Behind the knee pain like I hyperexteded it
by tom
(joliet, illinois)
as i said i finish concrete although i've been laid off for a couple months already.
i woke up 3 days ago and had a pain in my left knee like i had hyperextended it yet i hadn't even left the house for a couple days. i didn't fall or twist to have this happen and thought maybe i slept on it wrong.
3 days later it hurts worse than it did originally and i've been staying off of it as much as possible. the whole backside of my knee just kills.
been takin aleve but that hasn't done much.
i can't straighten it when i walk but can put all my weight on it while bent. just hardly at all when its straight. is this a tendonitis problem?
or could it be something else?
Joshua Answers:Hi Tom.
The first thing that jumps to mind is that there's a muscle on the back side of your knee that when it gets too short/tight, starts to HURT.
If you were active walking around a lot, up and down, etc, and lately you've been sitting around a lot, it makes sense for a variety of reasons that this muscle has jumped into a pain dynamic.
-IF- the pain is behind your knee, is muscluar, and
hurts to stretch the leg out/straighten the leg, then that's my top pick.
If it's a joint pain, in or around the joint pain, includes a grinding when you walk, hurts going down stairs but not up stairs or vice versa, then that's different.
It certainly could be a
Tendonitis dynamic, we'll see.
What Is Tendonitis?Regardless, it sounds like there's some unhappy muscles involved. Get some
Magnesium into you. That can/will help with spastic, pain causing muscles.
Tell me more about the behind the knee pain, and let's figure this out. What exactly hurts, and what action help/hurt it.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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