Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendonitis in both feet pain won't go away after some time
by Jess
My name is Jess and I was first misdiagnosed by 2 doctors saying I had achilles tendonitis and calf strain, for 2 weeks I did the RICE protocol that did nothing.
I was examined by a foot/ankle specialist and he told me FHL tendonitis, by overuse and by the fact that I have been unconditioned due to other illnesses.
I have been in PT for about 4 weeks for this using ultrasound and deep tissue massage, but i have to take painkillers to even go out. The pain then returns once they wear off and the pain in the side of my ankles is so severe, it hurts to walk.
I am trying to rest my feet for a few weeks, the hardest thing about this kind of tendinitis is that you have to use your feet even to shower, go to the kitchen etc.
I used a tens unit and overstimulated the muscles in my ankles and probably tendons. Is resting my legs the way to go? How do I get out of this inflammatory state? The pain has not subsided now for over 6 weeks. I am afraid by overdoing the tens I caused the muscles in my ankle area to tighten and am not sure what to do.
thank you jess
Joshua Answers:Hello Jess.
That sounds like a lot of pain the last 6 weeks.
I have some questions and then I'd be happy to help.
1. Both legs, yes?
2. Where exactly does it hurt? Feet, calves, shins, up higher? Please describe in as much detail as possible.
3. Does it hurt constantly, all the time? Just when you're on your feet? Comes and goes. Intense sometimes, less intense the rest of the time? Please give me a more complete picture.
4. How
old are you? Age doesn't play a factor, really, but it is a valuable clue and can lead to other important questions.
5. Does the massage help for a while? The skill level of every therapist is different, but does working the legs help with the pain for some length of time?
6. You used a tens unit and that started the pain, or you have started using it since you've been in pain. I'm not clear exactly what's going on there.
7. Did you do something that brought this on? You said you were 'unconditioned', which I take to mean 'out of shape'. Did you go do something athletic and now have pain? Say more about what activity might have helped cause this.
The Flexor Hallucis Longus muscle is deep in the structure, and does a lot of work. I'm curious if that is the only problem muscle...
Answer the above questions to give me a better idea of what's going on, add as much detail as you can, and let's get started on getting you back on your feet.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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