Wrist Tendonitis with Cracking noise on my Wrist?!?

by Ervin Alvarado
(Salinas, PR)

Hello, I've had tendonitis for a long time, probably since I was a teenager (I'm 24 now). I was really into working out but about a year ago I had to stop all excersices that required my left arm. :( From time to time my wrist cracks and it hurts if I press on a particular spot of the wrist.

I really want to go back and hit the gym but I can't.

What should I do? Thanx


Joshua Answers:

Hello Ervin.


1. So...you had lingering, annoying pain since you were a teenager? Describe how those years went, symptom-wise.

2. Why do you think you got Tendonitis when you were a teenager?

See: What Is Tendonitis?

3. Did you have an injury and that started it, or?

4. Overall health?

5. Any pain/problem other than the left arm?

6. Describe in great detail symptoms in your left arm. Where, when, how what helps what hurts, duration, etc.

7. Where is the spot that hurts when you press on it? Is that the only place that hurts when you press on it?

I wouldn't worry about the cracking. Muscles are too tight compressing the wrist joint, so when you move it, the joint can't move smoothly.

Everybody cracks to some degree or other. It's not optimal, it's a good clue, but I wouldn't worry about it at the moment.

I'd worry about other things....

Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.

And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Comments for Wrist Tendonitis with Cracking noise on my Wrist?!?

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Jun 14, 2014
Wrist cracking feels good but now a knot forming under my wrist
by: PaulAnonymous

My wrist has popped and cracked for years. Lately a knot has begin to form under my wrist which seems to go into my hand I also experience some tingling and numbness.

Popping my wrist seems to alleviate the discomfort.


Joshua Comments:

Well, that's the think with cracking one's joints...it feels good momentarily.

But there's a reason that the joints are compressed enough such that they pop/crack....structures are too tight and pulling them joint together.

Jun 18, 2014
As I flex my left hand, a strange crunch sound form my left hand tendon is heard.
by: Hamza

Hi! I have been suffering from a strange problem (for me) for about 3 to 4 years. I am 16.

Whenever I flex my left arm, a strange crunch sound is heard from the tendon of left hand. So please its my request to tell me that what should I do in order to get rid of it.


Joshua Comments:

Hello Hamza.

The short answer is, you need to find the too tight muscle/connective tissue structure(s) that are shortening when you flex your left arm, which is causing the tendon to basically grind on other structures in the wrist.

Then you need to massage that too tight structure so it will loosen up and relax and give that tendon some 'slack', or more looseness.

See Related: Cracking Sound And Pain In Wrist In 15 Year Old Basketball Player

Mar 16, 2017
Tendonitis (BOTH wrists) with cracking noise (left)
by: Ella

I started to feel pain in both wrists 4 months ago (after a period of intensive exercise as a drummer combined with writing a paper on a laptop for university). I stopped doing these activities and actually wore two splints all day. Very strong anti-inflammatory drugs did not help much.

My ergotherapist recommended isometric excercises and massage of the connecting tissue. This certainly brought alleviation of pain. However, it did not stop entirely: working on the computer still causes my forearm (and thumb) muscles to fatigue after a short period.

Also, activities that include lifting up everyday objects (e.g. a pan, open a window/door) still cause pain in my wrists. Perhaps the worst symptom I experience ALL THE TIME is a loud cracking noise while turning my left wrist outward. It is particularly disturbing since I am left-handed.

What should I do? Cracking my wrist by turning it outward may alleviate my pain for a moment but is it really wise to do it often? What do you think about the excercises recommended by the ergotherapist - how long does it take until they have the desired effect?

Many thanks in advance!


Joshua Comments:

Hi Ella.

I can't speak to how long it will take for the ergotherapist's recommendations to help, or if they'll help at all. It seems that they haven't so far.

1. The cracking is caused by your muscles and connecdtive tissue being too tight and thus compressing the joint. Thus the parts of the joint can't move in their regular groove/range of motion.

The 'crack' happens when you move your joint and to try to get to where it has to go it has to 'pop' over something to get there (basically).

It's not particularly wise to do that often, and it's definitely in no way a fix nor a form of 'relief'.

2. Your muscles fatigue because your muscles are working too hard 24/7 so they're already fatigued when you start to work etc.

Contraction = shortness. Then connective tissue shrinkwraps down around that shortened muscle and traps you short.

And it's all down hill from there.

See: Pain Causing Dynamic

Multiple factors are at play. If you don't fix all the factors (don't address them enough, or don't address one or more of them at all) then you'll continue to have pain and problem.

I of course suggest Reversing Wrist Tendonitis, as it tells you have to eliminate the negative factors and get your wrist/forearm/etc back to working order.

Jan 02, 2018
Cracking Wrists
by: Anonymous

Hello I’m 14 and it’s been about 2-4 months that I’ve been dealing with my wrists cracking and crunching when moving them around in circular motions to an extent where it would hurt on some specific point of my wrist. I don’t know if this is normal since I’m still growing but i need help and answers thanks.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

1. Read this entire thread.

2. Follow the links and read those pages too.

3. Then come back with any questions you may have.

May 27, 2018
Wrist pain and clicking
by: Anonymous


Occasionally I get wrist pain due to extensive usage of typing, writing and practicing the piano. With it comes with clicking wrist with particular movements such as rolling my wrist.

