Numbness after Carpal Tunnel Surgery, ZING during
by Debra
(Lees Summit, MO)
I had Carpal Tunnel surgery January 22, 2010. I still do not have feeling in my middle finger and insides (toward middle finger) of my ring and index fingers.
I had a Bier Block and was awake during the surgery.
While the Dr was performing the surgery I felt what I would call an extremely painful ZING through and to the ends of my middle 3 fingers.
I am scheduled to return to have nerve testing done at the end of May if feeling has still not returned.
Could the ZING I experienced have anything to do with the numbness?
I am concerned that the feeling will not return.
Thank you.
Joshua Answers:Hi Debra.
Well, the zing could have been from a few things.
1. The surgeon nicked a nerve.
2. The nervous system, for various reasons, sent out an electrical charge. It's all electric/chemical.
3. Due to the damage that was happening from the surgery, and the confusion caused by the nerve block, there was an instantaneous muscle spasm, like a twitch, but more like an electrical twitch.
Bad news if the surgeon nicked the nerve. Nothing to be done about that but suffer.
If that's not the case, then I wouldn't worry about the ZING.
I would worry about the doctors wanting to do another surgery because the first one wasn't successful.
What if that numbness is
from up at the elbow, or neck/shoulder/chest? Surgery at the wrist isn't going to help that.
What if your symptoms are from
Inflammation That Causes Vitamin B6 Deficiency, or Vitamin B12 deficiency, which causes nerve issue?
What if you have tight structures other than the specific spot where they did surgery? It's all part of the
Tendonitis dynamic, and absolutely includes a
Pain Causing Dynamic of progressive tightness and inflammation.
What Is Tendonitis?What if the scar tissue from the surgery is 'knitting' everything together and making it tighter?
I'm not really sure if I answered your question/dealt with you concern. Let me know if not, or if you have any further questions.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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