Misdiagnosed Achilles Tendonitis? Really A Nerve Pain Problem?
by David
I have had heel pain, in the back of the heel for over 6 months now. I am on the 2nd orthopedic surgeon who stated the mri showed minimal scarring of the achilles. I am 48 and fairly inactive, desk job. Doctor said therapy, etc.. would help. Nothing has helped, still in pain.
However, this is the part I don't understand. I do not have a sore heel. I don't get the "sore muscle " pain. I get nerve pain. It shoots hard at the back of my heel, hangs on for about 2-4 seconds, then leaves as fast as it came. Also, I have discovered that if i press my finger into my hamstring, or near my groin, I can cause the same pain in my heel anytime I want to..
Any ideas?
The doctor stated he was going perform an ultrasound to make sure nerves are mapping correctly? Are we on the right track that it could have been sciatic, or an l4, 5 situation?
I would appreciate any opinions on this.
Thank you for your time.
Joshua Answers:Hey David. Thanks for asking.
Interesting. I have some thoughts, but let me ask a few questions first to make sure I'm on the right track.
1. Have you had this kind of pain previously of the past 6 months? Ever?
2. Is the nerve pain a 'ouch' pain like muscle soreness/ache/spasm, or a tingly, shocking/electrical, funny bone kind of thing? There's lots of variety of pain,please describe for me.
3. Were you actually diagnosed with
Achilles Tendonitis. Doesn't sound like it's your issue, and I don't put much stock in diagnoses usually anyway, but it's good information. If so, what did the doctor say about it at the time?
4. What have you done for
it? Has anything helped? Has anything made it worse?
5. Any health issues?
6. Can you press anywhere in the leg and get that response, or are there just certain spots?
7. How and when does this nerve pain show up? How long does it last? Does it hurt at night in bed?
Ultrasound to see if nerves are mapping right.....that doesn't even make sense to me. I'll leave it at that, and just say that my opinion is that it would be a waste of your time, unless the doctor is looking for tumors or Deep Vein Thrombosis or some other medical danger.
Tendonitis has it's own predictable and reliable set of symptoms and complaints. Doesn't really sound like you have that.
What Is Tendonitis?Little bit of scar tissue on the Achilles Tendon? Shrug. Only a problem if it's a problem.
My first thought is that this nerve pain is due to nutritional deficiency. If so, it will just be a matter of getting your specific levels up.
I'll say more about that later once you give me more clues.
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Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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