Wrist Tendonitis - Remaining Pain
by Adria Bonell-i-Rovira
(Larboc, Catalonia, Spain)
Hi Joshua,
After suffering disabling wrist pain for years, some weeks ago I decided to buy your Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works DVD.
I cannot explain with words all the joy and gratefulness I felt when after a short week of doing the simple exercises my pain was almost gone.
Two weeks later it seemed a distant memory, and now I am able to do freely all kind of activities I had abandoned (e.g. weight lifting).
However, I still feel a small pain in the zone when I press it with one finger or when I wear my watch. What can I do to remove it permanently?
Thanks a lot,
Joshua Answers:Hello Adria.
GREAT! I'm so glad to hear that.
There is a lot I could say about that last bit, but I'll keep it simple.
1. Is the spot a general area, or is it a specific spot on a tendon? It won't affect the next two points, but it may have me add something else for you, so let me know.
2. Keep doing the activities from the DVD for another week, or two, or four. You can even drop the numbers some, but basically, the more you do, and the longer you do it, the more you help your body go back up the Upward Spiral.
That's great the pain is gone. You can always use the activities to reduce it again if it comes back. Keep in mind, you've been in pain a long time, so physically it's a little bit habitual and will try to come back.
Keep doing the activities even if there is little or no pain...there's a lot going on under the surface of your skin. Keep helping it be happy for
a while and you'll be happy.
That may or may not take care of that spot.
3. I would also throw in some self massage. At this point, it doesn't matter -how- you do it, just get in there and rub around that ouch spot. Poke, prod, push the tissue like a stretch in different directions, squeeze, hit, etc.
Ultimately, like a sponge, squeeze old stuff out and new stuff in, and things get better.
I'm happy that you decreased so much pain. Perfect.
Now, most people would be satisfied with an acceptable level of pain and stop the self care. It sounds like you're motivated. Even better!
Keep at it for a while longer, pay attention, think about that spot like a sponge that needs to get filled with new good blood and nutrition, and see what happens.
If it's not any different in two weeks, let me know, and we'll see what to do about it.
Wrist Tendonitis Is a multi-factored mechanism, and it can look a lot of different ways.
Meaning, due to the
pain can look a lot of different ways and be in a lot of different little spots.
You gotta work it all, and then work on whatever's left, ongoingly, until you are out of pain and back to 'normal' function.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert