Wrist Tendonitis pain for 6 months leave for military training in 6 more months
Hi, I have had an ongoing tendonitis problem in my right wrist since june, and it doesn't seem to be getting better.
I hurt it while working out at the gym, doing onearm dumbbell preacher curls.
I am very resiliant to pain and continued to workout of a month, until i could barely curl a dumbbell without pain.
in july i start seeing a sport physical therapist for the wrist who has used stim treatment for it. the stim treatments have gone on since july, and seem to help, but since july i have been off and on working out which seems to aggravate the tendon even more.
5 weeks ago i stopped working out, and haven't touched a weight since. About a week and a half ago i started administering home ultrasound treatments with a 1MHz ultrasound machine for about 5 minutes.
I have stopped since it seems to be making it worse.
yesterday i started trying the ice dipping and ice massage. There also seems to be inflammation on the end of the ulna. There seems to be a great deal of inflammation on the underside of my wrist on the pinkie side. It hurts when i face my palm upward and twist outwards. It is more of a stiff pain then a sharp pain.
it also hurts on the side of my wrist when i grip something vertically and rotate my wrist. that is a sharp/shooting pain. the problem is i leave for training in 6 months, but i am getting worried because its not getting better and i only have 6 months left before i ship. I am considering purchasing wrist tendonitis ebook if the ice dipping and ice massages don't show improvement.
Joshua Answers:Hello there.
Well, do you know if you have
Wrist Tendonitis, an actual rip or tear in the tendon, or just a huge
Pain Causing Dynamic?
2. Did this pain just show up out of the blue or did it slowly come on over time and then you started to really pay attention to it?
3. Say more about the ultrasound irritating it more.
4. How much have you iced dipped so far? And, is the water arctic cold?
5. Describe your average daily food intake.
6. Any history of injury?
7. Overall health?
8. Anything else that would be of interest to me?
Thanks for all the details, btw.
I'm curious what your answers look like. And yes, I suggest that you get the
Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook and MEMORIZE it.
Looking at a career of the military and working out, you're going to need to know how to get yourself out of pain, and keep yourself out of pain.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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