who knew 5 days on Levaquin for sinus and ear infection would cause so much pain
by Jill
(South Salem NY)
I started taking Levaquin seven days ago, about 5 days into taking it I was noticing pain in my shoulder, then in my elbow and at base of my thumb. Was it a coincidence or in my mind? no the pain was there definitely...Soon my joints began to get stiffer and hard to move.
After reading about a possible side effect I called the Doctor that prescribed it and he told me to stop taking it immediately.
That same day I called the Orthopedic Doctor to alleviate my fears, he doubted it could be until I showed him exactly where the pain was and my limitations on movement. He touched those tender spots...OW!!!!! that hurt, Now I cant push my hand harder against yours nor straighten it out more...Dr. looked amazed...It definitely is because of the Levaquin he said, tonight the pain is going towards the hip, all on my right side.
I need to take an anti-inflammatory and call him in a couple of days..If it doesn't feel better I will need cortisone shots and physical therapy...All because I had a Sinus infection and ear infection I now have tendon problems???
I really think if this medicine has the capabilities to do this much damage to a person randomly then why prescribe it at all? It seems like it causes more harm than good!
Tendon damage does not just go away forever...is it worth the risk of taking it? I wish I knew before taking it...........
Joshua Answers:Hi Jill.
That's great if your doctor admitted that/is willing to say that Levaquin is the causes of your symptoms. That's a RARE admittal from a doctor. See if you can get him to put something in writing.
Personally, I would NOT get corticosteroid shots. Not only will they not work, but corticosteroids and Levaquin is a known no-no to anybody that pays any sort of attention to research literature.
Corticosteroid Injections and Physical Therapy are 'standard
of care' prescriptions. Not because they work (PT also isn't going to do anything for you), but because that's just what there is to prescribe, and they have to prescribe something.
Levaquin Tendonitis is -not- regular
Tendonitis. See:
What is Tendonitis?
Levaquin Side Effects are caused by massive magnesium depletion, cytotoxic reaction, kill-off of mitochondria in connective tissue, and a variety of other predictable factors.
You feel what -seems- to be
Symptoms of Tendonitis. There may be some overlap and similarities, but you're suffering from an entirely different dynamic.
I HIGHLY suggest that you get
The Levaquin Tendonitis Solution ebook. You need to know why you're in pain, and you need to target your self care activities to the specific problems Levaquin causes.
If not that, then get on as much magnesium (anything but oxide) as you can get in you all day, daily. See:
Magnesium Dosage and push the 'tolerance level' as much as you can, including getting 'ionic' liquid magnesium.
First thing after reading this, get magnesium into you. (also hot epsom salt baths, with .5-1 pound of salt in the hot water)
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And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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