Can't Belive this has happened from Levaquin for diverticulitis
by Suzanne E. Parent
I was placed on Levaquin three weeks ago for diverticulitis. I am not able to take an Sulfa drugs so the drug of choice was Levaquin 500 mg. q.d. by the Emergency Room physician after an abdominal CT scan.
After the 6the day on the Levaquin I woke in the middle of the night with severe shoulder pain (right and left), knee pain and hip pain - where I actually could not run over in bed.
Upon arising in the AM after a fitful nights' sleep I was unable to left my arms more that 4 inches in the air. Being a nurse, I immediately called my primary care physician who informed me to stop the Levaquin, which I have absolutely no intentions of ever taking again. He told me not to do anything and drink plenty of fluids, rest and not even climb any stairs in fear of a ruptured Achilles tendon.
After thinking about my past history of shoulder pain and shoulder surgery 5 years ago....I then realized that I had been put on Levaquin 6 years ago for a bout of diverticuliti as well.
I remember having some muscle pains but never correlated the two. A year later I was diagnosed with a ruptured bicep tendon (unknown cause ???) which I had surgically repaired only to end up having a full thickness tear of the rotator cuff 5 weeks after surgery. The left shoulder has never really be the same - decreased ROM and loss of strength and weakness in that arm.
Now I am dealing with pain yet again in the left shoulder and a feeling of my right shoulder slipping at times and feeling like I may get a subluxation. I have pain throughout the day and intense at night. I am thinking of seeking an Orthopedic consult but I am hoping that there is something less invasive. I really believe that this damage is definitely from the Levaquin.
Joshua Answers:Hi Suzanne.
What you describe sounds like the familiar results of Levaquin.
Specifically for the diverticulitis, you have to go off ALL gluten. Period. Antibiotics don't fix/cure diverticulititis. Stopping eating the inflammatory agent (gluten) on a daily basis is. (plus dropping sugar intake)
So it's a bummer you were given a super powerful and bad-side-effect carrying antibiotic instead by doctors that don't know how to effectively treat diverticulitis.
But we're at where we're at.
So. Yes, Levaquin causes the symptoms you describe. Achilles tendon damage isn't the only connective tissue
that Levaquin targets.
Levaquin tendintis is NOT regular
Tendonitis See:
What Is TendonitisLevaquin causes massive magnesium depletion (which causes muscle pain/problem and/or mental/physical anxiety symptoms) and kills of mitochondria in the connective tissue. It does a bunch of other stuff but that's a couple of the prime movers of the mechanism.
So tendons hurt, and can and do fall apart. Muscles hurt.
The whole system gets thrown far out of whack and then you're stuck in a pain dynamic. And it's not like normal damage, where you get a cut, for instance, and then it heals. It's more like you get a cut, and your body is literally unable to heal the cut because the system has been depleted and disrupted and can't bring itself back to optimal so can't heal.
Hopefully you're in the category of people that, by default, get better (within) in a year or so. But if you're in the category of people that, by default, never get better, I highly suggest you kick yourself into high gear doing things that help bring your body back towards optimal.
Thus I suggest
The Levaquin Tendonitis Solution ebook.
There are a LOT of things that won't help your situation. This includes anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids (DON'T do those), physical therapy, any particular pharmaceutical drug, massage (lowers pain levels), prolotherapy, acupuncture (potentially helpful but not a fix), chiropractic (potentially a little helpful, potentially very harmful), etc. Rest won't cure anything, but it takes load off the structure so prevents tearing damage...but if somethings going to tear, it's going to tear. So you want to avoid that of course, and replete your body so it can heal strong enough before any more tears happen.
Feel free to update (or use the Forum that comes with the ebook).
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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