Peroneal Tendonitis in high level female soccer player
by C
Hi There
I am a 30 year old female. I play soccer at a really high level/training every day etc.
I highly supinate and have had a few ankle sprains in the past.
The peroneal tendonitis that I had pretty bad in 2004 was actually on the other ankle, but this year, I played a full match, had the next day free, felt fine, took a 2 hour flight, and then the next day had some discomfort, but was told by my club team physio that it was fine, and played a 90 minute match.
Things quickly deteriorated after that, I had problems walking a couple of days later, and then after training for 2 days, icing like crazy, it just was a deep pain in my peroneal tendon on the outside, right under my ankle bone.
I took time off, went to physio, and thought I had a handle on it, and started building slowly up again. I could still feel the tendonitis in the morning, but was taking it slow and taking days off.
I had a training camp, and then things just deteriorated again with 2 90 minute games in 3 days and 2 a day trainings. Since then, I played a couple of more weeks, (just matches no training) and for the last 6 weeks have done very little on it trying to get it to rest. And it doesn't seem to be helping.
So my questions are
1. Should I do what the doctor recommended and get a cortizone shot? What are the ramifications? Is it a short term fix?
2. What do you suggest I do at this point? What would help in your opinion. I realize I am probably at the chronic point and it will take a while to get better and I probably just need to continue to be patient, but if you have feedback in terms of treatment, it would be sincerely appreciated.
Thank you
Joshua Answers:Hi C.
Look around this site for information on
Tendonitis in general.
Here's my general conversation on
Corticosteroid Injections.
Specifically for you as a high level athlete, and answering your questions....
1. Yes, there is danger to corticosteroid injections.
It may make the pain worse.
** It may take the pain away, so you don't feel any pain, then you go play hard and make things worse without feeling it.
** Corticosteroid injections can (and does) weaken connective tissue. That's the last thing you want to happen.
Overall, I'm a thumbs down to injections of corticosteroids because while it may get you through a game or two, it doesn't help or fix the problem, and can cause you to injure yourself more. Without being able to feel it happening.
2. I'm not a fan of patience. Patience doesn't heal Peroneal Tendonitis. I believe in doing effective things to fix problems.
You're coming to see me in person, that's great (and smart!)
But I'll keep my response here limited to self care.
1. Learn
How To Reduce Inflammation. No 20 minute ice packing.
Magnesium for Tendonitis.
3. Constant regular light stretching and self massage. Focus on everything, not just on what hurts.
4. Get my
Reversing Achilles Tendonitis ebook and translate it to your Peroneal Tendonitis. (Since you're coming to work with me, I'll get you one of those.)
The above may have been a bit vague, but #1 and #2 is easy and very effective and reducing pain and helping the body start to help itself more than hurt itself. And #3, if you apply yourself, increased that even more.
More questions, more answers.
Please reply using the comment link below. Do not submit a new submission to answer/reply, it's too hard for me to find where it's supposed to go.
And, comments have a 3,000 character limit so you may have to comment twice.
Joshua Tucker, B.A., C.M.T.
The Tendonitis Expert
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Dec 11, 24 08:57 PM
Reversing DeQuervains Tendonitis is relatively simple to do when you know the RIGHT ways to actually make de quervains tendonitis go away.
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