24 year old with Wrist Pain that reappears every few months or so

by Kennita

Hi, I'm a 24 year old female and for about the last year or two I've been having issues with my right wrist. The pain will suddenly begin out of nowhere, although it usually seems more noticeable when I awake. The pain is right in the middle of the top (with palm facing down) of my wrist and goes up through about mid-way to the top of my hand stoping just short of my middle and ring fingers.

The pain is usually intense and will stick with me for about a week or so before returning back to normal.

Unfortunately this doesn't last very long because within a few months the pain is back again.

I haven't noticed any inflammation or swelling, but I don't doubt that's what's going on internally. It hurts to rotate my wrist in the slightest and when I wiggle my thumb there is pain in the wrist as well.

It feels like the tendons in the back of my hand are stiff, and I have lost a lot of strength in my hand to the point I find myself dropping my keys and not being able to open soda cans or jars, something I can do when I'm not in pain.

I'm not overweight and I work retail. I've been very active in sports in the past but not so much these days. I do some small crafts and video game playing but I don't recall ever experiencing pain or stiffness during or after these events.

Any advice will be appreciated since I don't have money or insurance in which I
can go and see a doctor.

Thank You Very Much,


Joshua Answers:

Hi Kennita.

Well, there's some options.

1. You have Wrist Tendonitis which includes the muscles on the back-of-the-hand side of your forearm are TOO TIGHT, thus compressing your wrist joint too.

2. There is a lipoma (benign fatty tumor) or cyst growing in/on the wrist joint. Do you have any lumps/bumps?

3. There is a nutritional or hormonal component that would explain the tendonitis-mimicing pain coming and going.

If you can rule out #2, we can talk about #1 and #3.

In which case, I will ask you the following questions:

1. How bad does it hurt?

2. What exactly does 'the pain will suddenly begin out of nowhere' mean? Details.

3. Overall, describe the symptoms, the more detail the better.

4. Any history of injury or pain/problem?

Tendonitis is relatively easy to deal with, nutrition is easy to deal with, hormonal stuff can be tougher (and really not my domain though I can point you in the right direction).

See: What Is Tendonitis?

See Related: 10 Year Old Gymnast With Worsenting Foot Pain Over Three Months

Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.

And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook cover

Reversing DeQuervain’s ebook cover

Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works Dvd cover

Reversing Guitar Tendonitis ebook cover

Comments for 24 year old with Wrist Pain that reappears every few months or so

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Jun 10, 2013
same exact pain.
by: Anonymous

Hey, I have the same exact pain. I'm 25 yr old male. Same exact spot. I can't even do a push up when I'm in pain. But when I'm not in pain I can do 50. I'm in the army national.guard. healthy young adult. I had it xray done. I went in.the tunnell at the hospital and had a doctor play with it. The xray looked fine. No bone problems or anything showed up. Except mine hurts for several weeks. And then won't hurt for 5-6 months. It hurts more when I bend my hand down to my forearm rather then trying to bend it backwards. Any help? Thanks!!


Joshua Comments:

1. What's the pain feel like? who what how where when

2. What have you tried so far to help it when it hurts?

Nov 14, 2014
help, 14 and debilitating wrist pain
by: Anonymous

hi, i know this is a late as this whole page was created a year ago, but i was just wonderin if anybody had any tips to get rid of the pain.

i have the same pains in the exact spot every few
months, although i am 14, not in my 20s. while in pain, i can do nothing at all, not even picking up my backpack for school.

i cant put any pressure on it, not even in the least, without a cry out in pain. i try to tell my parents but they dont listen and then they yell at me for being dramatic. so basically i do not have any way of knowing whats happening since my parents will not help.

any suggestions?

please help


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

Sorry to hear about that. It doesn't sound ideal.

The reality is, it's up to you to find answers and take care of your body.

1. Start ice dipping as described on Process of Inflammation.

2. Look into Inflammation Causes Vitamin B6 Deficiency

3. Look into Magnesium For Tendonitis

4. Know the answers to What Is Tendonitis

Knowledge is power, as they say.

5. Do you think you might have an actual serious injury? Did you fall down, get hit by something, have a big impact, car accident, etc?

If you have an actual injury, that's a different conversation. Then we need to get you looked at professionally.

Having said that, young people are getting tendonitis related pain and problem more and more these days. The nutrition just isn't in the food like it used to be, and there's more and more 'bad' food....processed nutritionless foods, artificial sweeteners that are excitotoxins, food with gluten (which is an inflammatory agent), etc.

