New Plantar Fasciitis, Bunions, Severe Pain and Swelling. Are my doctors full of it?
by Chantilly
(Shenandoah, PA, USA)
For four years I have had right foot & ankle swelling. Bad enough that in the evenings I couldn't get a shoe on that foot, but went away with rest. Recently I got a new job that requires me to be on my feet on concrete for ten hours during the night. Before this I had a desk job that required me to be on my feet almost not at all.
With this new job, came all this new pain and weird sensations.
About three months after starting this job, I started experiencing what I could describe as hot spots in my right foot and leg.
It literally felt like someone had poured warm water on certain spots in my skin, but it did not feel warm to the touch. I started to walk with a limp because of the dull ache that I began experiencing at all hours of the day and night. More recently, the pain in my foot after 2-3 hours of being on it, caused me to leave my job in tears twice and then finally caused me to get a medical leave until I can find out what the heck is wrong with me.
I went to my family doctor who said go for an x-ray. I told him that I have never injured the foot. I didn't get x-rays and then he sent me to an orthopedic doctor. He also advised x-rays. I got the x-rays and it showed that there are two bones in my right foot that never fused together.
He said I have the start of Plantar Fasciitis and my Achilles Tendon is very tight. He also said that I have bunions on the left and right side of the foot.
He told me to take naproxin and do a runner's stretch for 40 minutes everyday.
Is it possible that these things can contribute to the swelling so bad that it hurts and so bad that I can't get a shoe on that foot?
Is it possible that stretching is going to make my pain go away even when walking (which would stretch it) only made it worse?
Is this the only treatment because I haven't been to work in over a month now and am afraid to go back only to be in so much pain that I must leave again.
Walking at home is also painful but not nearly as bad as walking or standing on concrete.
Swelling seems to get worse if I drink things with caffeine and sugar such as coffee, iced tea or soda, although swelling occurs even without any.
Joshua Answers:Hello Chantilly.
Yikes. That sounds not very fun at all....
So, are your doctors full of it? I will keep my opinions on that to myself, but I will say the following.
That's all they did for you?!? An
x-ray and a prescription to stretch?!?
You have swelling and irregular nerve sensation/weird sensation on the skin and you can't be on your feet at all and that's the best they had to offer?!?
They didn't check your Vitamin D levels, your Vitamin B6 and B12 levels, didn't say anything about why you might have such swelling, etc??!!??
At best, if I have an accurate picture from what you said, that's pitiful. It's pitiful, and backs up my belief that we don't need health care reform, we need total health care OVERHAUL, tearing it down and starting over from a foundation of
'health' instead of 'poorly treating symptoms and not the cause of the problem'.
Having said that, let me get some more information so that I do end up with a complete and accurate picture of what's going on.
Questions:1. How old are you?
2. History of foot pain other than the past 4 years?
3. Overall health description? Diabetes? Thyroid issues? Overweight? Historical activity level? Energy levels?
4. How bad is the swelling? Same on both sides?
5. Please describe in more detail the hotspots/weird warm feeling. Where? How often? How long does it last? Big spots, little spots, all over, top of the foot, side of the foot, up the leg? The more detailed, the better.
6. Are the bunions any different than they were 4 years ago, 10 years ago? Did you not know they were there?
7. How fast does the pain go away when you are off your feet? Does it go away?
This doesn't at all sound like Tendonitis
There obviously is some
Process of Inflammation going on, though I'm not confident that that is from Plantar Fasciitis etc.
A lot of this sounds nutritional. It could be the case that structures are now so tight and the foot is structurally fragile due to the unfused bones (that potentially caused the formation of the bunions) and is now counting as a trigger for some serious inflammation.
Still, I don't know enough yet. Answer the questions above, do the advised stretching (that's a smart thing to do), and we'll go from there.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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