extensor tenosynvitis and carpal tunnel from a twisting injury to right wrist and forearm
by Jody Berry
(Angola, Indiana, USA)
view of injured forearm
Alternate view of injured forearm
Ladder I fell off, arm twisted
injured arm and wrist
I had an arm injury back in 2008 in which my right arm was caught in wire racking twisting my wrist & forearm. At the time they only found that it was bruised but since then I have battled issues with it.
In the summer of 2011 I finally had a doctor that took a chance & did an operation opening up a couple of sheaths & cleaning out inflammation & scar tissue with the extensor tendons, to have a great result.
After having that done 3 years after the original injury I now have carpal tunnel in my left hand/wrist from compensating for the right. I am going to be having carpal tunnel surgery soon.
I have read mixed reviews on having carpal tunnel surgery done & was wondering if you would be able to give me some insight? I also have a pinching feeling in my right arm which was injured between the forearm & elbow, which I had at the beginning of my injury but kind of subsided with increased pain in my wrist.
Now that my wrist has been taken care of & have been lifting up to 70 lbs again. I recently took an injection in the area hoping it may have been just a nerve issue but that is not helping, would you possibly have any suggestions what I may need to have looked at?
At one time in 2009 I had physical therapy on that arm & one of the therapist told me my muscles felt like a washboard when he was doing a deep tissue massage, would that give any indications?
Joshua Answers:Hi Jody.
You definitely
have a
Tendonitis dynamic in place, which means that you have a
Pain Causing Dynamic in place.
What Is TendonitisI have some questions before I'll comment.
1. Describe the injury. What exactly happened?
2. How 'bad' was the original injury? What were the results the same day, the next day, a week later, etc.
3. Why exactly did the surgeon 'take a chance' with surgery on the right side? What was the situation that had him do that?
4. Why exactly do the think that
Carpal Tunnel surgery is now a good idea for the left side?
5. Age.
6. Overall health.
7. History of other injury?
8. Describe your
Carpal Tunnel Symptoms on the left side.
9. Describe your current symptoms on the right side in greater detail. The tight muscles as described by the PT is good information. Was that the right side, the left side, or both sides?
10. You called it extensor tenosynovitis. Why?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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