Without adequate nutrition, the body can't work optimally, and all sorts of problems can arise, like a tendonitis dynamic.

Rip and tear injury (or a fractured bone) can cause debilitating pain. But one can have debilitating pain without any actual injury. But it's smart to figure out if there is any actual injury to deal with.

Feb 15, 2015
Same pain at 15 (girl)
by: Anonymous

Um so I have the same problem with my right wrist. I can bend it and twist it but circling Less than halfway hurts a lot. I just turned 15 but I have had this pain for over a year now.

It's on and off. So one month it will start randomly without any symptoms of beginning. Then after about a week it will stop.

It appears every other month. I have told my parents and they took me to the doctors. The doctors didn't notice anything wrong.

But it still came back every other month. Now after being to the doctors my parents think I'm too dramatic and think I'm faking the pain. But I'm not.

I'm in actually pain with nobody to turn to.

Please help me!


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonygirl.

Read this thread and the links in this thread, and then come back and A. tell me what self care you're going to start doing and B. ask any questions you have.

Feb 02, 2016
Same wrist symptoms, hurts to drive
by: Anonymous

I am 16 years old and I am experiencing these same symptoms.

Every few months my wrist starts hurting for about a week. It progressively gets worse, and after about 4 days it will progressively get better.

When it is in the worst pain it is hard for me to drive because turning the wheel hurts and I find it difficult to turn doorknobs as well as many other things.

May 19, 2016
Still happening!
by: MJ

Wow, this is exactly what happens to me!

I go to bed one night and feel just fine. Wake up and both wrists hurt to bend forward or backwards. They're not swollen but they hurt really bad if I press where the back of my hand meets my wrist. Right wrist is worse than the left. Lasts about a week and happens about once per year. I haven't fallen or anything that would cause this directly. I usually wrap the wrists with Ace bandages to keep them from bending unnecessarily, which helps the pain especially at night.

I'm a 25 year old white female, sedentary but lightweight. Pretty sure I'm too young for carpal tunnel.

Has anyone figured this out yet??

Aug 24, 2016
Me too
by: Anonymous

I Am just 15 and I have the exact same thing and it has been happening since October last year, it feels really stiff too.

Sep 24, 2016
by: Kylee

I have the same pain. Its in the top of my wrist every few months. Ive had this on and off for about 8 years. Had swelling at first but now i dont. Mine feels like the pain goes down my forearm a little tiny bit.

I CANNOT put pressure on it like im doing a push up. IT KIND OF MAKES ME SCREAM IN PAIN. And the only thing ive come accross that makes any sense is keinbocks disease.

Hope this helps.

Jan 08, 2017
Long Standing Wrist Issues Getting Worse
by: KG

Okay,so I have had ongoing and worsening issues with my wrists for 6 years now.

Its been misdiagnosed 3 times. My hands have been becoming weaker and less and less tolerant towards use of any kind.

I find it gets better with over a day of rest and next to no use.

Wrist braces were ineffective, because the pain and swelling will always come back no matter I do after awhile.

My doctor just did the classic 'lets try the cortisone shot' line because my wrists were unresponsive to the braces.

I'm wondering whether or not i should get it.

He also said if it doesn't work surgery may be the only option left, what do you think?

I'm rather scared after what he said anything you can help with will help, thank you.


Joshua Comments:

Hi KG.

1. The wrist braces were ineffective because wrist braces are ineffective.

2. Why exactly would a corticosteroid injection help. If it lowered pain by lowering inflammation....what is causing the inflammation the first place? (Good question to ask the doctor.)

3. Your doctors have been wrong about everything so far, why would they be right about surgery? What exactly would they even be doing surgery on? And how would that help anything (as opposed, to, say, causing more problem from the trauma and damage of surgery?)

4. I'd suggest reading this thread and all the pages it links to. I'd suggest working with the Reversing Wrist Tendonitis program...it targets the actual causes of wrist pain and problem, including that 'weakness' you're experiencing (which isn't really weakness per se, it's 'decreased ability to function').

That lack of function isn't something to be scared of, it's just a more accurate assessment of what's going on, and something to correct.

Jun 04, 2017
Same exact problem
by: Tori

I know this thread is quite old, but I am having the exact same symptoms described above and it is so relieving to finally hear others experiencing the same issue as me.

I have had pain on the top (with palm facing down) of my left wrist for many years now. I am a 23 year old female and I have no idea what could be causing this.

I can't recall exactly the first time I experienced these symptoms, but I do know it was years ago. Pain will come out of nowhere, hurt severely for a week or so (just as others described-- limited range of motion, cannot hold anything heavy with my left hand, extreme pain if I try to put weight on it or do anything in the push up position) and then disappear on it's own.

Sometimes it is only a few weeks before it returns, sometimes it is months. Very unpredictable pattern. It doesn't seem like anyone has received a clear diagnosis (or they haven't reported it to this thread) but I am desperate for help.

I've talked to my primary care physician about it, but it wasn't currently hurting when I spoke to her and she told me that there wasn't much she could do when I wasn't in pain.

I don't know where else to find the answers I'm looking for, so I hope I can find them here.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Tori.

Well, good news/bad news, even if it was hurting there's nothing your doctor could/would do for it, other than prescribing rest, splints/braces, anti-inflammatories, etc.

Random pain that comes and goes is too vague/subtle an issue for the super vast majority of doctors out there.

1. The first thing you should do is get your Vitamin D levels tested. What are some of the possible symptoms of Vit D insufficiency/deficiency? Yep....exactly what you're describing.

Do that, let me know what the results are.

(And/or get the Reversing Wrist Tendonitis program [see link in this thread]. YOu don't have wrist tendonitis per se, but it's incredibly likely that the factors that cause that are responsible for your pain (progressively too tight muscle and connective tissue, inflammation process, nutritional insufficiency).

Aug 01, 2017
Same exact issue.
by: Chris

I have had this same issue as long as I can remember. Acute SEVERE pain when I try to move my wrist in any direction at all.

The pain is centralized exactly where you've described it. The center of the wrist, a little bit closer to the thumb right where the back of the hand meets the joint. It hurts to touch.

There is a constant ache when it's "pain time" and the pain is absolutely excruciating when moving the wrist even as little as 20 degrees in any direction. I have tried moving it beyond this point using just my wrist's own power and apart from the CONSIDERABLE pain, I actually can't move the joint any further than an absolute maximum of about 25-30 degrees.

I first went to see my doctor about this when I was around 12 years old. He told me what I'm sure most of your doctors told yourselves in this thread: "it's probably just a sprain. Try not to use it for a little while and it will get better" Even though I told him I didn't hurt myself and that it comes and goes without any reason at all.

I came back about 2-3 months later with the same issue and he ordered an X-ray. Of course, by the time the X-ray date came around, the pain was gone. Whether or not that had something to do with the fact that they didn't find anything is unknown to me.

Trying to convince my parents that there is something legitimately wrong after that point was an uphill battle that I didn't have the will power to fight. So i've dealt with it.

I'm 31 now and the pain is worse than it ever has been. It lasts longer than it has in the past, and it's really making my girlfriend nervous. I'm tired of doctors thinking that I'm crazy or that this isn't serious. I've been dealing with this for 20 years now and I just want answers..

Please. Tell me there's something I can do about this! I'm seeing a doctor in a couple days about it. Not a specialist, unfortunately but my wrist is currently in pain. If they can expedite an ultrasound, who knows? maybe they'll see something.


Joshua Comments:

Get an MRI to confirm whether or not there's a cyst/ganglion cyst/lipoma in there (they can grow/shrink depending on your body chemistry [basically]).

You would probably benefit from getting more assertive with your doctors. yes they think you're crazy and it's all in your head, but that's because they're terrible doctors. Find a good one, or whip the ones you have into shape. "This comes and goes. It is not a sprain. There's been no break. WHAT is causing it? Find out! Is it a ganglion cyst? How do you know? Did you actually look? Would a cyst or lipoma show up on an xray?"

If it comes and goes, you need to start tracking the when, and maybe you can find a why.

Does it go away/show up when you eat too much of something or less of something?

Stress levels?

Full moon (Seriously).


Aug 13, 2017
The same thing
by: Anonymous

Hi,I know it is three or four years late but it is really bothering me so...

Around 9 months I had first sprained my wrist, ever since it comes back ever so often which is annoying as the next few days it hurt and whenever I would move my hand in a certain way, push myself up with my hand a pain, about 6 on the scale 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 the highest, would shoot up or make my hand weak.

Is there anyway I can get rid of this pain forever?


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

Yes, you can get rid of it by reversing the multiple factors that are causing the pain.

If you actually tore tendon or ligament etc, that changes the conversation a little bit.

Read this thread, follow the links you find in it to more info, etc.

Nov 02, 2017
Me too!!
by: Anonymous

I have the exact same thing and I’m going to the doctor for it because I’m a gymnast so it is really serious. My coach thinks I seriously hurt it one time and now it will flare up for no reason and that I should get physiotherapy for it and I’m only 12 :/ the best of luck to you with your wrist and I will update you on how it goes at the doctor.


Joshua Comments:

Keep us updated.

Mar 20, 2018
It's like I'm reading about my own wrist!
by: Anonymous

This is almost exactly how I would describe my wrist pain as well!

My wrist is usually fine, and I can use it and bend it normally. But then the next day I might wake up with an ache in the middle/left side of my wrist (palm down) and I have limited movement. I also can't put any pressure on it while it hurts.

I'm not sure how frequently it happens, but the last few times the weather has been changing or is about to change when my wrist hurts. Not sure if the atmosphere has anything to do with it or not, just thought I'd add that just in case.

I've gone to the doctors a few times with the pain but even with an x-ray and ultrasound, they couldn't do a thing for me.

I wear a brace ever time it happens to protect it while I'm working, but some times to just makes the pain worse.

I'm 18 years old presently and this has been happening for maximum three years now.


Hi Anonymous.

Well, you're young, and it's incredibly like that the primary causative factor here is lack of nutrition, so you're body's not working as well as it can, and for a variety of reasons plus random luck you're feeling it where you're feeling it.

And, you're feeling it because of nutritional lack, too tight muscle and connective tissue, and inflammation process.

Catch this early, and get your body working better/correctly again.

I of course suggest the Reversing Wrist Tendonitis program, which covers the nutrition etc.

Mar 27, 2018
by: Anonymous

I'm 15, and I've had the same problem in my left wrist since i was about 13. It comes and goes, but it happens a lot. Sometimes i know what i did to make it come back but most of the time it will just randomly happen and I don't know what i did to it.

I feel like its gotten worse, because a few months ago it wasn't so bad but like 3 weeks ago it came back and the pain was way worse than its ever been. It came back yesterday and today the pain is just like it was a few weeks ago, excruciating. I'm not sure if it's tendinitis or not, I've been doing a lot of research, but i'm still not sure.

Mar 28, 2018
21 with wrist pain everyday!
by: Anonymous

Hi, I am 21 years old and suffer from a terrible wrist pain every day, I resort to cracking my wrist to get temporary relief from the tight tight feeling.

When I was about 8 years old I had fractured the same wrist (only serious injury to date). I feel as if my wrist never healed properly or something worse, this pain has been consistent for years.

Furthermore I suffer from cysts on my body, I have had two on my right arm that were slightly larger than a pea, and one on my forehead the size of a paintball. I am not sure if this would have any affiliation with my left wrist being in pain.

If anyone has any information please help



Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

'Tight tight' is a function of the tendonitis dynamic: too tight muscle and connective tissue, chronic inflammation, and nutritional lack.

Get hurt as a kid, things tighten up to 'guard and protect' and never loosen up...a little progressively worse over time..etc. Makes sense.

RE: the cysts. Google something like 'cysts and iodine'.

Get the right stuff and give that a try, I've heard really good things.

Mar 31, 2018
Intermittent, acute wrist pain
by: AnonymousRN

This is exactly what has been happening to me for a few years now!! I'm 25 and a nursing student, so I have tried to figure this out just with my research experience. Although... I haven't had any luck and keep getting brought back to these blogs where people share this same exact pain!

The only difference than OP is my wrist doesn't hurt more when I wiggle my thumb, but everything else is the same. Forget push-ups, holding onto a bike's handlebar, or picking anything up with my left hand when this is happening. When I'm not using my left hand, and it's resting, then there will just be an achy sensation for the most part (sometimes throbbing)

When I do Phalen's test (for carpal tunnel), my wrist hurts SO badly. I convinced one of my lab instructors that I have carpal tunnel for this reason... but no other symptoms align and I just really don't think it's carpal tunnel due to the intermittent/acute onset features.

I will literally wake up one morning, try to grab something, and realize the pain has started again. I try to use a wrist brace but sometimes that just makes things worse. It goes away completely after about a week and I forget about it for a few months until it returns again.

If you look at the top of your left hand, run a line down with the natural curve of your middle finger, and press when you get to the wrist, that's pretty much the worst point. Sometimes this will trigger an acute lightening-like pain up my entire arm as well.

Anywho.. I've pretty much defaulted this dx to tendonitis... but would love if anyone has additional input.


Joshua Comments:

Hi AnonymousRN.

Unless you have a cyst or Lipoma in the joint there somewhere, then the tendonitis -dynamic- is a pretty good default.

You could have a little tendon tear there at that spot, but those don't show up for no reasons, so again...the tendonitis dynamic is the default 'cause' (of a tear [unlikely] or otherwise).

We like to focus on the spot of pain (ask any doctor!), but the spot of pain is 99% of the time just a symptom...a symptom of the causative factors of the tendonitis dynamic.

As you've noticed, Wrist Splints don't work. They can't. Maybe good to help you get through an activity, but they're a terrible 'solution'...because they're not a solution.

Same thing with 'rest'.

As in other responses/posts, I'd suggest you get to work with the Reversing Wrist Tendonitis program.

Rule out a cyst or lipoma maybe, but if it's tendonitis/carpal tunnel related, then all you need to do is get rid of the factors that cause tendonitis/carpal tunnel.

Apr 22, 2018
Turning 16 and get wrist pains
by: Anonymous

I agree with what everyone has said with the wrist pains mine come and go after a week and come back every month or so .

It's pretty bad sometimes I can't even type out my assignments on computers or play guitar. I have seen a doctor and he said it's probably from playing guitar or using a mouse on the computer and that it should be fine with some cream on it but I don't believe him as I broke my laptop and stopped playing guitar for a very long time and still get them so it's not possible to becuase of things I do becuase I don't do anything to hurt it.

I use heat patches to help with the pain but it doesn't help for long and I also use cream to help with it but it just doesn't get to the spot I'm my wrist that hurts. It's my right wrist that gets sore. It hurts to push on it or lean on it or anything.

It's starting to annoy me and I tell my parents but they just say I over react (becuase I have anxiety) and am fine.

But I also have signs of xma on my elbows and behind my ears (get itchy(got cream for that too)) if that could have anything to do with it.


Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

Well, unfortunately your doctor doesn't know anything about it, as evidenced by "It's probably from playing guitar and using a computer so...uhh....see you later I hope it goes away."

Same boat with the exema. "I have no idea why you have exema, here's some cream, good luck!"

Fun facts:

Lack of magnesium results in anxiety. (Also, without enough your muscles can't work correctly and you end up with, for instance, wrist tendonitis symptoms.)

Gluten intolerance and resulting Leaky Gut results in exema.

May 02, 2018
Same thing!!
by: Anonymous

Hello! I’m a 25 year old female with right hand wrist pain that comes and goes. It’s in the same area that most described with burning and muscle weakness on the left hand side when my palm is face down. I read all of the posts and will soon checkout the Tendonitis link that someone uploaded.

I haven’t experienced this for quite a few months but it just threw me off by how extreme and random the pain and timing was. I’m not entirely sure if it’s relevant but I’ll mention it.

I have taken Magnesium supplements (inconsistently) for recent anxiety attacks and I do suffer from iron deficiency anemia and eczema. I’m not sure if it’s weather related because the temperature jumps (below freezing to 80degrees F in less than 48 hours) continually occurs.

If anyone has anymore ideas or advice please share! I guess I’ll try to take more Magnesium? It normally only lasts a week but the pain and severity during the small timeframe is still memorable and strange.

May 28, 2018
Same pain ( left wrist)
by: Anonymous

Has anyone figured out any treatment yet?? because, at this point I’m tired of trying new medications that don’t work.

Someone please post anything that worked for you.


Joshua Comments:

Did you read this thread at all? Follow any of the links and read those pages?

You should.

Jun 11, 2018
exact same pain
by: Stephanie


Am 25, and I have been experiencing this pain for over 3 months now. And I noticed this pain 2 months after my surgery(CS). The right wrist pain becomes intense whenever I wake up every morning. Sometimes it seems as if the bones at the wrist do shift and my wrist becomes stiff and it goes back to normal again after turning the wrist.

Aug 27, 2018
Wrist pain
by: Anonymous

I am a 16 year old kid who has had wrist pain for 13 months now from a snowboarding injury. I had my left wrist put in a cast for 2 weeks and found nothing in the x ray but decided to put me back in a cast for another 6 weeks. Ever since then I've never lost my pain. My right wrist gets pain every now and again and I'm limited to do some things at times such as push off or bend my wrist back or forth. My right wrist is in a lot of pain at the moment and the doctors can't pick up anything. I get severe pain when bending my wrist down just under my hand.

