Levaquin caused knee pain, aches, pains, insomnia, lightheadedness
by 64
I got the most relief from the side effects of Levaquin from the ice treatments followed by heat described here. I took Levaquin for 7 days for a persistent sinus infection. From the start I had SERIOUS INSOMNIA, but didn't connect the two right away. I was LIGHTHEADED and just felt awful.
Then I began with PAIN IN MY KNEES AND HIPS.
I attributed the pain to the violent, unusual wind storms in the area caused by the atmosheric pressure going crazy. By about day 5 I ACHED IN NUMEROUS MUSCLES, MOSTLY THE LARGE MUSCLES OF MY THIGHS, UPPER PART OF MY LOWER LEGS, BUMM, AND LOWER BACK.
Being busy, I kept thinking I should read the drug literature that came with the prescription, but I didn't until after I had taken the final 7th dose. Of course then I could see that all of this was apparently from the Levaquin.
By now I was STIFF AND ACHEY AND FELT LIKE AN OLD WOMAN. My JOINTS HURT not inside the joint like the pain my arthritis causes but around the edges of the joint. I also hurt not in the middle of a muscle as when one over exercises, but all AROUND THE EDGES of my buttocks and other large muscles.
I could BARELY CLIMB THE STAIRS or get in a car because of the STIFFNESS. I am very active for my age (64) and I had continued to go to water aerobics and water zumba early in the course of Levaquin, but could not keep up as I usually do. By the end of the course of Levaquin I could barely pick up my feet.
THE PAIN IN THE BACK OF MY RIGHT KNEE WAS BY FAR THE WORST, although both knees hurt more than any other area. I probably aggravated my knees with the water zumba early in the course of medication. The pain was different from my arthritis, being in the area AROUND my knees and mainly behind the knees.
I had contacted my pharmacist and doctor and was told to rest and take anti inflamatory meds which
I did. But I still couldn't function. Finally I found these pages and reading them and using just one of the ice treatment followed by heat (a hot bath) then another ice treatment, and heat - the pain is almost gone, amazing. It has been 4 days since I finished my 7 days on Levaquin. I still am not back to normal but it is better than it was.
I am making bone broth soup and have started magnesium supplements, as recommended here.
Thanks for the great advise.
Joshua Answers: Hi 64.
Magnesium for Tendonitis applies in the situation in the sense that it's related.
But Levaquin causes massive magnesium depletion. Everything you've described are
Signs of Magnesium Deficiency..
Other negative things happen with Levaquin cytotoxicity, of course, but magnesium deficiency is a HUGE factor.
Icing will help you feel better, but it doesn't fix anything.
Rest and
Anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen won't fix anything either.
You have to get as much Magnesium into and onto you as you can.
There's other things that would be smart to do, but if you were only going to do one thing, getting your body as much magnesium as it needs should be that one thing.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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