Questions About Self Massage Of Lower Legs, Calfs, Shins Etc
by Paul
(England UK)
hi again joshua
I am upping my ice dipping and ice massage for my peroneal tendon soreness and general ankle stiffness
to be honest, I find the ice dipping and massage more effective than just leaving an ice pack on it , which is esentially what you were saying I guess onto self massage
clearly there is a a lot of tightness going on in my lower legs
can you give a brief idea of how a person might self massage the shins, the calfs etc in order to tackle soreness and tendonitis in addition to ice dipping ?
will any sort of finger and hand movement bring circulation into these areas ?
should one go up the calfs and shins ? or down ?
or just basically attack the lower legs in a variety of ways and do so as often as possible ?
even watching the ball game( soccer over here in england) on television ?
would an occasional visit to a massage therapist be a worthwhile investment
Joshua Answers:Hi Paul.
More effective, that's EXACTLY what I was saying! :)
As far as self massage, you said it perfectly:
"will any sort of finger and hand movement bring circulation into
these areas ?
or just basically attack the lower legs in a variety of ways and do so as often as possible?"
At the very basic level, yes, just do -something-. Rub some how, some way, and that's a great place to start.
It's just like squeezing a matter how you squeeze it, it gets squeezed.
Having said that, one could make the case that 'up' is safer/better than 'down'.
It's a great idea to sit and watch tv for an hour or two, and just absentmindedly do self massage.
It's tough to do it wrong.
And yes, if you can find a skilled, experienced massage therapist, that's definitely a good investment.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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