wrist tendonitis-no more pain-but large lump
by Sue
(San Ramon, ca )
I saw a doctor for Wrist Tendonitis pain and lump several months age.
She said I needed surgery to remove the tissue that was squashing my tendon.
I did nothing and the pain has completely gone.
However my thumb has lost a tremendous amount of strength.
The lump is growing and is on the inside of my wrist below my thumb. I can not use a key to open a locked door because my thumb is so weak.
Should I have the tissue removed now?
Joshua Answers
Hi Sue.
One out of two ain't bad...lump stayed but the pain is gone....
I was going to let this one go till tomorrow till I saw you said the lump was growing.
So I definitely need some more information for this one.
1. Did you have wrist tendonitis, or was the lump pushing on the tendon? Or both?
2. How big is the lump now? How big was it then? (as best you can describe.
3. Can you take and attach a picture of the lump?
4. Is the lump hard, or squishy? Is if fluid filled, or solid. Does it feel like there's a ball in there you can more around, or is it solid?
5. What did your doctor say about the lump in your wrist, other than that "it should be removed"?
6. Did your doctor say what type of lump it was?
7. Is your wrist tendonitis pain totally gone? Did you do anything for it? (It's not surprising that it's gone. We need to make sure it doesn't come back.)
Answer those questions, let's deal with the lump issue, and then we'll move on to loss of strength in the thumb and the wrist tendonitis.
Let's see if and how it all relates. First thing first, the 'lump'.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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