twice a year, for the past 5 or 6 years, where I get injected, in a pattern resembling a 6-pack, 3 on each side of my lower back. I also wear these fentanyl patches, that relieve much of this chronic hurting..
I worked with my hands in the construction trade , structural concrete, and operated heavy equipment, before I got hurt at work..
I had to have my carpel tunnel opened up on my left hand/wrist about 20 years ago, as the tendons were shredding off, looking like string cheese that wouldn't allow them through. That hurt, but the feeling came back into my middle fingers, and the grip strength came back almost as strong as the right hand was. I'm left handed, (also the wrist, that had this tunnel syndrome worked on.)
Until I got hurt, I was very fit, in my opinion. And had few issues, if any.. ;o)
Okay, so here's my current problem..
About 5 months ago, I had been moving furniture, and also trimmed a bush... About 3 days after doing this, if I laid my hand flat, palm down, then tried to move the thumb left, or opening hand, I felt this nasty shooting pain, from the base of my thumb, at the wrist, that shot up into my forearm like a burning knife, (as I read one person describe.)
I kinda dealt with it for 4 or 5 days, then went to see the doc, who sent me to x-ray. They saw nothing fractured but said sometimes it takes a while for fractures to show up in an x-ray, but suspected the scaphoid bone may have had a problem, as there was a small bone cyst, as he called it, seen there.. (To me, it looked like a small crater, in the middle of my scaphoid bone.
They put a cast on me, covering my thumb, up to the last joint there. I could wiggle the end of my thumb.
About 6 weeks later, went back, when they wanted to x-ray again, which the shots looked, to me, just like first ones I saw. Although, I can't pretend I know anything about bones and stuff. This time though, the doc told the x-ray lady, to get a new angle, which apparently showed the trapezium bone at a different angle. Then, the doc showed me this, clear brake, and apologized, that they missed it the first time.
He then put me back into a cast, but this time, the cast guy covered my thumb, completely. I could see the end, but I couldn't move it, at all. Then the doc told me to make an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon...
I saw this orthopedic surgeon, finally almost a month later, where he suggested that I continue this cast wearing, for another month, at least, trying to avoid having to cut on me.. I can only assume that this trapezium had
been in 2 pieces too long, for it to ever melt back together, or however they repair that.. None of these doctors, at this point had "set" my wrist, or anything like that.
So, 2 days ago, (now 4 months, with a cast). I went to see this surgeon again, who, though I tried to remind him of my issues, spoke only of the scaphoid bone. :O( The cast was removed, and again, I had 4 more shot via x-ray. He told me that I would be sore, and that there were tendons that were likely irritated, but in a few days the pain there would probably go away. So, I kinda scratched my head wondering what in the world is he talking about? I left there castless and feeling kinda tender, in a few ways. He did give me a wrist brace to wear.. This, did nothing as far as I'm concerned and seemed to be as useless as tits on a boar pig.
4 days now, that I've been without a cast.
It feels pretty much exactly the same as it did when it first started to really bother me. I can't even say I hurt it while moving furniture or even trimming that bush. As it didn't start bothering me for days after. Before this, I've never broken a bone that required a cast.(besides my back) So, I think generally speaking, my bones are mostly pretty tough, until I see that list of things, (above) that may prove me wrong..
One thing the surgeon guy did, was poke around a bit, at the little soft spot where the hand connects to the wrist, at the base of the thumb, until he touched something that felt like I'd just been shocked by a electrical charge, that quickly radiated half way up my fore arm, on top.. I have pretty good strength closing my thumb as to grip something. I can also move my thumb in and out, up and down, if I grab the end of my right thumb with my left thumb and forefinger..
I cannot move it away from my fingers, at all..
I thought that may be the most important information you might need!
I'm really sorry to make you have to read all this, but I thought you might even know more than these yahoos I've been getting 'the business' from.. Also thought you would need as much info as possible..
I appreciate your helping all these people with their questions. *cheers*
Ten thousand thank you's for your view on why I can't give you "2 thumbs up"... ! ;o)
Buddy Walker
Joshua Answers:Hi Buddy.
Thanks for all the details. Really can't have too many details. The clearer the picture you can create for me, the better.
So, yes, you're pretty jacked up. And the clues you gave me are pretty important.
I have two questions I need an answer to before I continue.
1. What was the work injury that required back surgery?
2. You had back surgery that failed. What does that mean, exactly?
Answer those two questions, and then make sure to read the following pages in preparation for the rest of our conversation:
Pain Causing DynamicMagnesium for TendonitisWhat Is Tendonitis----------------------
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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