Tendon Pain, Took Levaquin For Recurrent Sinus Infection
by Vicky Bell
(Atlanta, GA)
I have taken 3 courses of the Levaquin, fluroquinlone family of antibiotics. All of the sinus infections were pretty bad so I don't blame the doctors for being aggressive in my treatment.
I started getting tendon problems this past year in my feet. I stopped running and gave it plenty of time to heal but it didn't seem to go away. The last treatment of antibiotics was Levaquin and I found that I started to get tendon soreness within the first week of taken Levaquin. Soon I had both legs with tendon soreness and I started to check into side effects of this drug and found all of the tendon warnings on several websites.
Since then I have had muscle soreness, swelling, arm pain and leg pain. Since I am a runner I find this hard to deal with.
I have been told not to run for 1-2 weeks and that I could have tendon problems for as long as 1 year after the fact of taken this drug. I have a friend who 2 years after taken Levaquin is having serious problems with both of her shoulders.
I believe there should be stronger warnings on the label of this drug and it seems as though this issue is not new.
Joshua Comments:Thanks for sharing Vicky.
I agree. Warning labels should
be large and bright.
If a doctor had personally warned you that there was a not small chance of having temporary to permanent debilitating tendon pain and cytotoxic Tendonitis, (as opposed to regular
Tendonitis), sudden onset and chronically active
Tendonosis (tendon cell death and structural disintegration), and ongoing, long lasting damage, would you have maybe looked for another alternative to your sinus infections?
Here's why I do blame doctors. They prescribe antibiotics like Levaquin and Cipro and send you off. They don't inquire into the actual reasons that you are getting recurring infections.
The body gets sick for a reason. There is some breakdown in your system's immune function, and while antibiotics -may- knock out the infection, it doesn't fix the problem.
And in the case of floroquinolone antibiotics, can give unsuspecting, trusting patients even more problems.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert