Pain Behind Knee At Bend With Swelling In The Fold Of Knee

by Kris
(norman, ok. usa)

Out of the blue my left knee felt tight behind the knee at fold (bend). i felt behind my knee and it feels like a muscle is bulging out (swelling). when i walk each step i take has a clicking sound. i have no injuries. i sit at a desk all day and i do sit indian style in my chair a lot.

did i cut off circulation? is it dehyrdation?

i took some naproxen and it seems to help the slight pain.

and i dont hear the clicking anymore.

i have iced my knee and raised it up and swelling is gone at night while sleeping.

but as the day goes on i feel the knee tightening and clicking sound starts i push around where the clicking is and press all over my knee no pain but the pain i am feeling i do believe is from swelling.

i am 44 yrs old and 10 pounds overweight.

i have been larger in size before and never had knee issues so i dont feel it is a weight thing.



Joshua Answers:

Hi Kris.

Right off, I have no idea.

A few questions, and then my theory on what it sounds like so far.

1. Where is the clicking coming from? Front? Side? Back?

2. If you sit at your desk regular style, does it stiffen up and you have to straighten your knee a few times?

3. Swelling is like fluid filled? Or just puffy? Please describe in more detail.

4. When you press in like you said, there's no pain? Can't find a hurting muscle?

5. Exercise at all?

6. Does it hurt to walk around? Knees hurt? Ache? Joint pain? Or just swelling pain behind the knee?
7. What happens when you ice? (And, how do you ice?)

It's doesn't sound like a classic case of pattelar-femoral syndrome, where there is a muscle imbalance in the quads that causes irritation of the patella/knee.

This could be it with you, and for whatever reason you have a big Process of Inflammation response that for you causes a lot of swelling behind the knee for whatever reason.

Could be a circulation problem. How's your heart and circulation in general?

Lymphatic return system sounds like it's working (clears at night) but is overloaded during the day and can't keep up with all the swelling.

Doesn't sound like Tendonitis at all, unless you know something I don't.

See: What Is Tendonitis?

Answer the above questions, and let's go from there.

Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.

And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert

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Sep 26, 2018
Pain in fold of knee
by: Anonymous

Horrible pain in back fold of knee. It will go down the side of my calf from the knee and most times go into the otter side of my foot up to my end toes. If I bike or use elliptical it is excruciating at night.

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