Do have any advice or something I can do because I don't want to live with this injury.



Joshua Comments:

Hi Anonymous.

It's high time to get an MRI. (Seriously they haven't done one yet?)

Either you have:

1. A ligament or cartilage tear or equivalent in there, or

2. You don't, and just have tightness from the immobilization and pain, which is compressing a bone bruise, essentially.

If you have 1, you also have 2 (but if you have 2 you don't have to have 1.

How exactly did you fall/land? Moment by moment details please.

Apr 09, 2019
Maybe Smartphone Use?
by: Emily

Hey, I’m glad I found this blog because I’ve been having the same symptoms you all describe...pain in top of right wrist and mine radiates up my arm to elbow. I’m a 31F otherwise healthy and in good shape. Doesn’t hurt much all the time but frustrated because it prevents me from doing yoga as I can’t put pressure on it.

By reading through this blog and noticing how everyone who’s having this problem seems to be really young- some in teens even- I wonder if it’s caused by repetitive scrolling on smartphones.

I do notice mine is worse when I’ve gone through binges of being on my phone a lot. Maybe try limiting phone use although that’s difficult I know.


Joshua Comments:

People are getting tendonitis symptoms at younger and younger ages I've been noticing over the last decade.

It's not the phone so much as lack of nutrition from the standard american diet, indoor lifestyles (no sunshine etc), sedentary lifestyles, etc.

How are you feeling now, it's been a while since you wrote this.

May 20, 2019
Same Pain
by: Taylor

While I realize this thread started many years ago, I wanted to share my story as well. I’ve suffered from the same type of pain since I was 15 years old and only in one wrist. I’m now almost 29 and finally went to the doctor.

She did an X-ray which came up clear so the only thing she thought it could be was strain due to my bad posture.

My shoulders definitely slouch forward and she thinks it causes strain on the tendons in my arm which then travels to my wrist and causes pain. She recommended I go to a physical therapist for it, which I haven’t done, but now when I start to feel the pain come on, I do some stretching exercises and sometime am able to prevent the pain from worsening, other times not so much.


Joshua Comments:

Posture has a lot to do with it. And it's part of my response to the previous comment....modern day lifestyle isn't great for some things....like posture, nutrition, etc.

Jul 16, 2020
Me too!!
by: Anonymous

I am so pleased I found this thread, I have been trying to understand this for years!

I am 24. I starting having this issue at 17. At the time I believed it was a repetitive strain injury from using the coffee machine at the pub I worked at, however the issue has continued long after I stopped working there, and I have also started getting it in my non-dominant hand.

Just like the people above, it comes and goes. About once a month or once every two months, I get severe pain in one of my wrists (never both at the same time). It travels up the back of my hand, and I’d describe it as shin splits but on the wrist. I can’t twist it, it constantly feels uncomfortable like the joint needs to ‘click’, but motion seems to aggravate the problem rather than solving it.

I also have extraordinarily tiny wrists for my age, I wonder if that plays a part.

I have followed some of the links here, but none of them really stand out to me. I believe I eat a generally balanced diet, but I am no expert.


Joshua Comments:

1. What is your vitamin D level? If you don't know, find out.

2. I don't believe that the 'tiny wrists' thing is a factor. Unless you have some weird medically anomally that they're way outside the norm.

It's kind of like saying 'I have a short leg'....it's really not a thing.

3. You may eat a generally balanced diet, but probably you don't, and even if you did the nutrition just isn't in the food like it used to be due to modern farming practices, and even if that wasn't a factor, chances are incredibly high that you don't eat very much nutritionally dense food now and in your past/lifetime. It's a safe bet because A. the vast majority of people don't and B. you have the longstanding symptomology that you describe.

I don't mean that as a criticism, I just mean that as part and parcel of a tendonitis dynamic.

Jun 06, 2021
Wrist Demon
by: JosieAnonymous

43…same issue! I do have low Vitamin D, so I take 5,000 IU’s of D3…was on 50,000 IU’s prescription. The best thing that has worked so far…my chiropractor! He’s the only chiropractor that has been able to manipulate my wrist and immediately I am pain free. I’m not sure what he does but no other chiropractor has been able to mimic it. It does return though, especially if I overuse my wrist.

My doctor stated it was most likely a ganglion cyst, which means I have some arthritis going on.

Nonetheless, it’s sucks when it flared up!

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