Stabbing Pains Around Shoulder Blade, Traps Etc
by Paul
(Wales, Near London)
have had these for some time...been to see doctor and says its nothing serious...full range of nerve tests etc carried out
shoulder generally feels tight and sore even when I dont have these pains
I somtimes get these pains when doing push ups or when cycling .....?.....maybe its the tension of leaning down on handlebars that does it ?
suggested its tight muscles in shoulder, neck and shoulder blade area......leading to occasional pains from this constant tension
will ice massage of this area on a regular basis help dampen dpwn things a bit more ? ice likely to help with tightness ?
and what sort of stretches and general exercises for neck, shoulder and shoulder blade area do you suggest as a sort of rehab , mobility, range of movement etc ?
is maybe self massage aroound the area affected a good option ?
thanks joshua , near london...who is still using your advice and techniques for my peroneal problems
Joshua Answers:Hi Paul.
Self massage, yes, Ice, yes.
Tell me this though. I'm sure I've metioned this but I don't recall what you've done with it.
Do you supplement with
Magnesium? If so, what kind and how much.
Did you ever get your Vitamin D levels checked?
Overall tightness and pain, combined with your ongoing Peroneal Tendonitis issue, could have a lot
to do with not enough Magnesium. And, Vitamin D supplementation requires Magnesium to convert to it's active form in the blood.
One symptoms of Vit D deficiency is the shoulder/back pain you describe (which can also come from other directions.
1. Stretch out your pecs and front of shoulder and front of neck. Lay back over a ball, and/or a rolled up towel or foam roller.
Bad, forward hunched postuer to whatever degree overstretches and overworks your back, traps, etc. So we usually massage and stretch the back, but it's really the front that needs opening to take the constant load of the smaller, weaker muscles of the back.
So, tell me about Mag and Vit D, and start opening up the front, which includes rotating your arms outwards (medial rotation of the upper arm.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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