Is there any tips to stop or prevent the pain - I have to continuously type and practice the piano for exams and school so outright stopping is not an option. If I continue to ignore the pain and injury, will it cause permanent damage?

Thank you for your time.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

It's not from typing, playing piano, etc. It's from the tendonitis dynamic: progressive muscle and connective tissue tightness, chronic inflammation process, and lack of nutrition.

See my three point game plan in my previous reply to the last comment poster.

Jun 23, 2018
Please help
by: Anonymous

Hello I’m 14 and it’s been about 2-4 months that I’ve been dealing with my wrists cracking and crunching when moving them around in circular motions to an extent where it would hurt on some specific point of my wrist. I don’t know if this is normal since I’m still growing but i need help and answers thanks.

I read all the links and the entire thread but nothing answered me. Please help.


Joshua Comments:

Well, if it's growing pains it will pass in a while.

If it's not, then you've got an early start on the tendonitis dynamic, which is showing up more and more in younger people due to a lifetime of poor nutrition/low nutrition foods/low quality foods and sedentary lifestyle. And thus one should start taking the steps to reverse that dynamic.

Or it's a combination on both.

Jun 23, 2018
Please help
by: Anonymous

Hi i am 16 years old and it’s been about 1-2 years that I’ve been dealing with this problem. My wrists cracks and and makes a crunching sound when moving it around in circular motions. Now i get pain shooting thru the wrist. Is this normal or what is it?

I read all the links and the entire thread but nothing answered me. Please help.


Joshua Comments:

This post seems remarkably similar to the previous one. See my response there.

Jul 11, 2018
Wrist pain, cracking and popping
by: Anonymous

Hi. About a week ago I woke up in the morning and my left wrist was sore. I work in new construction and have a physical job but I can’t think of anything I could’ve done the day before to strain it or hurt it. I’m also right handed so it’s strange that my left wrist would be sore. I had a few days off because of the 4th and had time to rest and since then the pain has pretty much gone away and it isn’t swollen or anything. I just have a little tenderness when putting a lot of pressure on it and some clicking cracking noises when I move it.

I was wondering what this could be and if you have any ideas or input. Worries me a bit just because I work with my hands and if I don’t have my hands I can’t work.... thanks for your time.


Joshua Comments:

Weird things happen sometimes.

If it's just this one time and it goes away quick easy, no problem.

If it comes back (sooner or later) and becomes a recurring thing, then remember this time as the first time..and pay attention to behavior over time.

Point being, this is a weird one-off thing, or it's the first time it showed up as a developing issue.

Aug 22, 2018
Tendonitis for 6 months, I can't workout properly anymore....
by: Anonymous

Hey Joshua, I've had Tendonitis for almost 6 months now, I'm 18 years old , and 6 months ago, at the gym I tried doing a bicep curl with a straight bar that was tied to the ground and unfortunately kept going while I was in pain. This has caused me to hurt my wrists and basically prevent me from doing any physical activity, as I am scared to injure myself again.

I've went to several doctors. None of them seem to help me. I'm at a loss.

Both my wrists are popping in the ulnar side right where the wrist connects near the pinky and my left wrist hurts when I touch the "TFCC" or that area, not sure if that means anything.... Anyway, I've been reading a lot on your site, been taking B6, Curcumin, sometimes Magnesium, but I stopped as I am not doing any work so my muscles shouldn't be tight (right?).

Basically, as I said, I have no idea what to do. I really want to go back to working out and doing sports. It's honestly something that makes me happy. Would love for help. Thank you so much anyway.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

Have you Ice Dipped as described on the How To Reduce Inflammation page?

Nov 21, 2018
Wrist cracking..??
by: Anonymous

I am 12 years old and my wrist cracks (both my left and right wrist,) if it is rotated. This has been happening since I was 10. Should I be concerned? I never had any injuries in my hand or wrist, either.


Joshua Comments:

Tendonitis symptoms (of which 'cracking' is a symptom of the tendonitis dynamic) are happening to younger and younger individuals.

Chances are your Vitamin D levels are low, your magnesium is low. Chances are you spend a lot of time indoors, on tv and/or video games. Chances are you eat the Standard American Diet.

Obviously I'm speaking in generalities here, but that's why 10 and 12 year olds are suffering from tendonitis type symptoms.

It's a product of the environment you live in...little to no outside times, nutritionally poor foods, etc.

I would be concerned, less about the cracking itself and more about WHY the cracking is happening. The cracking itself isn't a problem, but it is indicative of a larger problem (your body doesn't have what it needs to work properly), and ten years old is WAY to early to be experiencing that (and increases your risk of experiencing that and worse in your 20's and 30's.

The cracking is specifically caused by muscles being too tight and thus pulling on the tendons, compressing the joint. So to move through the joints range of motion it has to 'jump' out/over it's usual groove to get where you're telling it to go.

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