Tendonitis Spreading All Over Starting At Wrists and Arms
by Matt
I was diagnosed with Tendonitis when I was 17.
I'm now 23 and it seems to be getting progressively worse and spreading to new areas of my body.
It started in my right arm and has spread to both arms. Recently I'm starting to get the same pain in my hands. My job as a customer support representative requires me to be on the computer all day taking lots of notes.
I'm getting a trackball mouse to help and I'm wearing a brace but still am getting horrible pain by the end of the day.
I'm taking naproxin currently but even at the max I can take for a day the pain persists. When I have gotten the cortizone shots before they help for about 6 weeks but then the pain comes right back...WHAT ELSE CAN I DO???
Is surgery my only real next option? Please help me cause I'm at a loss and getting off the computer is not an option as I would have to quit my job.
Joshua Answers:Hello Matt.
Yes, there's -lots- of other things you can do.
But first....what exactly would they cut on if they did surgery? What exactly is the source of this 'tendonitis' that you've have for 6 years, that is spreading?
A thousand little cuts all over your body?
Point being, you don't have a specific little spot that requires surgery. You have an all over
Pain Causing Dynamic.
For some reason, when you were 17, you were
already TIGHT and started to feel pain. It's a Downward Spiral from there, and it's NO surprise that it's spreading.
That's just how the
Tendonitis dynamic works, and a chronic
Process of Inflammation is part of it.
What Is Tendonitis?So. Let's investigate.
1. Activity-wise, were you athletic, or video game playing couch potato, or somewhere in the middle.
2. Why do you think you started hurting like this at age 17?
3. Activity levels now?
4. Overall, what does your daily food intake look like, now and then.
5. Please tell me you haven't had surgery yet. If you have, tell me exactly what they did.
6. Where exactly do you hurt, and what does it feel like? Details details details.
7. When you were 17, did it come on fast or slow?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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