Plantar Fasciitis In Left Foot for the past year, nothing has helped, will your DVD help?
by Valerie
Joshua, Your plantar fasciitis dvd sounds good.
I have had plantar fasciitis for over a yr in left foot.
2 shots of cortisone.
Tried orthotics expensive made by dr., other orthotics, heel gels, taped, night splints, volteren gel., stretch, ice, heat, time off feet, time on, now seeing chinese dr. acupuncture, tui na, both feet now hurting.
Awake aware in tune- how could your dvd help me?..
Isn't it just more the same cocktail but different mixture?
Podiatrist suggests TopAz or prp " had second opinion.
I am a "young 50" , slim with 2 boys and active.
Worked with personal trainer friend, karate sensi-- would be happy to buy your video but what more can there be?????????????
Joshua Answers:Hi Valerie. Yep, foot pain can be annoying, and persistent.
'The Plantar Fasciitis Treatment That Works' DVD have anything other than the same stuff in a different mixture?
Fun question!
Imagine if you have a nail started in a piece of wood. And a doctor tells you to hit it at a 20 degree angle. That's not going to drive the nail straight down. Close, but no cigar.
The strength of the DVD is that there is some concept/activity you aren't likely going to find anywhere else, and some 'usual' stuff but it's done in a way that is actually effective.
Like Icing.
An ice pack 3x/day for 20 minutes/time just IS NOT going to work. Not as well as you want it to, anyway.
It's not just -what- you do, it's also -how- you do it.
The DVD will VERY much help the physical aspects of Plantar Fasciitis.
Not on the DVD, and we can talk about it if you want, is nutritional aspects, like protein deficiency, and Vitamin D deficiency, for instance, and how they can play a role.
I'm curious. You've done all that stuff. Has it helped at all?
I don't expect that most of it would, but if NONE of it helped AT ALL, that can be a good clue.
Tendonitis symptoms, (whether it's actually tendonitis of the foot or not) can be tricky tricky tricky to figure out.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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