My Husband's Constant Pain After Shoulder Surgery on Bursa and pinched nerves
by victoria
(hemet, ca USA)
This is actually not about a tendon surgery problem.
My husband had surgery on his right shoulder in September for a bursa and pinched nerves that he had.
It is now December and my husband is still in agonizing pain.
The doctor had prescribed him medications from vicodin to percocet and absolutely nothing helps.
My husband also received an ice and heat machine and a muscle stimulator that also does not help.
He attends physical therapy 3 times a week and even the physical therapist says his condition seems to be worsening.
His pain is now migrating into migraines.
We have even been to the E.R. due to these conditions and the doctors would give him strong narcotic injections for the pain but they still have not subsided.
Every time we see his orthopedic surgeon, which is every six weeks he just responds to this by saying it takes six months to a year to heal. Which is understandable but is the pain supposed to be this uncontrollable and extreme?
We really don't know what to do for the pain.
Does anybody out there have any suggestions????
If so please HELP!!!
Thank you
Joshua Answers:Hi Victoria. I'm going to leave this submission here in this section because it seems that you didn't leave the right email address, so I don't think you're going to get notification of my response.
I hope you check back and find this.
So I have some questions, but I'm going to save them until we connect again somehow.
1. Tomorrow, get his Vitamin D levels checked.
2. Get your
husband on Magnesium, PRONTO! Go to this page
Magnesium for Tendonitis and then my Kerri's page
Magnesium Dosage.
If your husband is on Statins, that will be an important bit of information.
3. Read this page on
Shoulder Impingement. Read all the shoulder pages connected to it too.
I would probably win the bet if I bet that your husband needed his underarm area worked on, NOT his topside area surgeoned on. The top side pain is a SYMPTOM of something, not the problem.
Thus he is still in pain, and more pain. That doctor is smoking crack if he thinks (hopes) that the pain will just go away in 6 more months. He could have not done the surgery and told you to wait it out another 6 months, if that were the case.
Again, I hope you find this. It sounds like your husband needs some good help fast.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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