Peroneal Tendonitis From Too Much Road Walking
by Paul
(England, UK)
I have Peroneal Tendonitis from too much road walking.
See specialist in 2 months, long wait for healthcare in england, uk.
Apart from icing as much as I can what else can I try ?
Self massage ?
Rest ?
Heel lifts ??
Might a night or day splint help ?
I am swimming for cardio.
Joshua Answers:Hi Paul.
Road walking as exercise, a sport, just getting too and fro?
So you have Peroneal Tendonitis, and presumably pain and such.
I'm going to ask for more information, and then answer your question. More information will later be able to help me better answer your question.
Questions:1. Age.
2. Activity level.
3. How long have you had Peroneal Tendonitis Symptoms?
4. Why do you think it's Peroneal Tendonitis, as opposed to anything else?
5. What have you done for it so far?
6. What has worked, what hasn't?
Answers:1. Rest. Won't save you.
2. Heel Lifts. NO! The muscles is already too short. Shortening it may temporarily relieve pain, but it sets you up for more of the same, and worse.
3. A night splint could very well help a lot. I'm not a fan of day splints.
4. Icing. YES! Specifically, get an ice cube or some such and dig in there to where it hurts, and ice massage all over in there.
5. Self Massage. YES! With fingers, knuckles, elbows, whatever, and/or ice cube, get in there
rub around, press, squeeze, pin and stretch, etc.
#4 and #5 right at this moment are your best bets for getting out of pain quickly and effectively.
Frequently and repeatedly.
6. Make sure you have read and understand the
Process of Inflammation, and
Pain Causing Dynamic pages.

Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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