Torn Tendons
Oops. What now?

Torn Tendons is something to avoid at all costs.

But if you're here, it's probably too late for that. No problem. We can deal with it. We can get you the information you need that will actually make a difference for you.

Mostly you want to know the best options for healing torn tendons. We'll get to that.

First you need to know WHY your tendon tore. It's not why you think.

Maybe you haven't had an MRI of your tendon yet so you don't know for -sure- if you have tendon tear. I'll tell you what your options are, in the sense of partial tear or full tear.

Then you'll learn what your ruptured tendon treatment options are.

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Torn Tendon
How Did You Tear Your Tendon?

If someone asks you "How did you hurt yourself?" your answer will likely sound like one of two things:

"Sports injury," or "My tendon was weak."

So you were being athletic and the tendon tore, or your tendon was 'weak'. Which might include from a long term Tendonosis and Tendonitis.

Technically, both of those answers are true. You -were- being athletic when you were injured. And -obviously- the tendon wasn't strong enough because it broke, right?

Ok, your tendon tore. That needs to be handled.

But focusing on the tendon is FOCUSING ON THE WRONG PROBLEM.

Sports don't cause tendons to tear. Tendons get 'weak' for a reason.

NOTE! If you have Levaquin Tendonitis, then your tendon really WAS weak, because of the cytotoxic effects that killed off your tendon cells and caused it to literally fall apart.

Why Do Tendons Tear?

It's complex, of course, but I'll keep it simple.

1. For a variety of reasons, you develop electrical dysfunction and compensation patterns.

2. This results in muscles not firing optimally.

3. Muscles are shock absorbers. When they're too tight, and when they can't fire optimally, they can't absorb force.

4. When your muscles can't absorb force, that force has to go -somewhere-!

5. You're running or jumping or standing, and too much force transfers to your tendon and WHAM! Tendon Tear!

The activity gets all the blame, but it didn't cause your injury. It was your pre-existing inability to absorb force that caused your injury.

Torn Tendons
Bad News, Good News

Tendon tears are caused by a muscle's inability to optimally absorb shock/load/force/work.

Tendon tears, as I said, are no fun. Welcome to the world of injury.

The bad news is, depending on how bad your tendon is torn, you have a significant, potentially disabling injury.

The bad news is, you're going to be suffering from pain and your Process of Inflammation.

Torn tendons in the arm are bad enough, but torn tendons in the legs can potentially leave you immobile. An Achilles Tendon Rupture can prevent you from putting any weight at all on your leg. Try to walk with that...

Historically, surgery IS necessary. The simple fact of the matter is, that tendon HAS to be reattached.

More bad news. That means the injury of surgery, the negative effects of casting and a limb being immobilized, and pain all the way through the process.

The GOOD news is that there are things you can do to recover faster from surgery.

The BETTER news is that there is a way to have a FULL recovery in 6-8 weeks, which includes the possibility that you may even be able to avoid surgery for a torn tendon.

Torn Tendons
How Tendon Tears Get Fixed

There are only two options here for healing a torn tendon.

Option #1: The Usual Methods

You get surgery from the best tendon reattachment surgeon you can find. Your limb is immobilized to you don't put load on the muscle to pull the tendon back apart.

NOTE! When tendon pulls apart, it's actually pretty fragile and easily frayed, easily torn. When sewn back together, great care must be taken to give it time to heal back together.

Painkillers, anti-inflammatories, and rest is prescribed by your surgeon. Maybe you'll heal fast, maybe you'll heal slow.

Really, you just hope for the best, because the doctors will give you almost nothing in the way of answering the question "What can I do to heal well, and heal fast?"

Their answer will be, "After X amount of time on rest and immobilization, we'll send you to Physical Therapy."

And in a 6-12 months, you're pain levels are down and your activity levels are back up. Maybe you're good enough to play sports again. But you KNOW that you're not as strong as you were before.

Option #2:

Use The ARPwave System to be FULLY recovered in 6-8 weeks.

6-8 week full recovery from Achilles Tendon Reattachment Surgery is common. You might even be able to avoid surgery, depending on where your tear happened.

6-8 week full recovery from ACL tear. You can even avoid surgery as with the ARPwayve System the ACL will grow back and reconnect.

And if it works for full recovery from those, you can expect that for any tendon injury anywhere.

NOTE! The thing that surgery DOES NOT deal with is muscle tightness. Tight muscles and connective tissue that were pulling HARD on the tendon for years before the injury are right now STILL pulling hard on the tendon. Imagine getting surgery which will -shorten- the injured tendon, and how that will pull on the muscle which will pull right back.

It's a tug of war that creates pain and problem, and LONG recovery times, and then further decades of pain and limitation (usually).

Ideally you relax those muscles, set them to length (as opposed to tight and short). That takes tension off the tendon, reduces pain levels, and allows you to heal faster.

Imagine if you could do that in just a few minutes every day while you're recovering. Imagine that you could have a full recovery in 6-8 weeks, instead of a less-than-full recovery in 8-12 months.

Find out more about The ARPwave System.

Tendon Tears
Don't Panic

Ok, so you have a tendon tear. People get tendon tears all the time.

It's not going to kill you. It probably does hurt though.

Don't panic. Worst case scenario, doctors deal with this kind of thing all the time.

You'll definitely want to learn How To Reduce Inflammation, because you're going to have a lot of that.

Learn about Magnesium for Tendonitis. It won't fix your tendon, but it may lower pain levels some, and will help you recover faster.

Specifically for Achilles tendon tears, see: Torn Achilles Tendon

Specifically for Torn Biceps Tendon see: Torn Biceps Tendon

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