About to go to music school for jazz guitar with 2.5 years of tendinitis

by Seb

I was diagnosed with tendinitis by the end of January 2016. Though looking back I can remember symptoms of muscle fatigue earlier in my guitar journey. I went through rest with anti inflammatories but my doctor didn’t believe in stopping Guitar at all because it was my passion. I had to cut back the amount of practice and I did 20 sessions of acupuncture and massage therapy. Don’t know if it was placebo or just the rest that made my arms feel better, but they were never back to normal. I study jazz guitar and study regularly and planned to audition for colleges in a year.

In december 2016 my doctor gave me a cortisone injection and that relieved a lot of the stress, allowing me to more effieciently practice, and get closer to being back to normal. Since then I took a gap year to study jazz guitar privately. I have tried multiple excoriates and stretches and techniques but I wasn’t losing the fatigue from guitar, or general use of my fingers.

I start college in a month ( jazz guitar) and have begun practicing more intensely ( with caution) but my symptoms made turn to this site. The main perpetrators of soreness is the long tendon along the forearm in the same direction as the pinky.

When I get too sore that is what primarily bother me. I’m on day two of ice dip and massage, and I have really dug into the hot spot of the side of the elbow in the same direction of the pinky.

I can tell when my tendons are more less stressed cause they tighten. Definitely have hot spots in the long tendon I mentioned earlier.

I got some red spots which made me worried about frostbite but I know it’s probably just skin irritation and I’ll take a break from dips tomorrow.

My problem is I can’t stop playing guitar cause of the passion and because I’m
literlally going to be taking exams with it.

I’m pretty good but the soreness stresses me and not wanting to over do it in university. Any advice? I am going through the treatment plan from the book. My hotspots feel much more but looser.

I just wanna make sure I don’t screw up my life choosing to make a already gamble of career choice by going to music school with damaged hands.


Joshua Answers:

Hi Seb.

You've learned to play guitar because you have a passion for it.

Now you get to learn how to keep your body functional so you can play guitar because you have a passion for it.

Tendonitis no matter where it shows up is a very predictable dynamic. It shows up for certain reasons, it stays in place for those same reasons.

See: What Is Tendonitis?

The Pain Causing Dynamic is the dynamic you are now stuck in.

It's a mechanism, it's predictable...and here you are.

Want to get rid of it? The reverse the causative factors of the mechanism, and pain and problem goes away.

That's Reversing Guitar Tendonitis program.

Let me know if you have any questions.

See Related (music school): Early RIght Hand Wrist Tendonitis From Fast Guitar Playhing Fast Finger Movement Causing Tightness And Stiffness

See Related (music school): 12 Years Of GUitar Pain In Neck Shoulders Hands Forearms And I Fear I Have It All

See Related (music school): My Wrist Pain From Playing Guitar That Won't Go Away

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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

Reversing Wrist Tendonitis ebook cover

Reversing DeQuervain’s ebook cover

Carpal Tunnel Treatment That Works Dvd cover

Reversing Guitar Tendonitis ebook cover

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