Ongoing De Quervian's Tenosynovitis, Doctors Want Me To Have Surgery
by Erin
(Williamsburg, VA)
After 2 years of pain in my right wrist ( i am right handed, therefore complete non-use of my hand and wrist for work is not possible) upon overuse - In August, pain in my wrist became so unbearable that I could not touch the skin on my hand, wrist, or forearm, swelling became noticeably present, and the use of my hand and wrist became very weak - therefore, I decided to see an orthopeadic surgeon.
My first visit I was diagnosed with DeQuervian's with just X-rays and a physical exam...I was told my symptoms were mild. I didn't call that mild, but OK.
At that point he told me to take about 400mg of Motrin 3x a day and wear a splint - if it hadn't improved in 2 weeks - Surgery was my only option.
2 weeks later I was in the same situation and at that appointment he was adamant about surgery, I refused and he gave me a cortisone shot despite me telling him about recent experiences with Cortisone (i received one to help with Carpal Tunnel - at that point I realized that i had a reaction to them). The cortisone shot as expected cause increasing extreme pain and 3 weeks later after the crystals dissolved, no pain reduction was felt.
At that point after being dismissed when i called to tell the office that the cortisone was causing extreme pain, I started doing my own research. I discovered that chiropractic care was often helpful in cases of tenosynovitis and tendinitis.
Since 1st of Oct. I have been under the care of a chiropractor with specialization in sports medicine. Trigger Point Massage, manipulation of the wrist joints, Ultrasound, Ice and Heat therapy, and the Graston technique have been used.
The pain has subsided but has since stopped subsiding - the pain has went from a 10 to a 8 in a matter of 6 weeks. The chiropractor seems to think that it should have improved more and keeps asking when i want to see the hand surgeon he wants to refer me too.
Should this have improved more after
being treated for 6 weeks or should i continue with the chiropratic treatment.
I'm just not comfortable with the idea of surgery after failed carpal tunnell release. Could this be in relation to the carpal tunnel?
At this point I am beyond frustrated and any help would be greatly appreciated.
I hoping you might be able to give me some idea on how to proceed...
Joshua Answers:Hi Erin.
I'm happy to help. had
Carpal Tunnel surgery that didn't help, and later had other thumb/hand/wrist pain that a different doctor called Deqeurvain's?
True? False?
And fyi, x-rays don't diagnose
Tendonitis. So the doc was just ruling out fractured bones etc.
And wow, that doc went right from
Anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen and a
wrist splint to surgery?
**shakes head in dismay at the vast majority of doctors having no clue about how to -effectively- treat Tendonitis**
I agree, let's keep you away from surgery. What would they cut on, anyway?? How exactly would that help?
I have a lot more to say, but first, some questions:1. Tell me about the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Details details details.
2. Tell me more about the Dequervains. details, details, details.
3. Where are you at now, symptom wise?
4. What have you been doing for it to help it?
5. What's your overall food/dietary intake look like?
6. Age.
7. Overall health.
8. History of accident or injury?
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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