Finger Tendonitis Joint Pain in Computer Analyst
by Jesper
I have for a long time had problems in my finger joints.
It seems to be related to my work as a computer analyst, where I type a lot on a keyboard.
The problems have been progressing a lot during 2009. Up until then, I had some symptoms that didn't really bother me, such as fingers feeling thick and stiff in the morning, although no visible swelling.
I still do not have any visible symptoms. The problem used to be confined to my mouse click finger, but is now across all fingers on both hands.
I had a blood test for arthritis, which came back negative.
My GP is adamant it is RSI, so my guess it is to with short tendons...
I am keen to hear your verdict, and may want to use your services if you think you can help.
Happy New Year! Best regards Jesper
Joshua Answers:Hello Jesper.
I don't know about the 'injury' part of RSI, b ut RSI certainly plays a role.
Constant use, over time. Muscles get tight, stay tight, and it all goes downhill from there. Hello
Pain Causing Dynamic!
Maybe you have
Tendonitis, maybe you don't. You certainly have a progressive pattern of increasing tightness and pain.
body is a little different. It sounds like your symptoms are focusing in your fingers. For some people it's the wrist, for some it's the forerarm and/or elbow.
Tight muscles pull on tendons. This compresses joints together. Your tight muscles are compressing your finger joints. And the muscles being too tight, connective tissue is shrink wrapping....
Ice Dip as described on the
How To Reduce Inflammation page.
Read about
Magnesium for Tendonitis.
Might also want to try some
Magnesium Oil. It REALLY works for some people. I just pointed you to the best/cheapest source I've seen for it.
Use magnesium and the ice dip for a while, and then update me and let's see what there is to do next.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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